Background and Objective: Determine the residual concentrations of heavy metals in milk can be a direct indicator for the definition health status of milk and also is an indirect determiner indicator for degree of environmental pollution. This study aimed to evaluate the metals including Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ca of pasteurized milk and cheese in two milk factories in Kerman province.Methods: From raw milk, pasteurized milk and cheese of both factories two samples were taken in half a month in the fall and winter. Overall 360 experiments were conducted on 72 samples to determine the levels of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ca by atomic Absorption Spectrometry. All tests are based on instructions of standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater book. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 16.Findings: The averages of measured metal concentrations in pasteurized milk of Sirjan factory are: Pb: 3.4±2.7mg/L, Cd: 0.29±o.o8μg/L, Zn: 5.06±0.39mg/L, Cu: 0.60±0.10mg/L, Ca: 1019±73mg/L and the averages metal concentrations of produced cheese in mentioned factory are Pb: 53.5±8.5 mg/kg, Cd: 2.08±0.18mg/kg, Cu: 1.65±0.18mg/kg, Zn: 9.98±0.77mg/kg, Ca: 2172±161 mg/kg, respectively. The averages of measured metal concentrations in pasteurized milk of Kerman factory are Pb: 3.6±1.9 mg/L, Cd: 0.29±o.o9 mg/L, Zn: 4.5±0.54 mg/L, Cu: 0.57±0.07mg/L, Ca: 1075±47mg/L and the averages metal concentrations of produced cheese in mentioned factory are Pb: 56.9±7.0 mg/kg, Cd: 3.67±0.4mg/kg, Cu: 1.49±0.13mg/kg, Zn: 10.17±0.81mg/kg, Ca: 2254±126 mg/kg, respectively.Discussion and Conclusion: The amounts of measured metal in the study are as global standards (FAO/WHO and Codex 2007) or some dairy producing countries (Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency) and will not create a hazard for consumers. Just Lead in cheese is higher than the permissible limit.