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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Nostalgia is one of the great issues of discussion in psychology which has a strong relationship with memory and rememberance.Regretting over the sweet past events and the contrast between the present time and the past is called nostalgia. The concept of nostalgia has a history as old as the fall of Adam which has devoted the credit of so many literary works since a long time ago. Hamid Mosadegh is one of the contemporary poets and nostalgia is prominent in his poems. In fact, nostalgia has been represented in Mosadegh’s lyric poems and in the form of individual nostalgia. On the other hand, collective nostolgia can be seen in the socio-political poems of this poet and remembering the period of just sovereignty, liberty and safety, also regretting about the lifetime of Adam in paradise and tendency to return to the primary eras of human beings and a period away from nastiness and impurity. This study is aimed at examining the different aspects of nostalgia in Mosadegh’s poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Dialogism is one if those theories in which the language and speech are seen as a social phenomenon. This theory which has had a significant impact on later critics and theorists has opened up new horizons for reading different texts through two main forms of polyphony and monophony. This study intends to analyze the degree of correspondence of this theory with Attar's narrative of “Revolution of Birds toward Phoenix” based on the dialogism of Mikhail Bakhtin. Further, it represents the elements like the truth, unity, and the relationship between the disciple and tutor makes a monophonic text from Mantegh-al-teir (language of the birds); however, there are some cases which have made the text polyphony. One of these cases is advancing the narrative by dialogue which causes the voice of other characters to be heard besides the writer's voice. Moreover, Hoopoe’s emphasis on the mass movement and emergence of otherness which leads to the collapse of the transcendental personality in Hoopoe, has also given a polyphony feature to Mantegh-al-teir by carnival of atmosphere and some signs of parody and stylization.

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Language is the most important means of message transmission and has the most application for the social functioning of mankind. The key element and inseparable part of a sentence is the verb and its structure consists of some parts such as: simple verb, prefix, compound, compound prefix, verb phrases, and intransitive verbs. There have been a lot of investigations and discussions about the structure of the verb. However, there hasn’t been a comprehensive research on the structure of verb phrases. This study is aimed at examining the verb phrases according to the viewpoints of grammarians such as (Khanlari, Ahmadi-Givi, Abolghasemi, Anvari, Farshidvard, and Arjang) and linguists such as (Meshkatodini, Bateni, Vahidian Kamyar, and Tabibzadeh). Further, through the analysis and critique of each one, the truth or inaccuracy and the differences of their view points are explored. To this end, this study represents the viewpoints of both traditional and new grammarians and provides a scientific and precise definition for the verb phrases. Finally, it investigates the structure of verb phrases from both semantic and structural perspectives.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Compounds have long been closely studied by many linguists.One reason for this especially in Persian language is probably the high productivity rate of this process. Since these kinds of words are both composed by the lay people in their daily speech and at the same time by the experts, the Persian language can benefit from this possibility and fulfill its needs with regard to finding appropriate equivalents for foreign words and scientific expressions. This study is an attempt to provide a description of compounds and delve into its intrinsic nature to demonstrate its place in morphological hierarchy. To this end, the researchers of the study have resorted to different theoretical approaches. Finally, after introducing a number of different ways of classifying the compounds, the most comprehensive one is proposed based on consistent criteria which is hoped to be universally valid too.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During years, poets and authors of the Islamic world have been impressed by the holy Quran owing to its rich content as well as its exalted moral values. This influence has sometimes been manifested in the works of such poets in the forms of adaptation and insertion and sometimes accompanied with images, forms of thought, or a figurative speech like allusion, metaphor, allegory, codes, and other strategies of creating mental imagery. The reason why the poets have been affected by the holy Quran lies in two significant factors, first the level of familiarity with this sacred word of Allah (Quran) and pondering over its profound and precise meanings; and second the level of their faith in Islam and the holy Quran as well as their desire and tendency to promote and publicize its meanings and values. The rhetorical method of allusion and the use of story elements like the well, prison, love, and shirt are more frequent in contemporary poetry. The Prophet Joseph in contemporary Persian poetry is a symbol of innocence and purity and the beloved of Imam Mahdi. There are very few poets who have considered Joseph (pbuh) from the perspective of wisdom, prophethood, and governance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study examines Attar’s hagiography from the perspective of characterization and genesis of hero character.Further, it selects four narratives as samples of this text (Ibrahim Adham, Hassan Basari, Bayazid Bastami, and Hallaj) from one of the best Persian hagiography. This study which is based on Northrop Frye's theories represents that the hero character in Attar's hagiography is too close to the literary genres of Romans; hero in this genre is the transfigurated form of the mythological stories. The heroes of hagiography (mystics) reveal a form of heroes of the reference texts; at the top of the reference texts are the Qur' anic stories. Therefore, this study argues that lots of narratives in Attar's book have been borrowed from the Holy Quran's pattern of narratives. Accordingly, this influence has caused these narratives, regardless of their historical authenticity, to be more believable for their audiences and the authority of this text is originated from this credibility.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The advent of modernism and the basic theory of relativity in the Iranian collection of fiction has brought to the fore a need to reappraise myths and mythology. The literature that has in it such elements as skepticism, rule evasion, and norm enhancement disintegrates and reconstructs everything. Hence, myths become individualized and in this process the element of contrast has the highest presence. Through juxtaposing modernity with tradition, mythology with modernism, and simply put ancient with modern, and creating a contrast between them, a contemporary story writer attempts to create a situation in which these concepts are read and understood better and to better portray his new beliefs; an approach used by Golshiri represented in his works. Overall, despite all debates that have been waged against mythology by modernism, it seems that both enjoy common grounds in terms of using literary language and symbolism. More importantly, an obsession with time and subjectivism is the main hallmark of mythology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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