This paper aims at surveying the ways and means of power exertion through power technologies in soft war. This kind of war, more than others, is based on a productive power and this covers especial powers in the process of which the human being is taken as object, subject and so is controlled and criticized and then within the inter- subjectively accepted patterns, the power is exerted. Therefore, in spite of the popular definitions, soft war also implies a special type of violence which is structural and symbolic one. In this kind of war, instead of his body, the mind of human being is aimed to be dominated and then the human aspect of his environment is occupied and colonialized. This process is realized through three simultaneous phases including stabilization of ones’ own values, destruction of other’s values and changing the second ones into first ones by using technologies of the productive power. To appreciate reference, discourse, culture and subject are some of the most important power technologies in soft war.