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Legal Research

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The constitution of the Islamic republic of Iran like the constitution of other countries whose governments are based on the law and legal structures, determines the jurisdiction of every institution and specifies as kind of task division. Relying upon a coranic principle that councils are responsible for decision making and managing the affairs of the country (article 7) and the government should be supported by popular vote, the constitution recognizes the principle of separation of powers in article 57 and determines the jurisdictions of each branch.Legislation has been confined to the parliament or Majlis or carried out by holding a referendum (articles 58 and 59) and the judiciary acts through public courts which are formed based on the law. The executive branch is exercised by the president or cabinet (in charge of executive affairs) and in some cases, directly by the supreme leader. Compliance with the procedure determined by the constitution, non-interference of institutions in the jurisdiction of each other, and particularly not according the special powers of institution stipulated in the constitution to other illegal institution can contribute to the sound management of affairs and preservation of people's rights and its violation entails unfavorable consequences. This article elaborates on this issue.

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Legal Research

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Selon l'article 8 du code penal: "pour les infractions don't l'auteur do it etre juge dans le pays ou il se trouve, que ce soit en vertu d'une loi particuliere ou conformement aux traites internationaux, cet auteur sera traduit en justice et puni conformement aux laos de la republique islamique s'il est apprehende en Iran". D'apres la plupard des auteurs iraniens, cet article recondite aux juridictions internes une competence universelle lorsqu' en vertu d'une loi particuliere ou un traite international, l'lran s'est engage a reprimer les infractions visees par cette loi ou ce traite, des lors que la personne en cause se trouve sur le territoire iranien. Autrement dit le legislateur iranien a ainsi integre dans le systeme legislatif une norme generale assurant la mise en oeuvre des obligations de juger et punir decoulant d'un traite international. Cependant, l'arnbiguite existe quant a la portee de cette disposition de la loi, nonobstant la ratification des differents traites instaurant la competence universelle. En outre, I'exercice de cette competonce risque de manquer d'effectivite a partir du moment ou les incriminations des crimes de droit international font defaut dans la majorite des cas en droit interne.

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Legal Research

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It is a right of consumer to benefit from safe and intact goods and to be prevented from damage causing by consumption of defective or dangerous goods. It seems to be necessary to study current rules and regulations in this regard to develop this idea in Iranian legal system. A lot of rules which have been enacted in this area have objectives which are not coincident with the dominant believes in consumer law. Nevertheless, it's possible to take use of them to better understanding of consumer rights. The aforesaid rules are used, either for preventing damage to the consumer or for compensating damages to him or her. In prevention phase, using standard rules, criminal protection and providing information can protect the consumer of defective or dangerous goods and prevent damage of their misapplication, or at least minimize the risk of damage .And in compensation phase, it will be possible to compensate for the damage if we hold the distributer of the goods liable for damages. In the present article, acts and regulations including preventive rules from causing damage to the consumer of defective or dangerous goods will be discussed. Acts and provisions including compensatory rules will be discussed in a subsequent article.

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Legal Research

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Corporate Management, directors, their role and powers, their relationship with each other and with other company's sectors more particularly their dealing with third parties and the validity of such dealings are among those subjects that in addition to theoretical point of view, involve a vast practical effects with regard to not only the company itself and its members but also third parties dealing with the company. Although Iranian law experienced a major change in 1347 through the amendment of the Commerce Act 1311, such a change was confined to the joint stock companies. The aim of the present article is to study the principle of a company's legal capacity its exceptions, and to see whether the company's capacity is a rule or exception. Having reviewed the extent of directors' powers in joint stock, limited liability as well as unlimited and proportional is another objective of this paper.While discussing those topics, we shall look at English Law relating to the company's legal capacity and the extent of the directors powers in the light of the Companies Act 2006.

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Legal Research

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For the carriage of passenger, luggage and goods, the carrier must respectively deliver a passenger ticket, luggage ticket and air consignment note or air waybill. These documents have to be issued according to the relevant provisions of the 1929 Warsaw and the 1999 Montreal Conventions. If the carrier accepts passengers, luggage and goods without issuing necessary documents, or if these documents do not contain the particulars set out in the relevant Conventions, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of the Convention which exclude or limit his liability. These provisions of the Warsaw Convention are different from those in the Montreal Convention.According to these Conventions, the carrier, the consignor and the consignee can respectively enforce all the rights given to them by these Conventions. This article considers the provisions of the Conventions related to the documentation of carriage, the rights and duties of parties to the contract of carriage.

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Legal Research

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The validity of the condition of non-remarriage, as a legal act, has always been in dispute by the jurisprudents and lawyers. A number of scholars regard this agreement un- lawful, in virtue of deprivation of the right, as a whole, and the opposition to the mandatory rules. Others believe the obligation of waiving of remarriage's right, by man, is binding. In this article with explanation of the two opinions, with relying on some legal bases, and with emphasis on the social interest of family, and new comment on the woman's role in the common life, the validity of the condition as a private agreement in the conjugal period is proved. With respect to the legal effects of the condition, considering the importance of its violation and with regard to necessity of effective sanction, the theory of nullity of the remarriage is regarded a cogent argument, although the theory of right of cancellation is not regarded void of reason.

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Legal Research

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Democratie est un regime ou les citoyens decident et executent. Une societe democratique ne recoit pas ses lois et ses institutions de la part d'une instance exterieure. Dans cette societe la loi et la justice sont toujours ouvertes dans Ie sens que les lois existantes et les decisions peuvent et doivent toujours etre mise en cause et se changer. Dans la democratie directe, l'idee de la "representativite" et "les competents" qui decident pour les autres est inacceptable. De de nos jours, la democratie representative est devenu un paradigme. Mais certains estiment que la crise de la representativite est Ie principal probleme de la dernocratie actuelle. Mais pour des raisons de l'extension geographique et l'accroissement des populations, democratie directe aussi est mise en question, meme si certains pays utilisent certaines de ses methodes. Tout en acceptant la democratie representative, il y en d'autres qui la definissent comme le systeme de gerer les conflits sans eliminer ces derniers. Dans cette optique, la crise de la democratie vient avant tout de l'absence de la participation et de la prise de decision des gens dans leur vie politique et surtout de la non-presence des acteurs sociaux dans les institutions representatives. lls participent de temps en temps dans les elections, sans etre actifs dans la prise de responsabilite, de decisions et de leur execution. Les institutions representatives sont occupees par les "professionnels politiques", ce qui aboutit a la formation d'une "nouvelle classe".Depuis quelques decennies la place des femmes dans les institutions sociales (politique, educative, familiale, economique, etc;) est devenue un enjeu tres important des debats publics. La revendication de l'eqalite des sexes a ouvert de nouvelles horizons. Le mouvement social des femmes a aboutit a un certain changement dans les institutions sociales. Une des sources de la crise des democraties actuelles, est la tres forte presence des hommes dans les institutions representatives. La necessite d'un equilibre dans ces institutions est I'une des revendications du mouvement social des femmes. Les revendications varient du regime de "parite" (50 pour cent des femmes) au regime de "quota" selon la situation. Dans cette optique, il est impossible d'avoir une democratie, sans une presence equitable des femmes dans les institutions representatives. Certaines des propositions de ce mouvement sont: la reforme des institutions politiques, le suffrage direct des citoyens, la ratification des conventions democratiques internationales, la decentralisation, etc.

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کالون کرگ

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کالون در این مقاله کوتاه و پربار که در دانشنامه بین المللی علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری چاپ شده، با مروری بر تاریخچه حوزه عمومی و جامعه مدنی، به واکاوی این دو مفهوم و پیوند آن دو با یکدیگر می پردازد. بنابه تعریف کالون، جامعه مدنی معمولا به نهادها و و روابطی اشاره می کند که زندگی اجتماعی را در لایه میان دولت و خانواده سازمان می دهد.

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