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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Whereas muscular moves of the body are considered as cultural phenomenon according to Marcel Maus, participatory and antiparticipatory behaviors of human beings which range from sacrificing cooperation to war and selfish quarrels are undoubtedly considered as cultural.On the other hand, there is a longstanding mutual relation between cultures and religious teachings. The Iranian culture is one of the rare world cultures which have entered the realm of monotheistic religions for several thousand years. These teachings have been influential both in quantitative and qualitative aspects of cooperation in this culture. One can assume that in line with the transition from religions believing in embodied gods to those believing in transcendent gods, objective and opportunistic participation has been shifted toward purer forms of cooperation which are free from materialistic and profit seeking purposes and tends toward status seeking, satisfactory and otherworldly purposes.It seems that special characteristics of helping in the Iranian culture and the manifestation of religious teachings in this culture have provided the ground for the Iranians' expectations to transcend self-help and mutual help (aspired by western social activists of cooperatives) and tend towards other-help cooperation. Part of this other-help cooperation has been common in the everyday life of Iranians across the history and another part of it has been especially manifested in the tradition of endowment (both in Zoroastrianand Islam)...Non-yokefellow other-help foundations across history have encompassed a wide range of humanitarian and philanthropic goals other than mere religious ones and include various needs of human beings. The range of these goals has even sometimes extended to animals and plants.Reflection in these embodied forms of helps could also be useful from a theoretical perspective for the recent history of cooperation and lack of cooperation in the Iranian culture up to the spring of 2010.

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The present paper investigates factors contributing to committing crimes among prisoners 1. To fulfill the aims of the research, survey and documentary methods were used. From a methodological perspective, the present paper is ascribed to the causal co-relational category. Target population of the research includes prisoners of Markazi province prisons (sample size: 264). According to the results of regression analysis, the following 10 variables have impact on prisoners' social deviance: " the level of perverseness in family (0.29), sense of belonging to family (-0.28), unsuitable social environment (0.26), low age at first entrance into jail (0.25), religious commitment (-0.18), unemployment (0.17), peer groups (0.10), life satisfaction (-0.10), emotional needs fulfillment in family (-0.10) and sense of deprivation (0.09) with specified regression coefficients. As the coefficients show, variables of "sense of belonging to family, religious commitment, emotional needs fulfillment, and life satisfaction" have a decreasing effect on social deviation and the rest of the variables (which have positive coefficients) have an increasing effect on social deviance. In sum, in order to have a safe society one should pay attent, ion to different factors, among which are decreasing the level of deviance and increasing the sense of security among citizens. Different contexts of development (social, political, cultural and economic) are required for a safe society. Therefore there is no doubt in the necessity of recognition and decreasing the pathologies and the need for establishing a safe society.

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Sociology has experienced a specific era in recent decades: on the one hand, emphasizing the methodic and conceptual guidance and on the other hand, escaping from the sheer rationalism, harmful influences of which have resulted in creating post - modernization thoughts in different sciences.Weber is known as one of the main founders of sociology, but his writings have been extended from this arena to encompass historical, legal ideology, economic and comparative study areas.Weber's thoughts, though with changes, is still used in sociology.Winch has been active in the field of philosophy, cognition and social thoughts before entering the sociology area. Differentiating between science and philosophy, he believes that mission of science is the study of causational nature of small events while that of philosophy is the study of nature of reality.In this paper, the author tries to embark on the methodological theories and ideas of Max Weber and Peter Winch. While having some common grounds, these two scholars have had unique investigations and explorations with distinct velocity and profundity in the word of meaning and act, nature and existence and existence or object and subject.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article studies change of media political discourses in field of government and religion interaction in Iran by Focusing on political power I legitimacy 3- fold kinds in thought of Max Weber and meanwhile surveying formal political discourses (government) and their intended legitimacy in system of Islamic Republic, determines legal legitimacy position in periods after revolution and at the same time delivers landscape of prevailing aspect of legitimacy of political system has been always in shade of charismatic legitimacy and after it in edge of traditional legitimacy and it seems it will be empowered in future too.

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Methodology is one of the recognitionism forms as well as an important in ideology. Methodology in philosophic recognition - and ingeneralical outlook in any kind of recognition-is soimportant that may enumerate methodology tantamount philosopher and sociologist' s endorsement underneath its consequence. Marx and Durkheim have subscriptions there. Namely, their methodologies have very likeness in social problems context. Both Marx and Durkheim have begun by analysis of most simple aspect of phenomenon for recognition noteworthy phenomenon - Marx about capitalism society, and Durkheim specially about religion- till they could explain obscurant situation on that base.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article aims to compare classes system of caste in Rig- Vedic and Shah Namah which has made the two social structure in India and Iran societies. Although it is evident that the early Aryans who migrated into India were nomadic people, it is hard to presume that they had no social classes among themselves for the Ring- Vedic hymns certainly present glimpses of three Distinct classes, These Rig - Vedic classes i.e.Brahman (priest) Rajanya (nobility) and Vaisya (commoner) fonned the basis of the development of higher castes. Although we can see this three distinct in Shah Namah classes i.e. Kartoziyan (Priest), Neisriyan (Anny), Basody (Fanner) and Ahto khoshy (Craftsman) This Rig- Vedic classification fonn a very close parallel to the Shah Namah's Iranian social classes. thre is much justification to in for that both systems have had a common origin.It is almost evidently established that the Aryan migration into India was a gradual over flow from Iran. It is obvious that the Rig - Vedic social classes were originated outside India and were diffused into India with Aryans.

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this article is an attempt to Provide a deep recognition of desirable and satisfactory marital relationship. It's obvious that the formation and continuation of individual satisfaction from this relation has a close relation with the mentioned person's individual and social conditions.Beside displaying deep introduction from satisfactory relation of individual's this study attempts to study the individual moral attitude-, the attitude of a spouse and their action based on relationship procedure.Collected data shows that among the samples the rank and role an individual believes in' has a deep effect on his' he entire thinking of a true relationship. Simple prospects of individualist among woman show that they need effective place in marital following such desires from their life which are displayed in features such as sincerity, kindness and comprehension' Women face several challenges.This study shows that consciuy or subconsciaus moral attitude is helpful in facilitating the marital relationship during a spouse's life period.Each woman according to the condition adopts especial strategie for making the relationship acceptable. Success or failure of woman in utilizing such strategie figure out their inner satisfaction or dissatisfaction from their relationship with their spouses in different periods of life.

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