According to the mineral compositions, paragenesis, relationships and the fluid inclusion microthermometry two stages of skarn alteration within the Rize pluton area have been identified. The first stage (stage I) was characterized by the Spurrite, vesuviavite, wollastonite, magnetite, pyroxene, gelignite and garnet assemblages at high temperatures (~750° GC).The second stage (II) occurred at lower temperature (~500° DC) when the system collapsed, and is characterised by tremolite, low temperature vesuvianite, rustumite, epidote, calcite, apatite, titanite and hematite. The vesuvianite displays complex zoning due to fluctuations in the Al +3/Fe+3 The oscillation zones are interpreted to reflect fluid and rock-dominated control of Fe+3 and Al+3 activities, respectively, and batch-rise or episodic influx of fluid. It is also concluded that the original magma was so poor in metal complexes (CuCl2, MgCl2, AuCl2, ...) to form any economic deposit. The vesuvianite also acts as an index mineral to follow up the geochemical changes within the skarn.