Being a branch of Caveh- Roud River, Charmaleh basin runs through the northern part of Sonqor in Kermanshah province. Passing through Kermanshah, it joins Sirvan in Kordestan and then enters Iraq borders.This basin is a part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. Impenetrability of the cornerstone (igneous and metamorphic rocks), the abundance of rainfall, and the steep cause this basin delicate landslides. Nine slope maps, land use, the high altitude, litology, the stone's sensitivity to erosion, weather conditions, isotherm and isohyet, and vegetation cover are all overlaid in Geographical Information System (GIS); then through area destiny, hierarchal analysis, weight of variables, and information value, the landslide hazard maps of this basin has been provided.Finally the hierarchal analysis map proved to have the highest correlation with the basin's landslide. Through these methods and Geographical Information System, the hazardous zones in this basin were recognized, which are presented in a complete zonation map.