Objective: The aim of present investigation was: 1) to study lateralized negative priming effect (NP) in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), other anxiety disorders (OAD) and normal subjects, and, 2) to compare NP effect in subgroups of OCD.Method: In this study, the NP task was applied in order to measure cognitive inhibition in subgroups of OCD patients (N=35), in comparison with OAD patients (N=35) and normal subjects (N=35).Results: The results of the NP effect compared among the groups showed that there was a significant difference amongst the OCD and OAD patients compared to the normal group, in both the Left and Right NP effects. But, the difference between patient groups was not significant. The second result of this research indicated no significant difference among subtypes of OCD, including patients with washing and checking compulsions and obsessive thoughts, regarding to performing NP effect.Conclusion: There was a cognitive inhibition deficit in OCD and OAD patients in comparison to normal individuals, but there was no lateralized NP in patient groups. Also, all OCD patients in washing, checking and obsessive thoughts had deficiency in inhibiting of irrelevant data.