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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1037

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View 1250

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Background: In molecular diagnosis of microbial agent, purification of chromosome is very important step. In this study, after cell destruction, DNA replication was done by increasing the denaturation time, without DNA purification.Methods and Materials: In this experimental study eight different dilution of E.coli (8/100, 4/100, 2/100, 1/100, 1/200, 1/400, 1/800 and 1/1600) solution were madce in D.W, Bacteria were separated by filtration. Polymerase chain reaction method was used to propagate 162 rRNA gene by design primers without DNA Purification. In order to confirm sensitivity of PCR, contamination of 15 different sources of Arak well water wafer was compared by MPN method. For confirmed sensitivity of PCR, 15 sources of water in Arak were examined and compared with MPN method.Results: Present of bacteria in diution sou tion was confirmed by culture. Polymerale Chain reaction (PCR) data were shown this method is able to recognize bacteria in above dilutions after filtration. This study showed high sensitivity of PCR method in compare to MPN method.Conclusion: Results were shown without stages of extraction of DNA, PCR were done without losing chromosome. Therefore false negative results were decrease and avoided from difficult phases.

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View 728

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Background: Marital conflicts have great impact on social, economic and cultural aspects of the couples and their children. New Psychological interventions like “Imago Relationship Therapy” (IRT) have been widely used for resolving these conflicts. This study examined the efficacy of couple dialogue technique on marital relationship and children`s behavior in Iranian society.Methods and Materials: In a Clinical Trial study eighty consecutive couples refered to general pediatric clinics due to their children’s diseases, randomly allocated to intervention group(couple dialogue technique) and control group (consult usual treatment method) in consultation center. They filled "Distance and Isolation Questionnaire" and "Gottmann Love and Respect Scale" at baseline, post treatment and three months after intervention as follow up all of them. General linear Model with Repeated Measurements was used to analyze the data.Results: In this study, scores of mutual love and respect in marital relationship (Gottmann scale) and scores in Flooding, Loneliness and Retreatment subscales of Distance and Isolation Questionnaire had a better condition in IRT group just after the trial (P<0.05); but after three months, the differences between two groups were only marginal significant (P<0.1).In Parallel lives` subscale, scores were decreased in two groups, but right after trial there was not significant scores of the groups did not difference between scores. Scores after three months in IRT group was significantly lower in compare to control group. Scores of CBCL have not statistically significant differences in both groups at any time (P>0.05).Conclusion: This study revealed couple dialogue technique was an effective intervention in solving marital conflicts in Iranian population but had not a significant effect on children’s behavioral profile. This may be due to other factors or insufficient duration of intervention and needs more investigation and needs more investigation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1620

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Background: pentylenetetrazole kindling is widely used as a model for epileptogenesis. The achievement of kindling criterion is known to require repeated drug injection during time to develop. In this article a series of experiments aimed to examin the hypothesis that after 4 primary injections only time is needed to induce kindling in wistar rats.Methods and Materials: In this experimental research, 32 male Wistar rats were divided in two groups. Control Group were kindled by repeated injections of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ; 37.5 mg/kg;i.p. 48 h interval), in case group were done 4 repeated injections of pentylenetetrazole and have 32 days time lapse, at the end of experiment two groups received same dose of PTZ simultaneously and seizure parameters were assessed. Data were analyzed using student’s t-test and one way ANOVA and Turkey’s test.Results: Results showed there isn’t significant differences in seizure parameters such as seizure stage (control; 4.75±0.26, case; 4.75±0.29), stage 2 latency (control; 165±16.6, case; 216±38.68), stage 5 latency (control; 2.13±0.38, case; 3.47±0.64) and stage 5 duration (control; 21.15±2.42, case; 23.42±1.20) between two groups.Conclusion: Results of this experiment introduce the new critical time window for PTZ kindling.

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View 909

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Background: There has been an increase in the number of women willing to have a caesarean birth because of their fear of childbirth. It seems the childbirth preparation educational class is a good way to remove or alleviate fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth. This research designed to identify the effect of childbirth preparation classes on childbirth fear on the primiparous women.Methods and Materials: The present study is a clinical trial which was carried out in 2007 at Milad Hospital, with 100 nulliparous pregnant women. Childbirth fear was measured by childbirth attitudes questionnaire. Normal pregnant women in the second trimester with childbirth fear score was 28 or more were randomly selected and dirided into experimental and control group with 50 subject in each group. The experimental group attended nine childbirth preparation class sessions and control group received routine antennal care.Results:  The mean scored fear of childbirth in case and control group were 39.35±6.96 and 40.71±6.23 respectively. There was not significant difference between two groups. After the sessions, comparing childbirth fear score between two groups in third trimester showed the mean score of childbirth fear among experimental group was lower than control group (29.82+/- 7.18   compare to 38.03+/-9.27), and the differences statistically was significant (p<0.001). Mode of delivery was significantly different between the two groups.Conclusion: Primiparous women attended childbirth preparation classes acquired lower score of childbirth fear in compare to women received routine prenatal care. The results of this research showed relaxation training decreased childbirth fear and increased normal vaginal delivery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2384

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Background: The face the main channel through which the individual communicates. It is the site of beauty and attractiveness. Physical attractiveness has stereotyping nature. Because the precise content of the stereotype depends on cultural values. The aim of this study was described the range of psychosocial issues burned disfigurement people that psychosocial support programmers may need to address after hospitalization.Methods and Materials: Part of data from a larger study grounded theory approach was reported by this Paper. In this qualitative study, individual in depths interview performed with 21 participants. Interviews were analyzed using a content analysis.Results: After data analyzed five axial category emerging from this qualitative study included social behaviors and beliefs (reproach, retirement, wrong thoughts and beliefs, stigmatize, pity) emotional problems (grief, shame, fear of expulsion, aversion, hopelessness) reactions assessment (positive assessment, Negative assessment) strategy (hidden, separation, self-presentation) and weariness.Conclusion: Findings indicated negative behaviors' and beliefs' of people cause emotional problems in disfigured people. These persons perform inappropriate strategy against behaviors' and beliefs' of people. Therefore This persons need to appropriate supportive programs for community, family and person instruction to knowledge, attitude and practice promotion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1058

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Background: Backache is a common problem in pregnancy period. Scientists believe that some simple exercise can help to prevent the occurrence of backache during their pregnancy period. Thus, this research carried out in order to investigate the effect of some simple exercises and correct daily activity in prevention of backache in pregnancy period.Methods and Materials: This is a clinical trial study that was carried out on 138 of pregnant women .The first group including 66 women which considered as control group and treatment group including 72 women. The research had four stages: 1) stage of taking history. 2) Arrange a teaching program. 3) Stage of performance (In case group samples were done 60 minutes aerobic exercises for 3 days a week for the 30 weeks under supervision a physiotherapist). 4) Assessment the results. Data were analyzed by SPSS for statistical analysis.Results: According to the result 18.2% of woman that were under treatment and 36.6% of control group, suffered from backache. Chi-square test showed significant differences between two groups. In addition Odd ratio of treatment population was 2(CI%95 = 4/04-1/91 & p<0/05).Conclusion: The result showed simple exercises during pregnancy period cannot eliminate backache, but it can decrease delay backache.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1091

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Background: Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of all cancer in women. In this study form various methods for treatment of depression due cancer. This study conducted for comparison drug therapy and drug-cognitive therapy on decreasing depression, effect of drug and cognitive theray on decreasing depression. Methods and Materials: This is a clinical trial study. Form patient referred to oncology clinic and ward of vali-e-Asr hospital 78 women were selected by simple sampling.  Based on Beck depression test, 42 of them had depression. They randomly divided to case and control groups. Both groups received antideresant drug as usual. But case group had also cognitive- drug therapy. After 6 Month treatment both group were tested again for depression. Data was analyzed by spss using independent and paired t tests.Results: The mean depression score had not significant difference between case and control grops beor and after treatment. The mean depression score in control group had no significant deference before and after treatment the mean depression score in the case group was significantly different after treatment (p<0.05). The mean score of depression in control group was more than case group after treatment.Conclusion: In the present study cognitive therapy cause a significant decrease in depression score of case group.

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View 2445

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Background: Metronidazole has antibacterial and antiparasitic action. Therefore it can use for treatment inflammatory diseases as Crohn. The effect of metronidazole on human’s blood lipids to reducing levels of LDL and VLDL and increasing level of HDL is under investigation. Target of this research is consideration effect of metronidazole on hyperlipidemia case of death such as coronary artry disrase. Methods and Materials: This study is a triple blind clinical trial was done on 100 voluntaries between 25-65 years old with hyperlipidemia. Samples divided in two equal groups. The first group received metronidazol, 500mg, BID, for 10 days, and control group received placebo with the same dose. Lipids of serum were measured before and after using drugs, then data analyzed by SPSS software.Results: In metronidazol group amount of total cholesterol, LDL and Triglyceride were significantly less than placebo group. HDL’s amount in metronidazole group was significantly more than placebo group.Conclusion: Significant effect of metronidazole on reducing harmful blood lipids and increasing useful blood lipids. It can be suggested a probable candidate in treatment of hyperlipidemia. Maybe it can use with this application. Although it needs to more study by meta analysis to validate this effect.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5680

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Background: One of the best examples of epimorphic regeneration in the mammals is the formation of new tissues formed from blastema in holes punched in the ears of rabbits. The aim of this research is to investigate speed and percentage of regeneration in different geometrical shaped holes and different regions of rabbit's ear.Methods and Materials: In this experimental research different region of rabbit's ear (proximal, medial and distal) were punched as different geometrical shaped holes (circlc, quadrangle and triangle) with the same area (50 mm2) Ubyg a puncher which designed for this purpose. The regeneration of wounds was evaluated and the percentage of regeneration was calculated. After punching, each 3 days (36-40 days).Results: Results showed speed and percentage of regeneration in circular holes was significantly (P<0.05) more than quadrangular and triangular holes. In addition, regeneration speed of holes located in proximal regions of ear was more than peripheral holes.Conclusion: Wound regeneration in rabbit's ear is related to the geometrical shape of holes. Speed and the percentage of regeneration in circular shapes is more than angular shapes.

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View 1042

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Background: Pain is an unpleasant feeling which humans experience. It is a warning sign of the damaged tissue. Due to the awful sense of pain, scientists always attempt to relieve it. Retinoic acid (RT), an active metabolite of natural vitamin A has important roles in modulation of the inflammatory responses. The aim of the present study was to analyze the pain threshold of rats which had microinjections of RT, applying acute and chronic models.Methods and Materials: In this study, the tail flick and formalin tests were used to determine pain threshold. In each test, the acute and chronic pain thresholds of 252 Wistar male rats (275 ± 25 gr) were assayed.  The druge were injected in the acute model one-dose30 minutes before behavioral testing and in chronic model two-dose for one or two-weeks. The rats of both models divided randomly into six groups (n=7). In four treatment groups retinoic acid (RT) intra cerebro ventricular (i.C.V) were injected as dosagc of 0.5, 3 and 6 (mg/kg) micrograms per kilogram. In control group, was microinjected by ACSF. In vehicle group injected RT solvent (DMSO+ Distil water).Results: The resuits Showed acute injection of RT did not change pain thresholds in the tail-flick methd, but the chronic administration of RT (0.5, 1, 3, 6mg/kg) reduced tail-flick latencies of the rats (p<0.05) in compare to DMSO group. The threshold of pain in the first phase of formalin test was reduced after injection of 3mg/kg of RT for two weeks.Conclusion: It was concluded that chronic i.c.v. injections of RT can induce significant hyperalgesia in rat.

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View 812

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Background: Epileptic seizures are manifestation of epilepsy. Understanding of the mechanisms causing epileptic disorder needs careful analyses of the electroencephalograph (EEG) records. The detection of epileptic form discharges (spike wave) in the EEG is an important component in the diagnosis of epilepsy. Approximately one in every 100 persons will experience a seizure at some time in their life. Already intelligence spike detection method discussed but purpose of this research is diagnosis of different kind of epilepsy (grandmal and Petitmal) by design of an intelligence diagnosis processing.Methods and Materials: In this descriptive study, 100 EEG signals of brain hemispheres from different person in healthy, interictal and ictal conditions were used. Fifty Hz noise and artifact signals were removed by soft ware procedure then signals separated by expert neurologist to three categories, healthy (frequency band 8-12 Hz), petitmal seizures (typical 3 Hz), grandmal seizures (clonic stage with 4 Hz frequency) and divided each of them to 6 seconds segments. Information of this signals (background alpha, spike and slow, poly spike and poly sharp) were extracted by wavelet transform and classified by soft ware procedure neural network to their groups healthy, ptitmal and grandmal epilepsy.   Results: In designed software accuracy of diagnosis ptitmal and grandmal epilepsies was obtained about 80%.Conclusion: This method introduced intelligent diagnosis of epilepsy (ptitmal and gradmal) and automatically detected healthy person from epileptic patients. One of the other advantages is help to neurologist for detection of sickness clearly and expendable different kinds of other epilepsy.

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View 4079

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Background: According to the report of Iranian Center of Disease Control, in the summer of 2005 an outbreak of cholera (Inaba serotype) occurred in Iran. The outbreak lasted the mid of September. The aim of this study was to use the result of different studies performed during this period to determine source of infection.Methods and Materials: This is a meta-analysis study, which studies performed in Qum, Arak, Karaj, Golestan and Ghazvin were eligible. All of these studies were case control ones performed during the August 2005. The totals of cases were 531. A pooled odds ratio was used to estimate by fixed and random method. All computations were performed by Stata 8 software. Results: The estimated pooled odds ratios resulted from 5 different studies were used in the meta-analysis as the following: travelling (1.64; 95% CI: 0.98-1.88), non-pasteurized ice cream (0.88; 95%CI: 0.48-1.61), post toilet hand washing (3.72; 95% CI: 0.86-16.05), eating meal outside home (2.38; 95% CI: 1.46-3.90), raw fruit eating (0.98; 95% CI: 0.42-2.18) and raw vegetables use (5.36; 95%CI: 2.4-12). Conclusion: According to the results of this study raw vegetable use and having meal outside home were significantly associated to the cholera in mentioned provinc.

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View 839

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Background: In the recent years, oxidative stress was attended as one of the causal factors of ischemic stroke. In terms of the role of genetic, geographic and ethnic factors in the prevalence of stroke, this study was designed to compare the oxidative stress indexes of stroke patients with normal healthy subjects in this geographic area.  Methods and Materials: In this case-control study, 36 patients older than 50 years with ischemic stroke and 45 healthy subjects with same age and sex were enrolled. Five milliliter bloods were drawn from all subjects. Samples were centrifuged and plasma was separated. Total antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and thiol levels were measured respectively by FRAP, TBA and HU methods. Then the result was analyzed using t-test.Results: Results showed total antioxidant capacity and thiol plasma levels were lower in stroke patients in compare to healthy subjects, but only the thiol group had significant difference(P=0/001). Although lipid peroxidation showed a slight but non-significant difference in stroke patients in compare to control group.Conclusion: These findings suggest oxidative stress in patients with acute ischemic stroke may be consequences of an imbalance in oxidant/antioxidant homeostasis. Therefore it may be useful to recommend antioxidant medications or diet for these patients.

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View 1273

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Background: Stem cells are considered as ideal model for assessment of environmental toxins on proliferation, multipotency and differentiation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lead as harmaful environmental pollutant on proliferation and neural differentiation of murine bone marrow-MSCs. Methods and Materials: In this experimental study, MSC cells were exposed to different concentrations of lead (0 to 100mM) for 24h, and the level of cell proliferation was determined by 3- (4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-dipheny-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. In addition, DNA fragmentation was evaluated with comet assay at a single cell level. To induce the neural phenotype, MSCs were cultured for 2 days in the presence of 50 bM Pb2+ for 48 h. At the end of this period, the medium was replaced by fresh medium supplemented with 1mM b-ME for 24 hr and then fresh medium supplemented with 7mM b-ME for 4 hours respectively. The expression of neural marker such as nestin, MAP2, and tau was assessed by immunocytochemistry, while the expression of neuronal specific genes such as Neur-1, Nestin, and b-tubulin III was determined by RT-PCR analysis.Results: Exposure to lead reduced the level of cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. The comet assay of cells exposed to lead showed varying degrees of DNA damaged. Change in cell morphology was observed 1 to 4 hr post neural exposure. The percentage of the MAP2 positive cells were reduced significantly at greater than 40mM lead concentration. This observation was further verified by assessment of the expression of neural markers.Conclusion: This study clearly indicated lead is highly cytotoxic to MSCs and these cells appear to be an excellent choice for establishment of guidelines for environmental hazards and drugs on cell proliferation and differentiation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Glycoconjugates molecules showed a programmed change during the development. These components in the cell-surface and extracellular matrix plays important roles for different developmental processes. In this study lectin histochemistry technique was used for identification and localization of some glycoconjugates during the development of thymus.Methods and Materials: Balb/C mice embryos from days 10 to 15 and also day 18 fetuses fixed in formalin and provided 5m serial sections of these samples for histochemical study. Slices were incubated with three types of HRP-conjugated lectins (HRP) include: SBA specified for a, b -D-N-acetylgalactoseamin (a, b -D-GalNAc), PNA specified for b -D-Galactose -(1-3)-D-N-acetylgalactoseamin (b-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc) , MPA specified for D-Galactose (D- Gal). Results: SBA lectin was presented with decreasing intensity in the Golgi zone (GZ) and cell surfaces of mesenchymal cells, epithelial cells and T-cells microenvironment in studying days. In first day (12&13) T-cells had high reaction with SBA in membranes and GZ. PNA lectin was revealed with several intensity in basal membranes and membranes of mesenchymal cells, epithelial and microenvironment of T-cells in studying days. MPA lectin weakly presented in the endodermal and mesenchymal cells and microenvironment of T-cells in all days.Conclusion: Results indicated that glycoconjugates molecules with terminal carbohydrate of GalNAc might have a role in the development of thymus gland and maturation of the T-cells. Glycoconjugates with terminal disaccharide of Gal/GalNAc probably have significant effect on the total developmental process of thymus gland. Further, Glycoconjugates with terminal carbohydrate of Gal probably had not a key role in the development of thymus gland and T-cells or with low quantity effect.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Pain following propofol injection was reported between 28- 90 %. Ketamine have lesser cardiovascular depression effect and also local anesthetic effect. In this study effect of ketamin were analyzed when it given before propofol injection.Methods and Materials:  In a randomized double blind clinical trial selected 120 ASA I, II Ptients with 15-65 years old. They were candidated for elective surgery, in half of the patients 100mg/kg ketamine in 2 ml volume and in another half, 2 ml distilled water were given before propofol injection. Severity of injection pain was evaluated according to 4 scale criteria (none, mild, moderate, or severe) fifteen seconds after injection of 25% of the calculated dose of propofol. Heart rate (HR) and noninvasive blood pressure were recorded before and after propofol injection, immediately and 3 minutes after intubation. The data were analysed by Mann Whitney U, Pooled t-Test and the Chi-squared test.Results: Pain was not sensed in 51.56% and 75% of control and case groups respectively.  In cases group showed little decrease in systolic and diastolic pressures after anesthetic induction (p=0.012 and p=0.005). There were upper diastolic pressures after intubation (p=0.00) and 3 minutes after intubation (p=0.000). During intervention heart rate changes had not significant difference between two groups.Conclusion: Ketamine pre-treatment was an effective method in reducing pain and providing hemodynamic stability after propofol induction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 1 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 15
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