Introduction: Addiction is an ominous social process that affects badly on quality of addicts’ lives and their families. The factors that lead to unsatisfaction of addicts's spouses in addition to the factors that define quantity and quality of satisfaction should be known because the knowledge lead to formation of positive senses and motivations for giving up opium derivates. Thus, we decided to define the amount of satisfaction and it's correlation with age, sex, education, kind of opium derivates, duration of addiction, etc, in addicted ones and their spouses.Methods and Materials: Among addicts referred to renouncement clinics of Mashhad in 2004- 2005, 146 subjects consist of addicted ones and their spouses agreed to fill the questionnaire which has been confirmed by a group of specialists. We decided to assess the correlation between marital satisfaction and age, sex, education, kind and duration of addiction in addicts and their spouses. For definition the questionnaire reliability we used alpha- Cronbach. Satisfaction quantities were classified by using Z. score.Results: Among 146 subjects in three groups (90 addicted husbands and nonaddicted wives in group 1, 26 nonaddicted husbands and addicted wives in group 2 , 30 addicted husbands and wives in group 3) marital satisfaction level was moderate. There was not significant difference between the marital satisfaction of husbands who were addicted and their wives who were nonaddicted, mostly (p=0.76). Correlation between marital satisfaction of addicts and their ages (p-0.012), kinds of opium derivates (p= 0.045), and their educations (p=0.029) were meaningful.Conclusions: Marital satisfaction of addicts and their spouses were assessed moderately that is contrary to the destructive effects of addiction on the basis of family. Thus, there must be the personal or manneral causes leading to this finding. Cooperation of addicted people and their partners for treatment of addiction based upon health programs specially, when this manner leads to renouncement and a happy, fortunate and without opium life is probable cause of getting moderate level of marital satisfaction in them.