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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: This study is designed to determine the sex differences in volume of the left parahippocampal cortex in right-handed normal subjects and the right-handed subjects which were suffered from Alzheimer and parkinson diseases. Materials and Methods: This study was performed on 72 normal human brains (38 males, 34 females), 11 brains suffered from Alzheimer (4 males, 7 females), and 13 brains suffered from Parkinson (9 males, 4 females). The age range of males and females in each group were similar. The brains were fixed in 4% formalin. The brainstem was removed and two hemispheres were separated by a midsagittal section. The right hemisphere was used for neuropathological diagnosis and the left one for morphometrical analysis. Volume estimation of the left parahippocampal cortex was performed on photographs of 5mm serial coronal sections of this hemisphere by a point grid and using the Cavalieris principle. The results were " analysed by t-student and non - parametrical Mann - Whitney statistical tests. Results: The volume of the left parahippocampal cortex in right- handed normal males and females was 4.95 ±1.47cm3 and 4.01 ± 1.05cm3, respectively. The percentile difference in the volume of the left parahippocampal .cortex between two sexes was 18.99% (P=0.003).The volume of the left parahippocampal COrtexin right- handed males which were suffered from Alzheimer was 2.66 ±1.24cm3,and in right-handed females of this group was 2.61 ±1.18 cm3. The volume of the left parahippocampal cortex in right-handed . males and females which were suffered from Parkinson was 4.08 ±0.95 cm3 and 3.95 ±0.90cm3, respectively. The sexual difference in volume of the left parahippocampal cortex neither in AIzheimer nor in Parkinson group was significant. Conclusion: The volume of the left parahippocampal cortex in right - handed normal males is significantly larger than females. On the other hand, neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson, appearently decrease the normal gender difference in volume of the parahippocampal cortex, which can be due to more atrophy in this area of cortex in males than females.

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Purpose: The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of low-power Helium-Neon laser (LPL) on collagen fibril thickness of incisized medial collateral ligament of knee joint (MCL) in rat. Materials and Methods: MCL of right hind limb of 35 male adult sprague Dawley rat under general anesthesia were transversly incisized. Rats were randomly divitded into normal, control, first laser and second laser groups. Rats of first and second laser group were exposed 10mJ/cm2and 1.2J/cm2LPL daily respectively. Samples were prepared and examined under transmission electron microscope. Thickness of collagen fibrils were measured. Data were analysed using ANOVA Micrographs were studied descriptively. Results: Rough endoplasmic reticulum of second laser group at day 12 developed more than that of the control group. Diameter of collagen fibril of second laser group at day 12 were , increased which was compareable to normal group; however there were no significant differnces betwen this group and control and first laser group. Diameter of collagen fibril of first laser group at day 21 was higher significantly that of second laser group and control group, but significant differences were observed between this group and normal group. Conclusion:It is concluded that irradiation of low-power He-Ne laser on incisized medial collateral , ligament of knee joint of rats increase collagen fibrils diameter in comparison with control and normal group.

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purpose: Motor control evaluation and analysis of it"s specifications for diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases is new approach in clinical electroneurophysiology, that is based on the changes of electromyography responses and classic reflexes in this field. In this study quantitative power spectrum frequency used for changes of motor control strategies. Materials and Methods: Twenty five healthy subjects (15 women and 10 men) between 20 to 30 years old participated in this study. After attachment of surface electrodes on tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles, subjects walked without foot wears on treadmill with three speeds, comfortable (80 m/min), slow (40 m/win) and fast (120 m/min). Results: Results indicated with increase of gait velocity, mean and median frequency of gastrocnemius muscle were reduced, whereas it, mean and median frequency of motor units recruitment were increased significantly (P<0.05). Tibialis anterior muscle activities evaluated in three gait speed and two types of contraction, concentric in initial swing, mid swing, and eccentric in late stance stage. Following increase of gait velocity, median frequency of concentric contraction was reduced, whereas in eccentric contraction, increase of median frequency was observed (P<0.05).In concentric contraction, the firing rate of motor unit recruitment was increased by increment of gait velocity (P<0.05), but in eccentric contraction, there was no significant changes. At the same time, with increment of gait velocity in fast speed, values of RMS, ARV and IAV were increased (P<0.05).In comparison to maximal isometric contraction, muscle force estimation in fast speed was increased, and also muscle force was increased at slow speed walking in comparison with comfortable speed (P<0.05). Conclusion: Motor control mechanism will follow specific patterns at individual changes level in constant environment and task, and on the basis of time and biomechanical factors show changes of behavioral movement. Therefore, increase of firing rate for high force is not parallel to increase of frequencies values of muscle contraction and cognition of subject from movement and type of task demand determine motor units recruitment.

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Purpose:There are extensive evidences that show axonal processes of the nervous system (peripheral and/or central) may be degenerated after nerve injuries. Axonal regeneration is relation to various factors. In this investigation we decided to evaluate the effects of nerve regeneration age-dependent on injured rat sciatic nerv. Materials and Methods: For this study, the right sciatic nerve of 12 (2 groups, n=6) male Wistar rats (20 postnatal day and 6 month old) locally undergo the tense compression for 30 seconds in mid thigh region and the uncrushed left sciatic nerve was assumed as control. The conduction velocity of injured and intact sciatic nerves were determined during a period of 49 days. The electromyographical data were obtained from stimulation-response curves, using stimulation of the proximal part of the sciatic nerve and recording the electrical response in the plantar .muscles in each group. The stimulation response recrods were saved, analyzed and their conduction time were measured to compare crushed and uncrushed nerves in two groups (neonate and old rats). Results: The average conduction times neonates at the end of ths period showed a shorter latency records in comparison with old group. Conclusion: These results indicated that in neonate rats, conduction time was lower in comparison with adults and an accelerated regeneration rate of sciatic nerve was observed in early postnatal age.

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purpose: Plasma membrane glycoconjugates are important determinantsof differentiation and iteraction during spermtogenesis. Which entails miotic and meiosis proliferation, alternation in cell shape and so on. Hihg rates of them synthetized and present in acrosomes. With attention to such importancy, the present study has was designed to analyze glycoconjugates with special terminal sugar residues by meanes of lectin histochemistry. Materials and Methods: samples abtained from fifteen healthy fertile mice. After fixation and routine laboratory process, 5,µm sections prepared from paraffinian blocks. Lectin histochmistry was used to perform in situ characterization glycoconjugates present in mouse seminiferoustubules. Results: There wasnt any reaction in spermatogonia. Reaction to Soybean, Madura pamifera. Arachis hypogaea and Vicia villosa agglutinin lectins apeared in cytoplasm,plasmamembrane, preacrosomal granules in first spermatocyte and increased in early spermatids. This followed by reduction in late spermatids. There wasnt any affinity for Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin in germ cells. Sertoli cells reacted with Maclura parnifera and Arachis hypogaea agglutinin lectins. Conclusion: As terminl sugars in a high quantity, galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine. in acrosome, cytoplasm and plasmamembrane have possible and important role in spermatogenesis. In late spermatid for protection these sugars may mask sialic acid and therefore diminish reactions. Acrosome was the most relevant lectin-labeled structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 934

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Purpose: Externaland extreme capsules are parts of cerebral white matter, and accordingto the classic knowledge they must have no neuronal cell bodies.This researchis designedto find neurons in the external and extreme capsules, and to determine that these neurons are functional or aberrant. Materitais and Methods: Ten adult normal human brains from both sexes were studied using 15,µm serial coronal sections after appropriate fixation in 4% formalin and processing. These sections were stained by Kluver-Barrera and immunohistochemical method for synaptophysin. External and extreme capsules in stained sections observed with an optic microscope to find and verify the presence or absence of neurons in these areas of white matter. Results: In the external capsule, some neurons with small to moderate size range were observed. They were spherical, ovoid, fusiform, polygonal, and pyramidal in shape. These neurons were scattered among delicated nerve fibers or were located in a chain-like manner. The long axis of the fusiform neurons was parallel to the nerve fibers of the external capsule. The apical process of the pyramidal neurons which moved upward disapeared within a short distance of the cell body. The neuronal content of the external capsule increased on passing laterally (toward the claustrum) and ventrally. These neurons were strongly synaptophysin - positive. The neurons in the extreme capsule tend to be more fusiform in shape, lying with their long axis parallel to the vertical fibers of this capsule. These neurons were also scattered among nerve fibers or were located in a chain-like manner. The neurons in the extreme capsule were strongly synaptophysin - positive. There was no accumulation of neurons (such as cellular bridges or islands) in these two capsules. The demarcation between claustrum and both capsules and between insular cortex and extreme capsule were less distinct than between putamen and external capsule. Conclusion: This study revealed that there are some synaptophysin -positive neurons in the external aI).d extreme capsules (as parts of white matter) of human brain. These neurons may have similar connections and functions to neurons of claustrum or insuia.

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View 3250

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The Subclavian artery is a major branch of the Aorta. In the left the subclavian artery arises from aortic arch, and in the right it arises from the Brachiocephalic trunk This artery passes from the subclavian groove on the first rib and continues as Axillary artery. The Subclavian artery has several branches that supply chest wall, Thyroid gland and cervical region. Several variations about the Subclavian artery and its branches were have been reported. In this case, from the first part of this artery, we found a common trunk that gives the Ascending cervical, Transvers cervical, Suprascapular and Dorsal scapular arteries. The inferior thyroid artery was absent.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2252

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During the dissection of a fifty-years old male cadaver with normally fined, we observed a rare variation in the dorsum of its hands in both sides. This variation was abnormal extensor digitorum brevis manus muscle (EDBM), which originated from the dorsum of wrist and inserted to the u]nar side of the index tendon of extensor digitorum muscle. In this case, extensor indicis muscle was absent. In the present study, we argue about the historical origine, clinical importance and muscular nomenclature.

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