Introduction: Rapid growth of populations, urbanization, and working in confined spaces has led to an increasing demand for healthy recreations such as swimming in public pools. In view of the fact that contaminated pools could transmit a number of contagious diseases, their sanitation is considered as top priority in environmental health programs. The aims of the investigations described in this study were two fold: (1) Firstly, to evaluate the degree of microbial contamination of the open and covered pools with selected groups of bacteria (major indices of water contamination) (2) Secondly, to assess the relationships between the degree of contamination and variables such as the mean value of residual chlorine, pH, temperature, etc in the pools.Material and Methods: Using standard methods, numerous samples were collected from all of the active pools at different times in Shiraz during the summer season of 2000. Relationships between the degree of contamination and variables such as the mean value of residual chlorine, pH, temperature, etc in the pools were evaluated.Results: The data indicates that 51.3% of the total samples were contaminated with pseudomonas. Furthermore, 16.6%, 11.1% and 7% of the total samples were contaminated with E.coli, fecal coliforms and streptococcus, respectively. The mean value of residual chlorine in pseudomonas contaminated samples was 0.445 mg/l. However, the corresponding value for non-contaminated samples was 1.052 mg/l, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.02). Similarly, 26.3% of the samples collected from the covered pools and 53.9% of those collected from open pools were contaminated with pseudomonas. Statistical analysis of the data revealed a significant difference (P<0.02) between the degree of contamination in open pools of pseudomonas as compared to that in covered pools. Additionally, our data shows that the source of water supply is also a major determinant of the degree of contamination. Surprisingly, public pools filled with well water were found to be less contaminated with different germs as compared to those filled with normal tap water. Moreover, the mean value of residual chlorine in E.coli contaminated samples was significantly different (P<0.0008) from that of non-contaminated samples. Open pools were found to be more contaminated with E.coli than covered pools. However, this difference could be attributed to a significant difference between the mean values of residual chlorine in these two different types of pools. Similar observations were made for contaminated and non-contaminated samples with fecal streptococcus and coliforms. There was an inverse relationship between the number of coliforms and the mean value of residual chlorine in the pools.Conclusion: Collectively and in conclusion, the observation that public pools in Shiraz, as demonstrated in this study, with a few exceptions, were generally contaminated with different germs, calls for a more strict supervision on the pools by the health authorities. In the absence of such supervision, contaminated pools continue to pose a significant risk to the health of swimmers.