The large surface area of the lung with its thin air-blood barrier is exposed to particles in the inhaled air. In this condition, if the inhaled pollutant aerosols are toxic, the particle-lung interaction may cause serious hazards and injuries on human’ s health. On the otherhand, these interactions are also used for drug delivery to human’ s body. In either case, an accurate estimation of dose and sites of deposition in the respiratory tract is fundamental for understanding mechanobiology of these deseases. Obtaining in vivo data of particle transportation in the human lung experimentally is often diffi cult. But, computational fl uid-particle dynamics (CFPD) has provided the possibility to gain aerosol transportion data in realistic airway geometries. Aerosols deposition in the human lung mainly occurs due to combination of inertial impaction, gravitational sedimentation and diffusion. For particles with aerodynamic size of 0. 5 to 5 micron and in inhalation state of lung, the main mechanisms of particle deposition in distal parts of human’ s respiratory system are sedimentation, due to gravity and convective transfer due to wall movement. In this study, deposition of particles in distal part of human respiratory system, specifically 18th generation, has been modeled for two gravity conditions, normal and absent gravity, by assuming isotropic displacements on the walls and with the rate of 1 (mg/sec) for particle input. By analyzing the results, it was determined that the amount of particle deposition in distal airways reduces a great amount by omitting the effect of gravitational force because, particles smaller than 5 micron can penetrate into that airways. Particles with the diameter of 5 micron deposit under the effect of inertial impact, whereas this mechanism occurs mostly in airways with large and medium diameters and also, by sedimentation which occurs in the distal lung.