In February 2008, the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government, an assembly under UNMIK, declared the independence of the territory of Kosovo as the Republic of Kosovo despite strong opposition by Serbia, Russia and China which is recognized by 41 states until now. International Jurists have taken two different approches towards the legallity of unilateral secession in international law. The first group belives that there is no right of unilateral secession in international law without the consent of the state, and that international law prohibits unilateral secession and safegurds the territorial integrity of the states. The Secound group advocates the idea that while there may generally be no right to secede. The international law has long recognized a privilege of secession and has not in any way prohibited that. When a secession is achieved in fact, it is recognized in international law.This article, studies the independence of Kosovo as well as the reactions and practice of the states regarding the matter.