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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 49)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 49)
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بسیاری از کشورهای صنعتی و نیمه صنعتی تجربه استفاده از راکتور ناپیوسته متوالی (SBR) جهت تصفیه فاضلاب های شهری و صنعتی را با موفقیت پشت سر گذاشته اند. سادگی، انعطاف پذیری و مقرون به صرفه بودن این روش تصفیه بیولوژیکی باعث اهمیت استفاده از آن در تصفیه فاضلاب شهری و صنعتی شده است. هدف از این تحقیق ارزیابی کارایی راکتور ناپیوسته متوالی در تصفیه فاضلاب شهری در شرایط مختلف بهره برداری و راهبری می باشد.برای انجام مطالعه از دو عدد راکتور ناپیوسته متوالی استوانه ای شکل، از جنس پلکسی گلس، به حجم 20 لیتر، استفاده شد. جهت تغذیه راکتور از فاضلاب مصنوعی با COD=600 و BOD5=420 میلی گرم بر لیتر استفاده شد. راکتور در پنج زمان ماند سلولی 5، 10، 15، 20 و 25 روز بهره برداری شد.پس از ایجاد شرایط پایدار در راکتورها در طول 8 ماه تحقیق، نمونه برداری و آزمون پارامترهایی از قبیل COD، BOD، MLSS، MLVSS، MLNVSS، PH، DO، SV1، SOUR و F/M انجام یافت.نتایج نشان داد که در بین زمان ماند سلولی مختلف (5، 10، 15، 20 و 25 روز) در زمان ماند سلولی 10 روز بهترین بازده حذف COD ((%95 بدون مشکلات پدیده بالکینگ، پدیده نوک سوزنی فلوک و همچنین تولید کف و رشد پراکنده ایجادگردید. در این زمان ماند سلولی SVI=90 ml/g بود. در این زمان ماند سلولی سیتم در فاز کاهش رشد بهره برداری شد و F/M=0.25 1/d بود. در زمان ماند سلولی پایین تر از 5 روز بازده حذف مواد آلی به دلیل ایجاد کف سفید پرحجم ناشی از پایین بودن MLSS و همچنین ایجاد لخته ریز به دلیل رشد پراکنده پایین بود و خاصیت ته نشینی لجن(SVI=60 ml/g) پایین بود و بنظرمی رسد سیتم در فاز رشد لگاریتمی بهربرداری شد و F/M=1.8 1/d بود. در زمان ماند سلولی بیش از 25 روز نیز پدیده بالکینگ رشته ای تشدید یافت و بازده سیتم به دلیل خاصیت بد ته نشینی لجن (SVI=215 ml/g) پایین بود و لجن به دلیل رشد بیش از حد میکروارگانیسم های رشته ای به راحتی ته نشین نمی شد. در این شرایط F/M=0.05 1/d بود.با افزایش زمان ماند سلولی ( بالاتر از 20 روز) به دلیل ورود به فاز خودتخریبی، و افزایش باکتری های غیرفعال و پیر، نرخ مصرف اکسیژن پایین و میزان SOUR به 7 میلی گرم اکسیژن در ساعت به ازای هر گرم مواد معلق فرار رسید. اما در زمان سلولی پایین ( 5 روز) به دلیل فاز رشد لگاریتمی، و افزایش باکتری های فعال و جوان نرخ مصرف اکسیژن بالا و میزان SOUR به 22 میلی گرم اکسیژن در ساعت به ازای هر گرم مواد معلق فرار رسید.

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    2 (49)
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Many industrial & semi industrial countries manage to use SBR in order to industrial & municipal wastewater treatment. Simplicity, flexibility & being economical of this technical biological treatment, lead it to its significance in utilizing for treating of industrial & municipal wastewater.To study this procedure, two units of SBR reactors' cylinder made of poly glass with 20 liter volume are used. For seeding the reactors, artificial wastewater with COD of 600 mg/l & BOD of 600 mg/l is used. Reactors with different solid retention time (SRT) (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 days) are operated.After providing the steady state in the reactors, during 8 months research, sampling and testing parameters such as COD, BOD, MLSS, MLVSS, MLNVSS, pH, DO, SVI, SOUR & F/M were done.The results show that SRT (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 days) for 10 days duration is the best results for COD removal efficiency without existence of any bulking, pin point flocks and also foaming & dispersed growth difficulties. In this SRT duration, the amount of SVI has been up to 90 mg/l. This SRT system has been used in growth phase and the amount of F/M is 0.25 (1/day). In the SRT less than 5 days, inorganic material removal & sludge volume index efficiency (SVI=215 mg/l) due to voluminous foaming generation & also fine coagulation generation resulted from lowness MLSS and dispersed growth occurrence respectively was low and it which shows that the system was operated in log growth phase & the amount of F/M has been1.8 (1/day). Also in the SRT more than 25 days filamentous bulking phenomenon was aggravated and system efficiency due to bad sludge settle ability (SVI=215 mg/l) was low & because of over growth of filamentous bacteria, sludge can not be settled easily.With the increasing of SRT (more than 20 days), due to entrancing to declining phase and increase of inactive & old bacteria, the rate of oxygen consumption & SOUR reached to 7 (mgo2/hr/grVSS), however in a low SRT (5 days), due to entrancing log growth phase & increase of active & young bacteria, the rate of oxygen consumption increased & SOUR reached up to 22 (mgo2/hr/grVSS).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (49)
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This research investigates the performance of Moving Bed Biological Reactor (MBBR) for treatment of Textile of wastewater. For this purpose a MBBR reactor was used, fed with synthetic wastewater which was a combination of molasses, urea, salts of buffer phosphate and various concentrations of different days.After starting up the reactor by synthetic wastewater with a COD concentration of 1000 mg/L and adjustment of microorganisms according to the existing condition, wastewater with dye concentrations of 1, 10, 15 mg/L at certain periods of time, was added to the reactor. Under the conditions of 23-28oc and hydraulic retention time of 24 ht and, COD concentration of 1000 mg/lit, COD removal efficiency was 68.5%, 89.15%, 90.46% respectively. The color removal was 61.56%, 75.85%, 80.05% accordingly, which showed an increase in COD and color removal efficiency by increasing the color concentration.By feeding the reactor with a COD of 2000 mg/L with color concentration of 15 and 25 mg/L, the COD removal efficiency was 91.78% and 79.50 respectively. Under these conditions the percentage of color removal was 79.7% and 64.21%, respectively. It is concluded that a decrease in COD and color removal efficiency with increasing the COD load is attained. Moreover according to the results, it was observed that under constant concentration of dye, by increasing COD from 1000 to 2000 mg/L, efficiency in substrate and organic removal does not change.The obtained results in this study state that MBBR reactor can be used for removing organics and color in treatment of textile of wastewater.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (49)
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One of the major contributors of air pollution in large cities is the urban car traffic which imposes a huge financial and life expenses to the society. In order to reduce these expenses, car manufacturers keep adopting new innovation to decrease pollutants’ level.In recent years, direct injection engines have been introduced which electronically control fuel flow using Engine Control Unit (ECU). This goal has been achieved to some degree. Adjusting and calibrating the Engine Management System (EMS) becomes more important day by day. The most important task of EMS is to reach the optimum point in pollutant, fuel consumption and vehicle performance.In this study while calibrating EMS efficiently, the cost and time spent is reduced using DoE simulating techniques and the effects of various parameters on its performance are studied. Hence knowing all inputs such as speed, load and desired outputs such as pollutants and engine torque, MBC Model – module from MATLAB software – has been used. Another next module from MATLAB that is named CAGE is implemented to improve the above mentioned model. By using this method, the effects of EMS` calibration can be studied on different parameters and upon needs, change them. The new parameters are entered into ECU and from there new commands are released to actuators.Therefore achievement to optimal engine function like vehicle performance, pollutant and fuel consumption by minimum expenses and time with high accuracy will be performed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (49)
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Bio-absorption is presented as an alternative to traditional physicochemical means for removing toxic metals from ground water and wastewater. In this research 99 bacterial strains were isolated from three wastewater samples from one of Iran petrochemical industries. Examination of these isolated for Pb2+tolerance were carried out by using PYT agar medium containing different concentrations of Pb (NO3)2 from 4 to 15 mM. The isolated KAH1, KAH2 and KAH3, had tolerance to Pb 15, 6.5 and 6.5 mM respectively. These high tolerant strains were selected and their ability of lead bio-absorption, were investigated by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The highest ability was observed in the strain KAH1 and this strain decreased Pb concentration from 80 mg/l to 44.4 and 48.2 mg/l after 48 and 96 hours incubation, respectively. The results of the experiments showed that bio-absorption was affected by the initial pH of the medium, initial metal ion and exposure time. According to the morphological, physiological and biochemical characterizations of the strain with that of valid strains, the strain was tentatively identified as Bacillus sp. strain KAH1. The maximum Lead bio-absorption capacity of KAH1 isolate was determined to be 48.25 mg/g (97.67%) at pH 4.0 with 150 mg/l concentration in 4 hours equilibrium time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (49)
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Karaj and Jajrood rivers are two major rivers in our country and they are suitable for fishing, swimming and other water sports activities. In recent year, young enthusiasts of water sports have been increased because of young generation of our country.In this research, the results of monthly tests reports (Tehran wastewater and water laboratory) including physical, chemical, bacteriological, rare pollutants (heavy metals) tests surveyed in twenty stations of Karaj River and twenty-three stations of Jajrood River from April 2002 to March 2003. On the basis of comparing of stations data with approved recreation activities standards in different countries and current comparative parameters, determining recreational status of mentioned rivers due to water quality has been achieved. The researches on recreational activities have recognized considerable indices of the related standards for primary contact (direct) and secondary contact (indirect) such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD, excrement coli form and total coli form.In general, this study shows that physical and chemical parameters seem to have fewer problems than the others. It is important to note that contamination of both rivers such as excremental coli form, total coli form and excremental streptococcus is higher than recreation standards. In fact, the maximum contaminant level has detected in Jajrood River because of the municipality waste water (household toilets) discharges. The mentioned indices are the measurement resources for recreational activities in the world especially in Iran. The level of contaminants in the water of both rivers exceeds the related standards which results not being suitable and applicable for primary recreation (swimming, bathing and diving) and secondary recreation (Windsurfing, Power Boating, and fishing).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (49)
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Introduction: Developing projects in transportation planning and execution depends on people’s cooperation and participation. So if this mutual cooperation in development of transportation projects is possible, programming and performing of this project would be much easier.The main purpose of the article is to provide a model to attract people's participation in sustainable development in road and rail projects to present the existing fields and facilities using participatory models, effective and appropriate strategies to improve participation in the proposed transportation projects.Materials and Methods: In this respect, this article is to measure motivation of the rate of participation of transport to diagnose participation factors raised by motivation, identify the constraints factors, and present practical solutions to strengthen social participation and development of motivation in the transportation by field research. The most important parameters in the model of determination of the demand for public participation in the plan are determination of public participation level, recognition of stakeholders, methods of notification, collection of opinions and ideas, methods of presenting feedbacks, assessment of suggestions and identifying acceptable suggestions.Results and Discussion: The results showed that most people would prefer to participate in the implementation phase of projects and Establishment of a permanent place for notification, offering recommendation and holding unofficial meetings.

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    2 (49)
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Environmental and climatically conditions in each region could have effects on diffusion and out breaking diseases such as stomach Cancer. Rate of appearing of this disease in recent years in Iran and especially in Gilan province (the biggest rates in Iran) has supported the hypotheses that this problem could be very important and the cost of treatment is another major issue.The aim of this paper is recognition of geographically diffusion of Stomach Cancer in Gilan province which its dispersal has been presented on the map.The research method of this paper is medical documents from hospital, library documents, Medical studies and the period of the research is from 2000 till 2006 years.Results of this paper has shown that Stomach Cancer (the biggest rates) has diffusions in the North and Northwest and Northeast areas of Gilan province and its geographical diffusion is depended on soil combination (Molybdenum element) and the biggest rate of this cancer has been observed in Rasht and Talash township.

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    2 (49)
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Music implicates a bond between body and spirit of the human being and the surrounding environment, and also addresses a coordination and harmony established among all different elements of the nature. What the whole world composed of is sound or music. In fact the nature thoroughly is filled with music, and the music can be considered as a prominent instance of expression and manifestation of natural sounds.In this paper, impression of nature and environment on every aspect of Iranian Music has been considered. And, library studies, studying audio sources, and doing field works in different regions of Iran indicate that among different genres of Iranian music, “Traditional music”, “National music” and “Folklore music” all are influenced by nature and environment.The Iranian traditional music has been developed based on “Dastgah-s” (modes and rhythms systems of the ancient Iran) and “Radif” (the repertory of Persian music), that is included a collection of melodies which they have been collected by different people and added to the repertory at different times and having the most public cultural and natural characteristics of Iran.The Iranian national music, which is consist of Iranian songs, ballads and tunes, has been influenced by environmental factors and these influences, after a thorough research, presented in a table.Each region of Iran, with regard to its geographical status, its unique socio-cultural texture and its special own customs necessitates an exceptional music to itself. Nature and environment have different effects on the behavior and ideology of people in different regions, and definitely on the music. People of each region select their instrument and songs based on their initial environment.Folklore music such as music of Khorasan, Gilan, Mazandaran, Kordestan, Lorestan, Balouchestan, Azarbaijan, Torkaman Sahra and so on, are mostly inspired from the nature, and greatly evidencing the role of relevant nature and surrounding environment on them.

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