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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Between Jul. and Jan. 2005, the feathers of 113 birds belonging to 37 species from different places of Khuzestan Province to the Persian Gulf were collected. The measurement of Hg was done by the AMA 254, LECO, standard no. ASTM, D-6722. The statistical analysis was done with SPSS software. The Hg level was evaluated in relation to type of food, feeding strategy and taxonomic affiliation. The result showed that the Hg concentration in the feathers ranged 0.07- 4.48 mg/kg, with significant differences among various families. The highest concentration was found in white pelican (Plecanidae), tern, gulls (Laridae) and black stork (Ciconidae), respectivety. Alcedinidae, Anatidae, Upupidae, Glareolidae, and Scolopacidae were in the next orders. Average amounts of Hg was found in houbara bustard (Otidae), common blackbird (Turdidae) and heron, cattle egret, little bittern (Ardeidae), while the least amount of Hg was in white-eared bul bul (Pycnonotidae), common cuckoo (Cucuidae) and collared dove (Columbidae). There were significant differences among the groups of different feeding habits (p<0.001). Fish predators and then crab and fish predators had the highest level of mercury (2.89 and 1.93 mg/kg) and invertebrate predators had the least amount of Hg (0.85 mg/kg). One-way variance analysis showed a significant difference between feeding strategy and mercury density of feathers (p<0.001). There was an increasing pattern in amount of Hg from non-riverine birds to marine birds so that the amount of Hg in marine birds was three times as much the other birds.

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In this study, tidal currents were simulated using a three-dimensional numerical model based on primitive equations in earth’s spherical coordinates system with sigma vertical coordinate. Finite difference method used for solving the equations of model. An oceanic artificial two-layer medium is considered for this simulation. The basin, located in 26oN, 47.5oE to 30.5oN, 56.5oE, has a level bottom and average depth of 120m. Tidal force applied as oscillations of sea surface at eastern boundary.The model is used to determine the response of the basin to tidal forcing by means of numerical simulations. The results of these numerical simulations are shown as prediction of density, temperature, salinity, horizontal velocity, elevations of sea level, bottom pressure tendency, geopotential and vertical velocity fields for both layers.

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View 930

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Morphology and biological characteristics of polychaete, streblospio gynobranchiata, sample from the depth 15 m on the Noor coast was investigated seasonally during one year. Morphological results revealed that the color of this worm was faint green, possessing a distinguished head with a pair of eyes, palps, gills and a mouth. The last segment of its body (pygidum) is simple and without any branches. Length and wet weight of this worm varied in different seasons and on average (n=120) the biggest length and the highest wet weight were 8.61±2.4 mm and 225±35 mg in winter and the least length and the wet weight were 5.82±2.35 mm and 180±35mg in spring. Annual average length and wet weight of mature female (n=55) were 8.11±1.24 mm and 237±42 mg, respectively. The number of mature female segments on average was 41±1.3. Study of feeding and habitat revealed that this worm was a deposit feeder and feeding on the surface organic matter. It lives from 2-2.5 cm up on the sediment surface and almost every 3-4 days, because of food limitation and increasing fecal plate, it moves about some centimeters around its residence.

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View 1219

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Reproduction biology of Caspian sand goby, Neogobius fluviatilis pallasi, was studied during July 2004 to June 2005. Thirty fish were caught each month and their total length (TL), standard length (SL) and total weight were measured. Fish were then dissected and their liver and gonads were weighed. The average TL, SL and total weight were 102.85 6.7 mm, 86 5.1 mm and 12.23 3.05 g. For mature specimens, the average total length and weight in males (126.2 and 26.26) were more than females (106.3 and 12.65). Length – weight relationship showed isometric growth in this species. The estimated sex ratio of 1♀: 1.04♂ wasn’t significantly different from 1:1 (P<0.05), but at the start of reproduction in April, male ratio increased and in May, female ratio was more than male. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) changed when considerable changes in salinity, pH, temperature, and turbidity of water during March to April increased to maximum degree in April observed and decreased until July. Hepato-somatic index (HSI) decreased during this time, too. It seems that females mature in lower age. Results show that this subspecies breeds once a year and has relatively long reproductive season.

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For determining heavy metals in modern sediment of the Sefidrud Delta, 16 surface samples and one core were analyzed. Bioavailability of the heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Zn) was measured after leaching of the samples in cold HCl for a period of 16 hours. Heavy metals in bulk and leached sediments were determined by Atomic Absorption. Maximum concentration of heavy metals was 400 ppm for Zn in bulk sediment. Leachable portion of the heavy metals varied from zero up to 90% (for cadmium) of the bulk concentration. Little percentage of dissolved metals (Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Zn) reveals that they are originated from the mineral structures. Differentiation between the background influence and human impact on the heavy metal concentration was done by using geoaccumulation index (comparison of the metal concentration in the surface sediments and those of cores in the same area). The geoaccumulation indices for the sediment are negligible, that indicate the role of the source region rocks in enrichment of heavy metals. In other words, similarity of the heavy metal concentration in surface and subsurface sediments and slight solubility of the metals indicate that the main source of the metals is natural and the input of anthropogenic heavy metals via the Sefidrud River is negligible. Therefore, the concentration of the heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb) indicates that sediments of Sefidrud Delta are unpolluted yet.

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The lead and cadmium content of water, suspended particulate matter and fish muscle in the Gharahchai River in Markazi Province were determined. Samples were taken from 4 stations during dry and raining seasons. Sample preparation and analysis were done following the international standard method. The heavy metal content was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and the results were analysed using the t-test statistical method. The highest concentration of the heavy metal was found in particulate matter and the lowest concentration in water. The differences between heavy metal content in water and particulate matter of Gharachai river in dry and raining seasons were meaningful, but no significant difference in fish muscle was observed. Briefly, the heavy metal content in Gharachai river is high and we should protect this river from pollution by employing a better management.

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View 839

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Accumulation of heavy metals in edible and inedible tissues of male, female and immature greenback mullet, Liza dussumieri, from three stations along Boushehr coasts (Boushehr to Bandar-Dayyer) was investigated. After doing biometry and weighing of fish, chemical digestion of samples was done by international standard method. Concentration of heavy metals including iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, mercury, lead and cadmium in muscle, gill and viscera was measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results showed that the concentration of heavy metals was higher in inedible than in the edible tissues. There was a significant difference in absorption and accumulation of heavy metals in muscle of male and female fish. Moreover, accumulation of these metals in gill and viscera differed, depending on the vicinity of stations to pollution sources. Significant difference in absorption and accumulation of heavy metals was also observed between weight and length classes of fish (P<0.05).

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View 2348

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The species diversity and dominance of intertidal mollusks in the Boushehr city coasts were investigated from March 2002 till February 2002 to demonstrate the impacts of urban sewages effluent on this marine habitat. Sampling was carried out seasonally in 8 intertidal stations of which seven satiations were under urban sewage effluent and the 8th station was our reference for not being under urban sewage effluent. For this purpose, 1056 samples were collected by a 50×50(cm) quadrate from hard bottoms and a core sampler from soft bottoms. The results showed high pollution and very low diversity in the coasts that were under urban effluent. But we saw high value of diversity in the reference station. In this investigation we introduced the Planaxis sulcatus and Cerithidea cingulata, two marine gastropods as polluted areas indicators as they showed high degree of tolerance against high amounts of organic pollution and they had a high density in this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This experiment was conducted to introduce the main families and identify the species of Pleuronectiformes on coastline of the Persian Gulf along Hormozgan province, from Gavbandi in southwest to Hormoz Strait. The study was carried out from March 2003 to June 2004.In this study, 329 fish were sampled. The fish were either caught by trawl or bought from the local fishmongers. The sampling was carried out in 9 different regions seasonally. Some 36 traits and parameters including 18 morphometric (measurable), 11 meristics (countable) and 7 apparent ones were determined. Analysis of morphometric data and dendrograms using cluster method and comparing the biometric data with the identification check list, it turned out that there were 6 main and dominant families including Citharidae, Bothidae, Soleidae, Psttodidae, Cynoglossidae, Paralichtidae in the area. In addition, the identification of above-mentioned families indicated that 15 species of such families are inhabiting the Hormozgan coastline of the Persian Gulf. The identified species are as follows:Brachirus orientalis, Parachirus marmoratus; (family Soleidae); Cynoglossus arel, Cynoglossus bilineatus, Cynoglossus puncticeps, Cynoglossus lachneri (Family Cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus elevatus, Pseudorombus arsius, Pseudorombus malayanus, Poecilopstei  javanicus (Family  paralichtidae); Arnoglossus aspilos, Arnoglossus arabicus, Laeopes guentheri (Family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family Psettodidae) and Citharoides macrolepis (Family Citharidae).

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View 1016

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