Capital Structure is one of the most important and controversial topics in banking decisions and researches. Because of the relationship between capital structure, credit risk and cost of capital, there’s a paradoxical interest in minimizing the capital ratio to gain more profit or to increase the capital volume (to decrease the default risk). To ensure health of monetary system, some regulations are mandated through national and international regulatory bodies. Considering the relationship between bank capital structure and credit risk, mandatory international regulations, and the effect of capital structure on capital cost, examining this problem in bank is very impressive. This research is to determine combination of capital structure of Bank Keshavarzi. To pursue this goal, we examined capital structure in a ten-year period. Some criteria as capital cost and regulations on capital are applied for examining the optimum level of capital structure. To calculate cost of non-operational deposits a questionnaire is designed and distributed among bank branches. After analyzing data, the allocation rate of non-operational costs to deposits was figured out. Finally weighted average of bank capital cost from 1370 to 1379 was handed out. The first hypothesis implies that there is no relationship between bank capital structure and capital cost. This hypothesis is tested with Pearson correlation coefficient and is approved.The next hypothesis implies that capital structure is not optimized in 1379. This hypothesis is assessed in a four-stage model. In all the stages it was not optimized. At the end some suggestions are offered for optimizing capital structure in Bank Keshavarzi and later researches.