The aim of the study is to calculate the economic effects of tourism in
I.R. Iran. To fulfil this objective the input-output analysis method has
been employed. The effects of foreign tourists expenditures on
production, income, employment, government revenues, income
distribution and imports have been calculated.
The results indicate that the industries of hotel and restaurant, food
industry, clothing and leather industries, handicrafts and transportation
industry have highly been affected and absorbed the highest portion of
the production, revenue and employment eventuated from the
expenditures of foreign tourists. The government revenues and imports
will also be increased by the growth of tourism. In addition, the
calculations show that the expansion of tourism in Iran will improve the
distribution of income too.<6br>
The incremental parameters of production, revenue and employment,
relevant to different economic sectors, indicate that the tourism sector
in Iran, in comparison to other sectors, is of great importance from the
point of view of generating production, revenue and employment.