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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Choice theory addresses human behavior by emphasizing accountability in meeting basic needs. The purpose of this paper is to apply this psychological approach to the comparative study of symbolic stories. “ Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach (1936) and Manteq-Al-Tair by Attar reveal one of the highest humanitarian concerns, the truth. The present paper, using a descriptive-analytical method, shows that these works share the same aspects of symbolic concepts. Their theme, in spite of the distinction in structure, is the conflict between humans’ possessions and demands. The desire to discover the existential essence under the guidance of guide is an attempt to satisfy the need for freedom and a sense of value. Attar, in the second valley, deals with the necessity of love in conduct, but Bach, in his last words, recounts the importance of this essential need. Another difference in the rate of representation is the intrinsic motives of characters. The narrative of Richard Bach, due to the greater use of the description and the design of the internal dialogue, has a greater ability to be read based on Glaser’ s theory.

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One of the most important themes of contemporary fiction is the reflection of people's culture, and since human beings and their lives and ideas are integral to the story, so the connection of people's culture with human beings has come to this literary form. Part of this culture is social, religious, medical, and superstitious customs, and part includes conversational language and local dialects, poems and songs, proverbs and games. Shahla Parvin Rouh and Mansooreh Sharifzadeh are writers who have paid special attention to people's culture, their work reflecting the relationship of human beings with this culture. The inappropriate or inappropriate use of this culture in developing and living human beings in fictional societies is partly rooted in real society, and on the other hand it is sometimes apparent that these themes are a cover for the author's innermost thoughts and intentions that help him It makes for a more artistic and sometimes more sophisticated way of creating work. Of course, due to the author’ s gender and insight, and the setting of the event, the manner of reflecting these themes differs and resembles ocassionally, and it can be analyzed via this perspective. The criteria of selecting the authors are common sex, period of time, and their works of art chosen in different literary festivals.

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The impact of archetypes on our individual and collective subconscious is powerful but invisible, and can shape our thinking and action. However, some of the archetypes have a deeper and wider impact on the collective psychology of a nation. This study aimed at indicating the ancient roots of this archetype and its transformations using Le Ré gime Diurne and Le Ré gime Nocturne by Gilbert Durand in three novels, namely Spell of the Dark City, Fortresses of the Akhulgheh Castle, and The Bandits. Finally, it was indicated that reproduction of this archetype in tales offers some ways of dealing with the world to the audience by over-simplifying the complexities of real world and human relations, and dividing everything into a dipole with irreplaceable immutable-eternal boundaries which involves incorrect judgments, extremism and intolerance towards different opinions and as a result of justified violence.

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The classic Persian literature enjoys plenty of story enrichment. In some authors’ works, these prose and poetry texts provide beyond the pure storytelling, somehow dramatic tale. However, with regard to lack of play in early centuries of Persian poems in Iran, the works do not hare play from appearance and are written only for reading. After the arrival of play from the West to Iran in the late century, play writers referred less to old literature treasure. While the reading of these works from the perspective of the play demonstrates their capacity for theatrical adaptations. Among the works of poets, Shahnameh Ferdousi and Nezami Middle poetry, and among prose books, Beyhaghi’ s History are the best samples for evaluating the mentioned dramatic works. We attempt in this paper that after describing dramatic theater elements (Aristotle) and epic theater, pay to adjust their measurements with Beyhaghi’ s dramatic stories and offer play (dramatic) capacity for the works.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sadraei Roghayeh

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Religion and poem are not in challenge with each other in Greek tradition. Although the Islamic tradition has theoretically taken advantages from it, it has always been trying to pursue its own style. Meantime, Naser Khosrow is a perfect example who contemplated the Greeks’ philosophy, whereas there are profound distinctions between him and other heirs of Greek philosophy. It means that he has been able to stabilize his attitudes with philosophical principles and mixed them with Hadis and Quran doctrines. In contrast to Greeks, particularly Aristotle, he has directed poem toward his religious beliefs. Naser Khosrow’ s has been also identified as the pioneers of literal commitment who has emphasized religion and expanded Islamic concepts. As he is considered as an innate speaker who has used his theology to ponder verses and expand Ismael religion, he believed that science is categorized based on religion. In consequent, he improves wisdom and religion. This mainly distinguishes him from Greekism and the Iranian philosophers tending to Greek tradition. From this point of view, the present research is going to indicate that Naser Khosrow has tried to stabilize his thought based on Nabavi wisdom which is different from the new-Platonic philosophy. Since this issue has been scrutinized by the experts of rhetorical poem, this study has been conducted based on the philosophical work of Henry Kren to contemplate this subject.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper attempts to suggest some scientific criteria for investigating what details have been added to his classic text because of some irresistible metric forces. In this research, we assumed that Ferdowsi had not changed the content of his source except for metrics. Hence, for finding how and why these changes have occurred, we have selected 1000 stanzas from one of his stories called Siavash. Then, we have specified the stanzas affected by metrics, and their sentence changes (not lexical) are analyzed. We have analyzed what Ferdowsi had added both from the syntagmatic point of view and paradigmatic point of view. Consequently, the most significant effects of metrics on Ferdowsi’ s narration are “ Langauge Extension” in the syntagmatic axis and “ Ironical Language” in the paradigmatic axis. In order to explain the changes that are observed in Ferdowsi’ s version of the story, it is compared with the version written by a famous writer, Sa’ alabi.

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Colour is one of the important elements of aesthetics in poetry. In modern psychology, colour is a criterion for personality identification. The Lü scher Colour Test is one of the famous theories in this area according to this theory, personality traits could be identified based on one’ s choice of colour. Ahmad Shamloo (1304_1379) SH and Muhammad Al-Maghut, the contemporary Syrian writer and poet (1934-2006)-the leaders of blank verse-are the poets who use colours in these poems a lot. This article aims to analyse Shamloo & Al-Maghut’ s personality based on the Lü scher Colour Test, and to give the readers more accurate image of their personality. The test results and interpretation of the couples obtained from the test are expected to match the personality which we know of them. The results show that our intended poets have been trying to escape from their living experiences and poetry has been a shelter for their bitter experiences and colours support to help them to picture their ideal world.

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The novel of “ hibernation” written by Goli Taraghi is one of the contemporary Persian stories in which the writer has used symbol, myth and old pattern. While reading stories such as this one, reader involves in reasons of choosing characters’ names, or using adjective, pronouns and … instead of names or why some characters are anonymous. The aim of this research is to study and analyze characters’ names in the novel “ hibernation” . In this research, first of all, names are divided based on their types such as proper noun, common noun, adjective and compound names, then they were studied from other points of view such as meaning, characterization, perspective and … ., finally frequency of each name is mentioned to see which are used more. The research method is correlative– analytical, and show that in the novel “ hibernation” men and women names are chosen based on different method. Also name morphology indicates that choosing names is not random, and there are various reasons for each one.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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