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مدیریت شهری

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مدیریت شهری

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مدیریت شهری

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to value Mashhad air quality improvement and determine its effective factors, current study has applied contingent valuation method and two stage Heckman model on gathered data of high-polluted and medium-polluted regions of Mashhad which are gathered through field survey method. Based on results of contingent valuation method it can be say that 30 percent improvement of air quality total value in high-polluted region equals 7134146560 Rials per month and in medium-polluted region equals 5242428950 Rials per month. Therefore according to citizens’ mentality, value of 30 percent improvement of Mashhad air pollution state equals 12376575510 Rials per month. Based on results of this study, in decision-making stage, education level, age, kind of settlement region, sex and having child are significant variables on citizens' WTP for air pollution reduction. In addition education level, sex, age, household income, having child and having car are effective factors on people willingness to pay in administrating stage.

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Sustainable development, including harmonious growth and development of economy, environment and society, is complex task and achieving it highlights the importance of governmental institutions due to having the legal power and having task preserve public property. An effective decision-maker institution in urban sustainable development is Commission of Article five in Housing and Urban Development ministry which is only one to change an approved detailed plan of city. This research aimed at recognition study of commission of article five as mediator and coordinator institute in urban sustainable development in Tehran metropolis. In order to this, in this investigation, analytical-explanatory Method was used. Data were gathered by questionnaire in two different levels: urban managers in Commissions of article five and specialists in university. The results show that in time impart of approvals to municipal offices in strength variables, shortages in technical personnel in weakness variables, high number of undergraduates related to urban management in opportunity variables, and land rent and land dealers in threat group have highest relative weight among other variables. Corresponding to results, total relative weight of the threat factors shares the most prominent weight of all groups. Finally, research emphasizes the necessity of public participation in decision-making process for any change.

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Pollution crisis has become one of the most complicated problems which outbreaks the urban management in charge groups of the capital Tehran, and many strategies have been used to control this problem. In this case, using simulation is one of the best tools to predict the driver behavior and also the speed and the acceleration of vehicles in the network. As well as using the pollutant emission models combined with traffic simulation software can provide a suitable prediction tool to predict the pollutants produced by urban transportation network. In this research, after studying the vehicle following models based on acceleration and velocity prediction, and beside some bases of instantaneous emission models, an urban highway in the capital Tehran was investigated. In the investigation both odd and even approach and limitation in speed of vehicles approach were supposed. Comparison the results achieved from both approaches with the ordinary conditions of the network, showed that using the odd and even approach can reduce the pollution to 50% in general. But due to the provisional conditions of this strategy some other suggestions are given in this paper.

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View 972

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Persian garden design is one of the main elements in the architecture and landscaping in Iran and the whole lands influenced by the Iranian culture.This phenomenon has always been present in Iranians' life and they have had a close connection to this ancient tradition. Hence, it can be said that Persian garden design is one of the most crucial features in shaping Landscape, in particular, and creating built environment, in general, throughout the Iranian history. In this research, we don’t intend to valuate the Persian garden design or favor it in Landscape architecture. Our purpose in this study is to seek our identity in Landscape architecture through examining space elements in the Persian garden design. How this space in the physical structure of Persian garden is grasped by viewers or whether the physical structure of this phenomenon still persists in the collective memory of Iranians is not the point to be scrutinized by this research. Any answer to these questions requires probing into other fields. The research methodology in this study was descriptive and analytical and we have collected data in field and bibliographic investigations. This study shows that the Persian garden design is a systematic space shaping with respect to all phenomenological aspects of this concept, and it can be described as a worthy system in Landscape architecture and a pioneering approach in designing and organizing built environment in connection with nature.

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As an edge of a seaport and much more important as a frontline of international communication, Coastal texture of Bandar Abbas is of great importance. Due to its strategic location, this texture can be easily defined as an expression of Iranian Culture and civilization. Despite the recent years Local and subject oriented plans of Bandar Abbas coastal zone, and also designers and Constructorsefforts aimed to Upgrading and revising under construction coastal plans, yet the old ruined confusing landscape of these Iranian coastal zones, indicate such a lack of integrated management of this urban texture. The knowledge of design requirements in coastal zone, its cultural characteristic, climatic condition, identity, economic consideration and environmental requirements, as well as modern technologies and materials seem to be so much important in order to organizing the historically valuable old texture of Bandar Abbas. Hence, the present study, firstly analyze different aspects of, as mentioned above, Bandar Abbas’s recent status conditions and secondly with the integrated management approach, it suggests strategies to fulfill coastal zone organization. The research method as based on field study and surveys in city of Bandar Abbas. Introducing some patterns and criteria's, thisarticle assess and analyze data according to SWOT table, and after a definition of basic and fundamental strategies, it reveals the large, medium and short term action plans to fulfill them.

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Passive defense is one of the contemporary issues, which has been considered in urban plans. Nowadays, this issue is included in urban master plans via setting specific regulations on location of land uses and empowering of buildings which can be used for all cities (not only the case study). This research contributes to decrease in possible damages from military attacks in cities by introducing a new method, analyzing city and it`s effective elements on passive defense. Birjand is one of the border line cities of Iran which due to be the center of Southern Khorasan province and locating of managerial and strategic centers, has a special condition. To identify the vulnerable elements of this city from passive defense point of views, the Delphi method were used regards to the previous studies had been done on this issue? Base on this, a twenty-item list containing the vulnerable elements prepared and valued by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then the vulnerability layer produced with the interpolation density analysis using GIS software. In addition to the vulnerable elements, the effective urban indexes on this issue such as population densities and size of plots have been surveyed in order to prepare the vulnerable layer of the city. After this, the produces layers mixed with each other and make the final vulnerable zoning of Birjand with passive defense approach. At the end, based on the analysis conducted about each urban element, the mitigating solutions and recommendations proposed in order to decrease the level of damages from military attacks.

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Aim to design targeted subsidies, trying to reduce energy consumption and improve income distribution situation in Iran. In this paper the factors affecting society different strata tend to use the public transport system after being targeted subsidy plan in 22 regions of Tehran metropolitan is analyzed. Research objective "impact assessment variables determine the behavior of citizens, such as employment status, gender, age and type of personal to vehicle use on public transport following the implementation of targeted subsidies. Methods of research" - descriptive and analytical survey that 400 completed questionnaires in the 22 regions of Tehran has been done. To analyze data obtained from the inquiry and assessment of the interaction of variables, test "Phi and Cramer s V coefficient", "goodman & kruskal Tau coefficient", "Lambda coefficient" and "Pearson chi coefficient" is used. Findings of study show, relationship between education level of citizens and their awareness of targeted subsidies plan, employment standards of citizens and "economic effect" targeted subsidy plan, the type used by citizens and effect "Traffic" criteria and targeted subsidy plan, the type of device used citizens and "environmental effects" criteria of targeted subsidies plan is significant.

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Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), are mobile communication network components. Establishment of these sites as elements that have physical dimensions and own unique features, imposed unfortunate consequences on the urban areas. The intensity of these effects is much more than what was expected through ignoring urban planning principles and rules. Minimizing the number of BTS stations through site sharing approach between different operators is one of the most important strategies in reduction of adverse effects of those sites. In this research, to evaluate possibility of applying this approach in Tehran city, based on data types, first we used ArcGIS software to study current status of network deployment of three active mobile operators in Tehran, and then we evaluated the site sharing approach to organize sites deployment systems according to the network technical requirement. Data analysis based on possibility of sites relocation, considering operators nearby sites distance and using existing sites, then neighbor sites in distance less than 50 m, 50 to 100 m, 100 to 150 m and 150 to 200 m identified. Research findings shows that theoretically and potentially for nearby sites in less than 50 m distance, it is possible to reduce 432 sites to 215 sites, for nearby sites within 50 to 100 m, from 156 sites to 76 sites, for nearby sites within 100 to 150, from 186 sites to 90 sites and for nearby sites within 150 to 200 m from 224 sites to 106 sites, and overall for all nearby sites within less than 200 m distance, it is possible to reduce 998 sites to 487 sites. Considering technical specifications of sites network, relocating of sites with less distances is more feasible and finally in practice, relocating many of the listed sites is possible.

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As we know with increasing urban population and urban development, the issue of leisure and work alongside people in everyday mobility of people were questioned, given the lack of leisure facilities in our community led city planners to think to put this organization in order to overcome is to provide strategies. However, it is clear that success in this arena and achieve spiritual and material interests resulting from its knowledge requires strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the study area, which is the industry's capabilities and benefit from tourist attractions and old tissue elements related to those programs, if done without the knowledge and led to the destruction and degradation are the powers, so in most tourist areas and the necessity of recognizing state tourism organization to be felt. This study was aimed at trying to plan for the tourism elements of the old tissue using SWOT method first, strengths and weaknesses that are emanating from within the problem with external opportunities and threats analysis reviewed and suggestions were essential In order to exploit the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of decreased awareness of strategies to overcome problems they should be presented every few programs and strategies cannot cause immediate problems are solved according to plan, but in this particular category of separation not the subject of urban planning can be a step towards reducing the problems in this area harvest.

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Perhaps one of the most important aspects of rural development, rural management is arguably the most important dimensions A very important role in rural development activities is responsible for coordination. Iran has a long history of management in rural areas is, However, no factor in the failure of rural development programs, most importantly lack of proper understanding of rural management, And its characteristics and differences between urban and rural areas, and the difference in how they handle it. As is obvious and clear goal and the main stakeholders are the rural people in development programs, And the satisfaction of managers and officials is one of the most important points must be considered in the plan. So the main question of this study is to what extent is performance managers in rural management? The present study analyzed the economic, social and Skeletal - the Environmental managers’ in Kunany sector deals. It should be noted that Methods used in the study Survey of descriptive and analytical. After collecting and processing data and statistical analysis Spss software and the use of statistical tests such steed mean, Wilcoxon and paired t-test The result was that the management of rural managers terms of size and performance (economic 3.48, social 3.11 and Skeletal - the Environmental 3.54) There is a significant relationship. So managers’ since its formation so far have played an effective role in development of villages. The results of the study, manager’s major problem in rural development, Lack of financial resources and credit for rural more development. That In addition to helping the government, managers also ways to finance the participation of the people should adopt.

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Integrated Rural Development is the complicated and multipartite process that affected by various functions such as economic, social, politic, environmental etc and the function all this elements can will have various impact dependent on gate in the what development stage each of rural habitation. Three purpose will pursuit in this articale: 1- Determine place and station each of rural in habitation network system; 2- Determine level of having habitations in elements of development and 3- Recognize challenges and effective elements on Khanmirza rural district development. The method of survey is usage attributive resource and place study‚ usage Hanks Muller Scalogeram as well as software such as SPSS, EXCEL and Arc GIS for preparation charts and maps and data analysis. The main discovers in this research is: propriety population whit level of Khanmirza rural development‚ unused various element in rural development simultaneously and finally disproportionate Khanmirza rural district with discussed balance level in Integrated Rural Development.

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How to reduce the vulnerability of cities against earthquakes? Changes in land use in cities are one of the ways that the earthquake has been proved effective in dealing with injuries. Therefore, urban land use planning, zoning and development regulations (height, density and functional) separation of land, allocation of adequate space for various activities, taking into account the adjustment member, the privacy of dangerous areas, and inconsistent manual transmission, developed criteria and regulations in the field of fitness and ultimately predict the crisis and it needs to reduce vulnerability of urban areas is. Settlement in the area of earthquake victims in temporary settlements and the Emergency Housing Mahdasht in two stages according to the conditions and standards set forth in the proposals presented.

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Special climate and geographic situation of Iran has created great environmental and cultural diversity which has provided a suitable situation for tourism development in the most parts of the country. Therefore the main goal of this research is to introduction to a comprehensive framework for assessing tourism potential in different parts of the country. For achieving this aim, this research has offered a precise framework for evaluating of the tourism potential of Iran in two phases. In the first phase, different townships of a province were classified for tourism development based on their various potentials. The second phase of the suggested framework deals with designing a model for tourism development in the selected townships based on their ecological capability. For testing the suggested model on an actual sample, the Isfahan province in Iran was selected. By implementing the first phase of the model on 21 townships of this province they have been categorized in 4 classes, from 1 to 4. Also after examination of the second phase of the model on one of the rural districts in Isfahan, it was specified that the area with 10 km2 from this rural district is the best place for construction of tourism complexes.

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City as highest symbol of human civilization has a fundamental role for all citizens. But concentrating only on the quantitative aspect of cities has created a bio polar character in most of the developing countries. So the concept of quality of life deals with the problems of urban residents and promotion of his qualitative aspect of living. In fact this paper tries to explain the quality of life in the eroded fabric of the Miandoaab city on the base of four socio-economic, physical-environmental and mental-subjective indexes.The methodology of the research is based on descriptive-analytical methods by conducting a field work to complete the given questionnaires. Cochran technique was used to determine the number of samples, then Entropy and SAW techniques were applied to analysis and rank the different neighborhoods. The results revealed that the index of green space with score of 0.477 showed clear difference with other indexes. In general, the mean of each factor was calculated which the factor of urban service and facility scored 0.138 and placed in first rank as residents were dissatisfied regarding to this index. It seems that provision of urban facilities should be considered more seriously in future planning. The findings from SAW technique revealed that neighborhoods of 19, 20 and 21 had an appropriate condition while the neighborhoods of 10, 11 and 12 placed the lowest rank.

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“Hosseineye” including religious societies are based on beliefs and beliefs of the Shiites and are respected and enjoyed high status. The persistence of religious spaces and rituals of Ashura ceremonies because of what could be justified? In the present article ideas and thinkers in this area due to the persistence of urban public spaces and the whole of the shelf space in particular has been “hosseineye”. The research results show that the planning and design patterns Takaya almost certain to be seen Relying on its traditional form, open space and public space that is square at the intersection of two or more passes and is a subsidiary.All entrances to the hot and dry climate, it is an indoor Gzrhay. Point within the context of urban housing is also Takaya and urban areas are closely related public spaces.

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Investigating the main challenges of urban feasibility in Iran, some points can be mentioned such as; weaknesses of the quality of implementation, over length of the implementing process or even not finishing or abandoning a project, and in many cases providing several parallel plans for some specified subjects of urban design project. This condition leads to consuming so much time and expenses and other sources in vain. So the subject of implementation, as a main part of urban design process, is considered not only un-negligible but also vital. On the base of the researches done by the author, the system of urban developing management, due to its important role of coordinating other Interfering factors in development of the city, can be identified as the most important and influencing factor of urban design implementation process. This role is such important that if you ignore it, you might lose the best opportunities of implementing the best urban design plans, or in the other side, the mall urban development management of the city can be ended to the same consequence. Researches shows that the challenges of implementing of a good Urban Design project, can be categorized in three levels; (the basis for this research)1- Macro-level: organization system, law materials2- Mid-level: capital investing, public participation3- Micro-level: consulting companies and executive system

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Nowadays, city centers are facing with decline in function, whilst in the past; city centers were focal concentration and also a place for special events and always took into consideration as the most important part of city. For passing this situation, renovation and rebuilding of these centers are a required issue. Amongst, Business improvement districts (BID) method is one of the newest effective strategies in modernized renovation that is used for reviving the city centers. Purpose of this article is evaluating and explaining conformity of this method in Uremia city center and examining effective factors for increasing the quality of life. Research method in this article is descriptive-analytic. Method of data gathering includes library studies, questionnaires and field observations. Sampling way is based on simple random sampling method and target community is selected from residents, merchants and travelers to this area. Sample's volume were 238 unit and questionnaires controlled by using Cranach’s Alpha Reliability and validity is confirmed by using Bartlett's test and KMO index. Data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed by using T test, Regression and path analysis. Research results confirm the using of this method for the revitalization of Uremia city. Not being single-dimension of BID method and promoting of business condition through improvement and increasing life quality in the selected domain are the main reason in compatibility with this method. In addition, the findings show that physical factor has the strongest role in improving life quality in the city center.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Decision making is one of the most important duties of management. Appropriate decision making is one of the reasons of success of people and organizations. So, the necessity of existing of the scientific methods that can help man in this subject is obvious. This subject led to attention of researchers to the multiple criteria models (MCDM) for complicated decision makings in the recent decades. These methods have been used for decision making in the condition that the selection of the options are difficult due to the antonym criteria and have various applications in the different sciences. The objective of this paper is exploring of the specific application of these methods in the urban and regional planning, i.e. in the selection of the proper site for the residence. For the selection of the site, initially necessary criteria are determined. Then using the expert’s viewpoints the weights of criteria are calculated. The results showed that using these methods the analyzing and doing priority processing for problems that deal with several options would be possible. Also the results showed that the multiple criteria decision making can have proper application in the analysis of subjects related to the urban and regional planning due to simplicity, flexibility, and use of the quantitative and qualitative criteria simultaneously and several criteria instead of one criterion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Walk ability has become one of the major concerns in urban planning, in recent years. Increasing walk ability is considered as a solution for many environmental problems such as global warming, air and noise pollution, dependence on fossil fuel, and mental and physical health of urban residents as well as improving the quality of urban spaces. The aim of this research is to understand the factors affecting neighborhood walk ability for residents. As criteria for neighborhood walk ability (dependant variable) and its relation with environmental characteristics (independent variable) the related walk ability criteria are recognized. Relationships were identified using data gathered from about 200 questionnaires filled by the Chizar neighborhood residents. Relationship analysis and modeling are conducted thorough correlation analysis, factor analysis and linear regression analysis. The findings of the study show that despite expectation, there was not any relationship between walking frequency and walking pleasantness; the characteristics influencing these were also different. Considering the purpose of walking as an intervening variable, it was found that walking frequency is highly correlated with necessary activity; and walking measurement is highly correlated with optional activity. Examining the environmental characteristics shows that the physical characteristics, traffic levels and road networks influence walking frequency. While neighborhood environmental quality and its social dimension highly contribute to walking pleasantness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Historical zone of the city of Yazd is recognized as one of the most valuable historical zones in Iran, and perhaps in the world. It is now as one of the main destination of national and international tourists. Historically, this zone was residential part of the city for higher social class groups high income people. However, it is now converted mostly to lower-income and often non-native social classes. This process gradually affected the deterioration of this city texture. One of the signs of exhaustion is the growth and increase of Brownfield areas in this zone. Furthermore, these spaces have destroyed visual landscape of the historical zone and have been converted to unusual activities and serious social problems. This problem has also led to urban sprawl in Greenfield peripheries of the city, indirectly.The methodology of this research is based on combination of SWOT analysis and fuzzy logic technique. In this method, certainty of internal and external factors converted to uncertainty and relative mode. The findings of this research suggest four strategies to develop these spaces in historical zone of the city of Yazd.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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