BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Due to increasing of child and youth patients that require orthodontic treatment procedures, finding the person with normal occlusion and cephalometric analysis can be valuable. The aim of this study was to investigate the indicators and cephalometric parameters of Babol youths with normal occlusion. METHODS: In this analytical and cross-sectional study, 34 male students between 12-18 years with mean age of 15 and with CLI connection, suitable overjet and overbite, without crowding and spacing and suitable profile were selected among 1200 students of Babol. After taking their parents consent, lateral cephalometry from them was performed in similar condition. After necessary analyses (Down, Tweed and Steiner), they were compared with Caucasian race patterns. FINDINGS: After tracing and cephalometric analysis of each sample, these findings were obtained totally: facial plane angle 82.41°, angle of convexity 4.7°, A-B plane to N-pog - 4.67°, mandibullar plane to Frankfort (FMA) 28.06°, y-axis to Frankfort 65.50°, occlusal plane to Frankfort 12.60°, interincisal angle 124.74°, lower incisor to occlusal plane 25.66°, lower incisor to mandibular plane (IMPA) 100.69°, lower incisor to Frankfort (FMIA) 51.89°, lower incisor to mandibular plane (Tweed analysis) 100.69°, SNA 80.63°, SNB 77.93°, ANB 2.71°, mandibular plane to SN 31.97°, occlusal plane to SN 16.81°, upper incisor to N-A 22.82°, lower incisor to NB 30.44°, upper incisor to AP 8.53 mm , upper incisor to NA 7 mm , lower incisor to NB 7.13 mm.CONCLUSION: According to the results, facial and interincisal angle compared to white European race samples had lower average. But, angle of convexity, FMA, y-axis and occlusal plane to Frankfort angle, lower incisor to occlusal plane angle, IMPA, lower incisor to NB angle, lower incisor to NB (mm) were higher while angles of AB to N-pog, SNA, SNB, ANB, mandibular plane to SN, occlusal plane to SN, upper incisor to NB (mm), do not show considerable difference with white race in this study.