Mechanical and physical properties of aggregates are among those parameters that determine their application as pavement surface layer. By now, there are standard procedures, mostly experimental, for evaluation of aggregates. These tests describe geometric condition, strength and durability of aggregates. There are also some mechanical field tests for quality control of aggregates. Studies demonstrate that meaningful relationships exist between physical and mechanical properties of aggregates. However, in much of the studies, these relations are not clearly specified. In addition, results are to some extent scattered due to diversity of aggregate categories.In this paper, to know the exact relationship between aggregate properties and their correlation to each other, carbonates, sandstones and igneous specimens were selected from different mines. Some physical and mechanical tests including specific gravity, impact value, Los Angeles abrasion test, weight loss due to sodium sulfate and polished stone value were carried out on specimens. Data analysis of results showed that impact value and Los Angeles abrasion values have meaningful linear relation. This relation is stronger in igneous rocks and sandstones in comparison with other categories. Based on various evaluations on PSV relation with other physical and mechanical parameters, it has been clarified that there exists a linear relationship between PSV and specific gravity leadind to reduction of PSV. In a broader range, a linear relationship is observed between PSV and a combination of specific gravity and sodium sulfate weight loss.