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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of present research was examines relationship of perfectionism and self-esteem with sport achievement in weight lifters. The research sample consisted 54 weight lifter were selected through sampling method. Together the data, Sport Dimensional Perfectionism Scale, Self-Esteem Scale and Checklist of Sport Achievement were used. The results showed that perfectionism is negatively related to sport achievement (r=-0.45). Also, self-esteem is positively related to sport achievement (r=.042). perfectionism was negatively correlated with self-esteem (P<0.01). Also component of perceived coach pressure of perfectionism and self-esteem were the best predictor for sport performance. The results of indicated that high level of perfectionism and low level of self-esteem decreases sport achievement.

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This study explored the relationship between social physique anxiety (SPA) and the stages of exercise behavior change (EBC) in university students. For this purpose, the SPA questionnaire developed by Hart et al. (1989) and the stages of EBC scale developed by Cardinal (1997) were employed and randomly administered to 380 students (185 male and 195 female) who were majoring in fields other than physical education at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The content validity of these instruments was confirmed by experts and the internal consistency of the SPA scale proved to be 0.83 in a pilot study. The data were analyzed by employing Spearman correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal- Willis and Chi-square tests. The results revealed the mean 26.28 for males and 27.63 for females. While there was an inverse and significant correlation between the SPA and the EBC (r=-0.144, P=0.005), no relationship was found between male and female SPA (P>0.05). However, the SPA of students correlated significantly with their stage of EBC (P < 0.01). Based on results of the research, high rate of students' social physique anxiety is related to their low physical activity levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1802

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The purpose of this research was to Study of task intensity effect on attention focus during physical activity in male physical education students in Shahid Chamran University. The method of this research was semi experimental and from 120 male students as statistical population (30 male physical education students were selected) simple randomly and put into two groups (15 subjects for handgrip task and 15 subjects for cycling task). The instruments were a dynamometer hand grip and an ergo meter cycling. Furthermore attention focus questionnaire (AFQ) used in study for investigation of subject's preferred attentional style. The reliability of questionnaire by cronbach's alpha was obtained 0.89 and its validity supported by experts of physical education faculty.Analyzing the research hypotheses at the p<0.05 revealed that attention focus shift in both tasks accordance increase in exercise intensity and change into associative attention. Also findings indicated that there is relationship between preferred attentional style and actual attention focus in both tasks but not significant. The relationship in end stage was more than beginning stage in handgrip task. Whereas was reversed in ergo meter cycle task.

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The aim of this study was to determine whether previous trajectory plans reused in aiming targets with obstacles sometimes emerge in the way. For this purpose, in two experiments, right hand position of voluntary male students (N=55, 18-22 years) was measured in conditions that presence of obstacle in sequential trails was changed (randomly, in first experiment; predictable sequences in second experiment) by using potentiometer encoders located at the manipulandum joints. In first experiment, ANOV A results showed that trajectories when no obstacles were present had more start angel (motor planning index) if obstacle had recently appeared than if obstacles had not recently appeared (p<0.001). In the second experiment, from the similarity (F<1) between start angel of groups (predictable sequence groups with and without instruction; random pattern group) concluded that not only trajectory perseveration effect was not the result of sequential expectancy, but also this effect was related to trajectory planning. In general, we inferenced that control of sequential obstacle avoidance movements depended on previous movements and that in the motor planning, optimization of computational costs of trajectory formation preferred by minimal biomechanical costs of effectors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this research was to determine sources of stress, burnout factors and intention to retire in Iranian professional football referees, as well as determine the relationship of these variables which each other. (N=86) Iranian professional football referees that referee in current year at primary and first football league, composed samples of this research. Individual characterize and consent form, and soccer official's sources stress survey revised for Iranian football referees, burnout inventory and intention to retire Questionnaire were used to getting information. The referees that participate in conference meeting accomplished the questionnaire and forms. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four correlated sources of stress factors (technical performance, interpersonal conflicts, evaluation and time pressure) according for 65.37% total variance. There was significant relationship between sources of stress and burnout. Referees reported that they want seriously continue refereeing. In general, Iranian football referees stresses and burnout was in low rate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1165

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of contextual interference using bandwidth and self-control feedbacks on learning of parameter and generalized motor program in pursuit tasks. 180 novice, right hand and volunteer subjects (18-25 years) were participated in two separate experiments. Each experiment included six groups of blocked, serial and random of bandwidth and self-control (6 groups of 15 subjects in each experiment). The task of subjects in first experiment was to pursuit light target on the rotary pursuit system with stable motor program (quadrangle) and variable parameters (with speeds of 20, 30 and 40 cycle pre minute). In the second experiment, the light target was pursuit with stable parameter (20 cycle pre minute) and variable motor programs (patterns of quadrangle, circle and triangle). Both experiments were conducted with, different arrangements and feedbacks. The time on target (TOT) was recorded by computer as performance score of subjects. After participating in the pre-test (including one blocked of 9 trials), all subjects, practiced for eight sessions and in each session two blocks of nine trials were performed and then they participated in the acquisition, retention and transfer (after 72 hour) tests. The data were analyzed with using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), factorial ANOVA with Repeated measures and Bonferroni post hoc tests. The finding showed that in both experiments, the blocked groups performance of bandwidth and self-control was significantly better than other groups in the acquisition stage (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the performance of groups in the retention and transfer stages in first experiment (P>0.05). However, the performance of bandwidth and self-control random groups in second experiment was significantly better than other groups in retention and transfer stages (P<0.05). On the other hand, the performance of self-control feedback groups in both experiments was better than bandwidth feedback groups (P<0.05). Finally, the results of the present research show the useful effects of bandwidth and self-control feedback on learning of generalized motor program relative to the parameter and provided other support for the notion of dissociation between these processes, and Magill & Hall hypothesis.

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View 1193

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The purpose of this study was to examine the contextual interference effect on acquisition, retention and transfer of volleyball skills (based on changes in Generalized Motor Programs and parameters). This study included two experiments. Seventy-eight novice female students (22.2±1.3 years) participated in the study. Participants of experiment one were taught volleyball skills (set, pass and serve). Experiment two was included volleyball skill (set) with different distance parameters. Participants were assigned into three groups afterwards. Prior to allocating the subjects to each group, a pre-test was performed. The three groups encompassed the blocked, serial blocks and random Practices. All of the participants took part in 6 training sessions including 60 trails per session; 20 trails for each tasks. After the completion of training sessions, the retention and transfer tests were performed in separate days. Factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on training sessions indicated significant improvements in skills for the three groups in both experiments. However there were no significant differences among groups. The results of one-way analysis of variances revealed that there were no significant differences among groups on retention and transfer tests. Based on the findings of the present study no effect of contextual interference in learning of volleyball skills was found. Finally, These findings suggest that either blocked, Serial blocks or random practice could be effectively used in learning of volleyball skills by unskilled persons.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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