Background and Objective: Previous studies have reported a significant difference between the effects of low and high dose rate gamma rays. The goal of current study was to determine the dose for enhancing the rate of budding of Triticum aestivum cv Arvand seeds.Materials and Methods5355: seeds with similar phenotype were provided and exposed to gamma rays produced by a CO-60 machine installed in Tabriz Imam Khomeyni Hospital (Theraton-1000, Field Size=10×10cm, SSD=80cm and Dose Rate=155cGy/min). Then, seeds were exposed in 6 groups (one control group and 5 groups with daily doses of 0, 100, 250, 500 and 750 cGy respectively for 9 days). 75 seeds from each group were daily counted, sterilized and then transferred to petry dishes. Budding seeds were daily counted and coleoptile length, number of roots and length of roots were measured for each seed in each petry dish after 5 days. Statistical analysis was performed using MSTATC in Random Complete Blocks Design.Results: Our data showed that the optimum dose for maximum budding was 500 cGy per 4 days. Also, we observed that using 500cGy in 4 days was useful for geographical places with short-time growth seasons.Conclusion: Regarding our results, we recommend using 250 cGy per 4 days that is more economical than 500cGy per 4 days. Meanwhile, all examined doses showed a significant decrease in the number of budding seeds after 7th day. This can be due to the destructive effects of gamma rays on the budding seeds. We hope our findings help farmers produce crops with high yields.