The Propose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of constructed wetlands for oil refinery waste treatment and the role of bed and macrophyt plant in reduction of COD, nitrogen and phosphates concentration from wastewater.A model of "constructed wetlands" (reed bed) with the sub surface flow and with a sandy bed and macrophyt plants (Phragmites autralis) in laboratory scale was made. In this study the amount of COD, TKN, P-P04 removed from the wastewater were considered in three stages and since October to February 2001. The concentration of COD at two stages was 50 and 100(mg/lit) respectively at 3 retention times of 1,3 and 5 days and the concentration of TKN and P-PO4 was 11,23,1.25 and 2(mg/lit).In the first stage the result of the COD removal with an input concentration of 50 (mg/lit) and retention time of 1,3 and 5 days showed a good performance by both systems of reed bed and its control system. The efficiency of COD removal in reed bed system was nearly 70%.In the second stage, by increasing the input concentration of COD to 100(mg/lit), the efficiency of COD removal in the retention time of 3 and 5 days increased for both systems.The removals of COD, TKN and P-PO4 in reed bed system were better than the control unit.As the temperature reduced, the removal of pollutants in the both systems decreased, and the average efficiency removal of COD, TKN, P-PO4 in reed bed system was respectively 75, 57.3 and 51 percent in winter.In the third stage, as the COD concentration input increased to 320mg/lit, the efficiency of COD removal in the retention time of 3 days increased for both systems. The increased of COD concentration input to 320 (mg/lit), the efficiency of COD removal in the retention time of 3 days increased for both systems. Conclusion the efficiency of COD removal in reed bed system was nearly 82.35% and the comparison unit was 78.2%.