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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 73)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 73)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1229

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    2 (73)
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Background and Purpose: Simulation and evaluation of sediment are important issues in water resources management. Common methods for measuring sediment concentration are generally time consuming and costly and sometimes does not have enough accuracy.Materials and Methods: In this research, we have tried to evaluate sediment amounts, using bayesian neural network for Simineh-Rood, West Azerbaijan, Iran, and compare it with common artificial neural networks. Monthly river discharge, temperature and total dissolved solids for time period (1354-1383) was used as input and sediment discharge for output. Criteria of correlation coefficient, root mean square error and Nash Sutcliff bias coefficient were used to evaluate and compare the performance of models.Results: The results showed that three models smart estimate sediment discharge with acceptable accuracy, but in terms of accuracy, the bayesian neural network model had the highest correlation coefficient (0.832), minimum root mean square error (0.071 ton/day) and the Nash Sutcliff (0.692) and the bias (0.0001) and hence was chosen the prior in the verification stage.Discussion and conclusions: Finally, the results showed that the bayesian neural network has great capability in estimating minimum and maximum sediment discharge values.

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View 1453

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: In all societies, economic growth and development appear kind of main goal but they also have negative side effects on other fields such as environment. In recent year, lots of discussion about negative side effects of globalization and free trade without restrictions has been done and with proposing the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH), the massive share of trade and the importance of globalization in transferring pollutants have been revealed.Method: In this study we used ARDL (Auto Regressive Distributed Lag) approach to cointegration and bounds test to identify long run relationships between variables in the PHH models about Iran- China trade relationship. All data that we used are in time series format and including 1987-2004. We separate dirty industry from green ones by ISIC codes. Four codes about dirty industries were identified and based on them we present five models that included four models for each ISIC codes that were introduced and one models to examine this subject that if all for goods were aggregated, can the PHH still true.Findings: Results show that Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is N shaped, the share of manufacturing products in CO2 emission is enormous, PHH from Iran to China is accepted about 34 and 35 ISIC codes, dirty industries that we export their products are pollution intensive about 35 and 36 ISIC codes.Discussion and Conclusion: The evidence highlights the need to look at the imported goods related to dirty industries in details because now it is clear that PHH may be existed if the examination was perform in the detailed level with looking at dirty industries. This approach to investigating of PHH can help policy makers to identify the green and dirty industries exactly and improve the environmental condition that we live in.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1508

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objectives: Hydrodynamic dispersion rate of solutes in soil is considered as the major parameter for pollution and solutes transport in soil, which is related to pollutant transport distance. As fractal geometry theory and geostatistical theory are capable of explaining and predicting the distance-related phenomena, this research used fractal geometry and geostatistics method for determining dispersivity.Methods: Solutes transport experiment was carried out at 16 points of soil vertical column with a diameter of 10 centimeters and a length of 1 meter and BTCs were extracted at the depth of 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 54, 48, 60, 66, 72, 78, 90, 84, 96 centimeters from the model bottom. CDE equation was then fitted with the BTCs with respect to the fractal assumptions on dispersivity coefficients.Findings: With respect to phosphorus absorption experiments in soil, phosphorus adsorption isotherm had the best fitting at 4, 12, 25, 50, 70 mg/l of phosphorus concentrations. The results showed that both methods are capable of predicting changes and increase of dispersivity coefficient in soil column after performing a mean-comparison test. However, fractal geometry method estimated values at a higher accuracy.Discussion and Conclusion: Result showed that, dispersivity along the sample followed the exponential relation. The regression coefficients of the fractal and geostatistical models in predicting dispersivity values were 0.97 and 0.84, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1052

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: Current efforts to stabilize and reduce greenhouse gas emission, particularly carbon dioxide to achieve sustainable development is not at an acceptable level and more effort is needed, thus, identifying factors affecting CO2 emission is essential for the assessment of policies and strategies. Scale of economic activity, change in composition of the economy, carbon intensity and energy intensity can be considered as the most important factors in all sectors, but with the differences in the impact of these factors in each of the sectors of the economy, Iran's economy is divided into four sectors as Home and business, Industry, transport and agriculture and in the period 1380-1391 was studied.Method: A study technique is "refined Laspeyres decomposition method".Findings: The results indicate that in all sectors change in composition of the economy has caused the greatest impact on CO2 emission.Discussion and Conclusion: the obtain result shown, Positive effect of scale of economic activity also shows that with the current method of industrialization of country and due to fossil fuel consumption, CO2 emission increase is inevitable. Also, during the study period due to the efforts of the authorities to increase energy efficiency and improve fuel quality impact of carbon intensity effect in all sectors except transportation is negative. However, Growth in energy consumption in the transport sector would enervate the positive effects of these policies. During the study period, the implementation of policy Gas rationing and subsidies are the most important causes of the erratic energy intensity effect in all sectors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1145

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    2 (73)
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Introduction: phosphor is considered among the major pollutants in water environments. phosphor contamination in surface water and groundwater resources originates mainly from the excessive use of fertilizers and uncontrolled land discharges of untreated wastewater. Discharge of it into the environment causes very health impact. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of Fenton’s advanced oxidation process (H2O2/Fe+2) in phosphor removal from aqueous solutions.Materials & Methods: This is an experimental study which is carried out in laboratory scale. In this study, the effect of the important operational variables including pH, Fe+2 dosage, H2O2 dosage, initial phosphor concentration, and Contact time were evaluated on the phosphate removal from Aqueous Solution by Fenton has been investigated.Findings: The results showed that this method has the ability to remove phosphor from aqueous solutions to less than standard level WHO (£1 mg/l).pH, ratio H2O2/Fe+2 and Contact time have direct effect and initial phosphor concentration has reverse effect of phosphor removal. The results showed that the Fenton process, can reach can reach respectively 97% phosphor removal. So that optimum condition of the phosphor removal is in the Ratio H2O2 / Fe2+ dosage=2200 /1000 mg/l, contact time of 60 min, pH=3.5 in initial phosphor Concentration in 100mg /L. SPSS statistical test showed that the mean concentration in the before and after doing all process variables, there were significant differences (P£0.05).Discussion & Conclusion: As the results show, the efficient removal of phosphate by using Fenton process is desirable in the water treatment and pollution control. The results of the study, is consistent with similar cases by other researchers

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 889

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objectives: The presence of heavy metals in aqueous sources is one of the most important problems that effects on health and environment. Adsorption by microorganisms using methods has many advantages. For this purpose, used microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and algae for removing heavy metals.Method: In this study the use of non-living fungal of Penicillium camemberti as biosorbent for removal of copper ions from aqueous solution was investigated in batch system and fixed bed column. In the batch system, for the biological absorption of copper, the parameters of temperature, pH, the dosage of bio sorbent and contact time were optimized. In the kinetic study of the bio sorption of copper metal by means of the non-living fungus, the Lagergren intraparticle diffusion models have been used.Findings: Considering the obtained results, it is determined that the biological absorption of copper using fungus follows from the second order equation because in the second order state, the amounts of qcal are close to the amounts of qexp and also R2>0.97.The results also demonstrate that an intra-particle diffusion mechanism play a significant role in the sorption process. In continues system, the biosorbent was turned into granul and the effects of hight and flow rate studied. The structure of Penicillium camemberti was characterized by IR spectrometer.Disscusion and Conclusion: The results also demonstrate that adsorption mechanism plays a significant role in the sorption process. The maximum bio sorption obtained from the batch process was 86.52% for biomass in pH=5.5.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 808

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: The efficient waste management and the environmental protection are important issues in engineering field especially in road construction. Excessive consumption of natural materials for construction and rehabilitation of roads damages the natural environment severely. Therefore, in this research, the use of excavation debris and the steel slag in the road pavement evaluated.Methods: for this purpose, the experiments consisted of plastic and liquid limit, sand equivalent (SE), Los Angeles abrasion, soundness of aggregate and CBR test were done and the reliability of the materials was determined by several factors using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).Findings: The result of CBR test on debris was obtained 36.2 that indicated the quality of this debris for sub-base layer. On the other hand, the steel slag arising from electric arc furnace cannot be used alone in the pavement layer of road because of lack of adhesion properties and therefore the steel slag was mixed with adhesive materials.Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed proper quality of construction debris and steel slag in road pavement by considering different factors especially environmental issues.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 917

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: Although urbanization is often discussed in the context of economic modernization, however, it is a demographic indicator that increases urban density and transforms the organization of human behavior and thereby influences household energy use patterns. Accordingly, using panel data approach and STIRPAT mode, this study examines the effect of urbanization on carbon dioxide emission in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member states.Method: This research is doing a causal-analysis by using panel data over the period of 2000 to 2010 for the 4-3 selected Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries.Findings: Our results indicate that, coefficient of all variable of the model has been expected based on theoretical and are statistically significant. So that, one percent increase in urbanization, Gross Domestic Product per capita and energy intensity, rises carbon dioxide emissions by 0.57, 0.74 and 0.55 percent respectively.Discussion and Conclusion: Given the positive impact of urbanization, Gross Domestic Product per capita and energy intensity variables on carbon dioxide emissions, it is recommended that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation members, reduce air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions through optimizing energy consumption and increasing the usage of new energy source, that generate less pollution and efficient energy consumption in the production and promotion of production energy and technology distribution in countries, realization the price of energy, promotion the technical and environmental standards of industrial production, increasing energy efficiency and expanding environment cultural and providing appropriate substrates and rural development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1465

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: According to the equality Terms and conditions of twenty-two national building regulations topics in all cities of Iran and being forced to run them around the country, balcony design course is the same in terms of size and its only appearance is different. However, each climate has its own requirements for the design. The aim of this article is study about balcony climate features in residential buildings in Tabriz, according to the national building regulations.Method: This article is based on analytical-descriptive research collecting information based on documents and comparative. At first, by using the canopy depth formula, canopy depth and penetration of sunlight into the buildings in Tabriz are calculated and once again, this process is repeated according to the national building regulations, and finally the results are checked through the two methods.Findings: In the condition of N=0, the difference in penetration of sun in the south side of building, between regulations and optimum condition is 71 cm, and in the condition of N=15, is 59 cm.Discussion and Conclusion: the results show that, balcony with only climate feature and using as a canopy, with depth of 1.2m is more than enough and it is absorbing the sunshine to enter into the building.

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View 1348

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: In the past, thermal comfort was created through the design of buildings and a handful of construction equipment. Selection of appropriate crust form was one of the noteworthy methods in architecture. Such circumstances were changed in 1960s. Heating, cooling and lighting supply of buildings by mechanical equipment and the use of fossil fuels became pivotal aspect. In the past years following the energy crisis created in this way and environmental pollution, again the best case of heating and cooling, became the accordance to building design and use of clean energy. In these circumstances, appropriate and followed by that reduction of energy consumption of buildings. Among these components, roofing, which plays a fundamental role in thermal exchange, is often overlooked.Method: In this article, research method is done based on computer modeling and simulation by Revit 2014 and energy plus with version of 8.1.Findings: So, ahead research intends to discuss in the mountainous of Karaj comparison between the four dominant type of roof including flat, one-way, two-way and four-way with the different angles. Its target is to achieve the optimum form and a roof sloping angle in this region based on the average radiant temperature, the man factors of thermal comfort.Discussion and Conclusion: Results of Analysis of simulated models, shows optimal roof and its most appropriate angle in the sloping roof with constant floor area according to the average mean radiant temperature in the studied model.

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View 1277

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: Environmental factors affecting the species are one of the most important topics in the science of ecology and understanding the influences of environmental variables can help the protection of species especially endangered species. The purpose of this study was to identify habitat factors influencing the presence of lizard habitat in Alvand protected area.Method: Alvand protected area; with 8618 hectares survey is located in central province and Khomein city. In this paper, the studied area, in terms of geomorphology is divided to three types including, plain, hillside and mountainous area. Then all three type of habitats divided to cells with 50 50 size in Arc GIs 9.3, and ultimately 10 percent of these cells are selected randomly and will be considered and analyzed.Findings: The results of GGE biplot software for three groups of habitat plains, foothills, and mountainside showed that the most presence in plains habitat is dependent to Ophisops elegans species that variables which influence the presence of these species are: the richness of vegetation, soil content, and the density of the vegetation and grit is the worst parameter for the presence of this species. In mountainside habitat, the most presence is dependent to the species Ophisops elegans and Paraloudakia Caucasia. And the most important parameter for Paraloudakia Caucasia is height and the percent of grift. Also for mountainside habitat species like Ophisops elegans, Paraloudakia Caucasiaand Loudakia nupta had the most presence.Discussion and Conclusion: Results obtained from this study illustrated that especially Ophisops elegansand Paraloudakia Caucasia species with percent of rock and Loudakia nupta with vegitation enrichment, the density of vegetation, the percent of grit, and height, respectively showed presence.

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View 657

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: The main objective of this research was been an analyzing neighborhood sustainability in 6th region of Tehran city which could be a base for reaching to urban sustainable development. So doing, we focused on the 28 indicators to analyzing of sustainability in environmental, economic, social and physical dimensions, and neighborhoods ranking in Tehran city.Method: Research method is descriptive-analytical. Data and information has examined by Multicriteria AHP, VIKOR and Coefficient of Variation. Indicators were weighted by AHP, then, were ranked by VIKO Multi-criteria decision- making model. Also, inequity indicators have analyzed by Coefficient of Variation model. Mixed indicators of neighborhoods have determined by regression analysis and social, economic, environmental and physical criteria.Findings: Statistical tests have showed that there was a significance correlation between environmental and physical indicator with mix indicator of neighborhoods sustainability. Findings got from regression analysis have showed that environmental indicator were most significant level for forecasting neighborhoods sustainability in 6th region. Coefficient of Variation indicated that most inequity have been with 18 neighborhoods base on our index in this research and that have been related with environmental indicator.Discussion and Conclusions: This research has showed that Saee and Arzhantin by getting 0.00 have been most sustainable and Fatemi by getting 1.00 has been most unsustainable. So, this is important to neighborhood development planning focuses on municipality's policy for 6 region.

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View 1472

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Considering the importance of the precautionary principle for development of international environmental law and taking into account that the "scientific uncertainty", is a problematic of the precautionary principle, this article tries to analyze the scientific uncertainties in the international environmental law’s context. In fact, one of the problems of implementing of the precautionary principle in the international environmental law the ambiguity on the issue of "scientific uncertainty" mentioned in many legal texts, both binding and non-binding. The purpose of this study is to describe the position and the role of scientific uncertainty in the realization of precautionary principle.This study explains the nature of legal gaps in the implementation of the precautionary principle in international environmental law. There are several legal methods and administrative procedures to dealing with the "scientific uncertainty", such as framework-protocol approach, scientific advisory boards, management approaches, prior informed consent, assessment and monitoring of environmental effects, temporary measures and so on. We can considerer these legal approaches and techniques in many environmental treaties, especially after the Rio Declaration 1992. Moreover, in the case study, the legal instruments dealing for scientific uncertainty in precautionary principle from the perspective of International Environment in the Convention on Climate Change in 1992 is analyzed.In this research, after studying the methods and techniques for dealing with scientific uncertainty, the suitable method to implement the precautionary principle in international environmental law has been analyzed. Due to legal problems for the implementation of the precautionary principle in international environmental law, still there is no consensus and common procedure for implementing these methods. However, this study suggests some solutions such as the practice of Governments, implementing the national system and development of environmental treaties based on the implementation of the precautionary principle.

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View 1145

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Background and Objective: Integrating environment, agriculture and food in elementary schools' curriculum could create good base of learning for pupils and affect their responsibility level regards environment in the future. Elementary teachers are playing an important role in this decision making process. The purpose of this descriptive- correlational study was to investigate the current teachers' behaviors toward integrating environment, agriculture and food in schools' curriculum and factors related with their behaviors in this regards.Method: The statistical population consisted of all 4359 elementary teachers from that 343 teachers were selected based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table and applying randomized stratified sampling method. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which its validity was verified by a panel of agricultural education & extension and environment experts. The reliability of questionnaire was obtained by calculating alpha cronbach equals 0.85 for composite index.Findings: The finding revealed that majority of respondents (46.9%) had higher level of integrating environment, agriculture and food in schools' curriculum. Analysis of data revealed that there was a positive significant correlation between teachers' attitude, teaching experience in rural area, age, teaching experience, and number of participated workshops or classes with their integration level. Mann Whitney test applied revealed that teachers with agricultural work experience had higher level of in comparison with teachers of no agricultural work experience. Also male teachers had a higher level of integration behavior in comparison with female teachers.Discussion and Conclusion: Achieving the desired state of integration of environment and agriculture in curriculum by teachers needs targeting and planning by educational system.

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View 840

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    2 (73)
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Background and Objective: This study has considered for potential plant species Ricinus communis of remediation metformin hydrochloride drug.Method: In phytoremediation method for remediation of metformin hydrochloride solution, the first Ricinus communishas been cultured in the soil and then metformin absorption of solution has been kept with 20 ppm and 50 ppm in control and laboratory situation, for 14 days. Finally the solution has been injected to HPLC device to detected of remind metformin hydrochloride drug.Findings: the end of 14 days has been recognized Ricinus communis has %45.06 and 21 % efficiency in two different 20 ppm and 50 ppm.Discussion and Conclusion: This study has been shown that the maximum %45.06 has been remediated from metformin hydrochloride solution that related to minimum (20 ppm) of metformin solution. The result has been shown that Ricinus communis can be middle species for remediation of metformin hydrochloride drug from metformin hydrochloride solution.

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View 1246

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