Nowadays, rural tourism is considered as a main section in economical activities.
There are different approaches to this important economical activity. Some
recognize it as a segment of tourism market and some believe it as a rural
development policy. The question is that what is the role of rural tourism in rural
development and sustainable rural development.
In the last decade of twentieth century, most of the social and economic planners
in European countries introduce tourism industry as the most certain pattern with
clear landscape for rural development, especially those deprived villages. The
performed studies in France, Austria, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Thailand and
Japan show fast rural tourism development in rural economy and complemented
agricultural activities.
The main nature ohourism industry is creating employment, increasing income,
divesifying economic, social contribution and using local resources. Since what
caused poverty and underdevelopment of the rural societies is the-lack Qf tourism
industry in these societies, which by solving the above mentioned problems can
cause rural development.