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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پیاپی 95)
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    3 (95)
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Among the various arguments that Hakim Sabziwari has adduced in his Sharh-i manzumah for demonstrating the theory of the trans-substantial motion, five appear to be among his own innovations at first glance. They include reasoning through the qualitative motion of ideas in heavenly souls, reasoning through the renewal of Ideas, reasoning through the unified origination of the world, reasoning through the purposiveness of nature, and reasoning through the shadow-like unity of the soul. The present paper is aimed to report, analyze, and criticize such arguments. The conducted study indicates that four of these arguments can be considered to be among his innovations. The philosophical significance of these four-fold arguments mainly arise from the fact that they manifest the place of the theory of the trans-substantial motion, have mutual interactions with other problems in the field of the Transcendent-Philosophy, promote scrutiny regarding the different aspects and effects of this theory, and demonstrate the harmony and consistency among the various sections of Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. However, the mentioned arguments are neither simple and explicit nor capable of proving this theory based on a few premises.

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    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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One of the most important issues which should be addressed before examining the arguments on the originatedness or temporal pre-eternity of the world is what mutikallimun and philosophers mean by originatedness and temporal eternity. This question by itself is based on another question as to what they mean by time. Owing to his mastery of kalami and philosophical views and following a critical approach, Fakhr al-Din Razi analyzes and compares the views of mutikallimun and philosophers about the originatedness and temporal pre-eternity of the world and their arguments in this regard and critically reviews the roots and the conceptual and assertoric principles of the two sides with respect to this issue. He believes that mutikallimun’ s interpretation of time and temporal origination is absurd. Moreover, he rejects philosophers’ definition of time as to the amount of motion and a continuous quantity and, unlike the common belief, maintains that time is a disjunctive quantity. In contrast to other mutikallimun, he doubts the temporal originatedness of the world of intellects and immaterial entities. Nevertheless, by criticizing the ideas of early mutikallimun and philosophers, Mulla Sadra tries to bring the views of Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek philosophers and followers of other religions in unison with his own ideas, while his interpretation of temporal origination and his fundamental philosophical principles are not consistent with such a unison. This is because the concept of Sadrian temporal originatedness is based on the principiality of existence and trans-substantial motion, which were discussed neither in Greek philosophy nor tackled by Islamic mutikallimun. This paper does not intend to evaluate the arguments on origination or pre-eternity; rather, it explores the whatness of origination or temporal pre-eternity in Mulla Sadra and Fakhr al-Din Razi. The authors believe that their shared objection to mutikallimun and Peripatetic philosophers concerns their interpretation of time and temporal origination. However, the difference between these two thinkers arises from their own conceptions of the whatness of time and temporal origination.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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This study was conducted to explore the thoughts of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Islamic philosophy and the required concomitants for its expansion and development based on his speeches. The researchers’ main purpose here was to develop and present a desirable model for the development of Islamic philosophy based on the grounded theory. In doing so, they studied the speeches, sermons, messages, decrees, orders and interviews of Imam Khamenei between 1981-2008 and, through employing three open, axial, and selective types of coding in the grounded theory methodology, they found 111 codes/concepts, 24 categories, and four dimensions. In the conclusion section, while presenting a paradigmatic model dominating the categories, they provide some responses to the research questions based on the research findings.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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The question of whether the Divine Word is originated or pre-eternal has always challenged the minds of both the Mu‘ tazilites and Ash‘ arites. Gnostics refer to it as the Merciful Divine Breath, which is neither pre-eternal nor originated. The present paper discusses the quality of the Prophet’ s receiving revelation, and how the Divine Word, irrespective of its originated or pre-eternal nature, is manifested in the mould of words. Some of the Mu‘ tazilites believe that it is of the type of sounds and words, while a group of the Ash‘ arites conceive of it as a soulish truth transferred through sounds and words. Ibn Arabi distinguishes between God’ s Book and God’ s Word and attributes the difference between its being Arabic or non-Arabic to the Book and not to God’ s Words. He believes that the words of the Holy Qur’ an belong to God and not the Prophet (s) and argues that their descent to his heart were in the verbal from; in other words, the Prophet (s) received the Qur’ an in its present Arabic version and did not change any part of it. In his commentary on this holy Book, Qunawi also writes that the concrete existential form of the Qur’ an is similar to its perceptive form, thus, the Qur’ an is light (nur) by essence.

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Kamali Sabzewari Seyyed Shahriar



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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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In Mulla Sadra’ s works, two different meanings are provided for the “ mentally-positedness of quiddity” . In the first one, it means the subordinate realization of quiddity through existence. However, in the second one, it means the mental and virtual existence of quiddity in the outside. In this paper, the author suggests three hypotheses as potential strategies in order to attain Mulla Sadra’ s ultimate view regarding the meaning of “ mentally-positedness of quiddity” . Finally, through the confirmation of the third hypothesis, he concludes that the first meaning of this concept is not acceptable because of its rational defects and argues that only the second meaning can be considered as the one intended in the Transcendent Philosophy.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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The supreme place of the issue of the final cause is no secret to the people of thought. This topic is so important that some great figures, such as Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, have considered it as the most important component of wisdom. At the same time, there are some salient differences in this regard among its advocates and opponents. In Islamic philosophy, the problem of final cause has been mainly tackled by responding to the advanced criticisms while, in contemporary Western philosophy, the discussion of this topic is considered to be unimportant and superfluous. Rarely ever have either Islamic or Aristotelian philosophers dealt with the fundamental reasons and roots of the confirmation or rejection of the final cause; however, no consensus will be arrived at regarding superstructures without first analyzing the basic ideas. Here, through an analytic study of the conceptual and assertoric bases of the final cause, the authors have tried to investigate and evaluate the main roots of the conflicts over this problem in order to facilitate the judgment of superstructures. In doing so, they have focused on such concepts as the relationship between efficient and final causes, origin of motion, potency and predisposition, and essentialism and archetype.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (95)
  • Pages: 

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Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastness of such changes has led some thinkers to believe that there is a large semantic gap between metaphysical and natural kinds of causality, and the relationship between them is merely of the type of homonymy. The spread of this view among some philosophers and scholars has made any kind of agreement among them impossible. As a result, no comparative study can be carried out in these two fields concerning their shared concepts. Although some of the followers of the Transcendent Philosophy advocate the same view, the philosophical principles of Mulla Sadra have removed any kind of breach or borderline between these two fields and defines them in the same way. Accordingly, it can be claimed that natural causality is the degraded form of metaphysical causality and, thus, the unison of the two fields, their proximity to each other, and any interaction between them will be inevitable.

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