Background and Aim: Enough water with proper quality is necessary for life. Health promotion and environment guarding is dependent on providing fresh water. Human civilization has been started near the rivers, seaside or natural fountains. Fresh and healthy water is very important in preventing most of diseases such as: Diarrhea, Cholera, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Infectious hepatitis, Ameba and bacillus diarrhea. The people of old times evaluate the water quality only through physical senses such as: vision, taste and smelling. Because no methods and techniques were found for determination of water quality and its effects on human health biological, chemical and medical sciences were developed. We entered to determining chemical and physical parameters of Gonabad drinking water to be compared finally with national and world standards.Materials and Methods: To evaluate the strategic parameter in the study, the standard methods were used. For Turbidity, EC and pH measuring turbidity meter, EC meter and PH meter sets were used, Oven was used for TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), Hardness was measured by titration method and residual Chlorine was also measured by DPD method.Results: The measured parameters average were such as the followings: residual Chlorine =0.57 ppm, EC= 1840.36 mmho/cm, PH= 7.56, Hardness=268.6 mg/lit, Turbidity= 0.33 NTU and TDS= 901.65 mg/l.Conclusion: Statistical analysis doesn't show a meaningful difference between the parameters with standard parameters. There is a significant difference between Chlore parameter in spring and summer time. It seems that this difference is due to Gonabad hot climate in the summer (desert area). There was a significant difference between PH in spring and summer time, too.