For the first time in 1993, the third year of activity, Regional Information Center for Science and Technology like other Iran's governmental organizations was approved to get an independent budget which was about 1800 million Rials. At this time, Prof. Moe'in and Prof. Ali Salehi, Professor of Sharif University of Technology and a member of RICeST's high council, proposed the idea of taking a loan from Islamic Development Bank (IDB) -based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia- through holding a meeting in Sharif University of Technology. It should be noted that at that time, IDB's authorities were in Tehran in response to the invitation of Sharif University of Technology which was to take a loan from the bank, too. In that meeting, both RICeST and Sharif University of Technology introduced their programs and finally could receive their loans. Since each dollar cost 70 Rials at that time, taking a loan of 15 million dollars with long time repayments was a greate help to RICeST. Afterwards, RICeST could order a lot of journals. Then, Internet lines were not available in Iran and so we at RICeST prepared and put a list of journals in our Bulletin Board Services (BBS). This matter which happened after the imposed war was like an explosion in the scientific society and universities which had started their scientific activities at a fairly accepted speed and were in need of more information support. So, plenty of information demands were delivered to RICeST.