Nowadays, because of increase in population, possibility shortage of solid waste disposal, reflection of pollutions and solid waste transmitted diseases caused not only the development of solid waste science, but also drew resposibles"attention to this matter. So we decided to study the quantity and quality and situation of collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste in Hamadan city . The first information about this issue was obtained from municipality of the city and for completing and confirming the data, quantity and quality of the solid waste analysed according to the stardard methods. Results showed that Hamedan is one of the vanguard cities in Iran having good management in healthy solid waste collection, transportation and repelling systems. The solid waste are collected from curb by mini-trucks, and are transferred to the landifill site, located 23km away from the city.The total amount of garbage in Hamedan is about 310 tonnes per day ,(regarding the present population). Quality analysis of the garbage showed that the elements of the solid waste were as follow:79.59% degradable compounds ,2.33% glass and ceramic, 9.33% paper and cardboard, 2.5% plastics, 1.43% textile and 2.5% wood. Considering the high amount of biodegradable organic material in the solid waste of this city, alternative method is composting, and in the second priority. And considering the high amount of paper our suggestion is to design a scientific program for recycling the waste paper.