Evaluation is an inseparable part of any program, especially that of a university teaching. That's because universities are the very bastion of science and scientific culture, and evaluation and improvement are among the very values of which this culture is consisted. Hence, in a country like Iran it can be expected from the university curricula to help with the development of scientist attitude in students in order to uphold the scientific values. Assessing the scientist attitude of the newly admitted students and comparing it with that of the senior year students could reveal the value of the university curriculum. 236 first-year and fourth-year students from four colleges of economics, engineering, physical education, and the arts were randomly selected and, in 16 sessions, their scientist attitudes assessed, utilizing the "bood" instrument that measures cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of the attitude. The findings, however, in supporting the research hypothesis, did not show a significant difference between the two groups attitude scores. Nevertheless, some colleges were significantly different than the others, which means they don't stress on the scientific values equally. Review of the curricula and the evaluation of methods and instruments in university teaching could lead to improvement in scientist attitude.