Entrepreneurs have a key role in social changes and economic development. Entrepreneurs have been the main elements in acceleration of development in developing countries and also have been considered as renewing element of life and extension of development in developed countries. For Iran's current economic situation, which is faced with the important problems like brain flight, unemployment or low employment especially among educated and expert labor force, also decrease in government investment, and the lack of sufficient economic growth, training of entrepreneur is more critical. Hence the study of educated employees' situation, in viewpoint of the type of occupation could be a useful effort. On the basis of the results obtained from this research, the probability of entrepreneur among Ferdowsi University educated, comparing with wage and salary employees in private and public sectors can be defined that, there is a positive relationship between income and age, there is a positive relation between entrepreneur and education of parents, while there is negative relation between vocation and main education discipline. Also entrepreneur is more among men in contrast with women.