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This article is written on the occasion of publishing a 70th volume of the Social Science journal to review a lot of lost and a few achievements. While this journal has been opened on articles and in comparison to its peers, it has accepted and published the most articles from social researchers rather than just from colleagues of the Allameh Tabatabai university, moreover its relations with sources of science production in the faculty and its beyond, the qualitative and quantitative levels of articles are consequent and representative of formal academic social science in Iran. This should encourage us for research productive science rather than imitative, consumable, imported one, an active science which is fruitful for sustainable development rather than decorative and inappropriate for ancient society. From this viewpoint, the article explores content of these 70 volumes. Moreover, regarding the consistency of mentioned content with social science areas, criticizing the journal reveals the critics of social science of Iran.

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Social development is one of the basics of development in general. It consists of different aspects that the function of each is to answer the needs of society and its members in order to achieve human transcendence and better quality of life. This research wants to identify social development and its theoretical basis in laws of development program, and the way it is reflected and proceeded. The logic of this research is deduction and it is planned to describe and compare social aspect of development programs. Its method is content analysis, which emphasis on manifest and latent aspects related to social development in each development program. The statistical population is ratified documentaries of the first to fifth development programs which are completely enumerated. Research findings show that the social welfare approach has superiority over other theoretical approaches, and there was less attention to human capability based on rights and participation. Furthermore, in preparation of development programs, the basic pattern is top-down development planning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although, the emergence of ethnic movements in Iran cannot be reduced merely to the role of the left movement, the left movement's role in Iran' s ethnic areas is a significant reality for studying ethnic flows in Iran.Baluchestan is the one of these ethnic areas. During the Islamic Revolution, Baluchestan for the first time saw the emergence of left-wing groups and activities. The main founders of these groups were educated Baluches. According to the novelty of these groups, their founders and their demands, the lasting socio - political structures of Baluchestan, these groups in Baluchestan faced little attention and as a result their programs failed. In this article, an ethnic literature has been referred for theoretical explanation of the tendencyof the ethnic groups to the left movement in Iran. After that, for understanding the factors of failure of the left movement in Baluchestan, the socio - political structures of Baluchestan as inappropriate context for the leftist groups’ activities since the formation of the Pahlavi modern state to the Islamic Revolution has been studied. The results of this study show that the power of the traditional elites and trends, strong relationships based on tribe and clan, low level of education, Urbanization weakness, small class of modern elites and the disproportionately strategy of the leftist groups, were the factors of the failure of the left movement in Baluchestan.

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In Iraq, Anfal is a name of military campaign against Iraqi Kurds during 1988 and 1989. In this campaign more than one hundred thousand of civil people were killed and injured and 4000 villages were destroyed. This study explains causes, state and dimensions of this military action. In theoretical framework theories of Totalitarian and Durkheim mechanical society were referred. Method of study was documentary. Data shows in the Anfal campaign near 182000 people were killed and infrastructures of region destroyed. It can be described as genocide of Kurdish people in Iraq by Bath forces. It was because the traditional government and new technology were dangerous for people that define as "others".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Doing field research among social scholars, this study explores the challenges of women studies researches from their viewpoints. In other words referring field experiences of professional expert, the challenges of doing research in the specific realm of social studies of women have been drawn.Regarding this, related scholars whom are known as the expert of women' s studies, evaluate the state of researches as the part of scientific structure.Results show that dependency of organizational researches, negligence of women issues, formal rejection of women subjects in social science, scientific weakness of academic actors, marginalizing mentioned expert by demagoguery, limitation of topic selection, disconnection of researches from objective problems of women, useless of research findings, restriction of accessibility to scientific resources, process failure of integration of science and ultimately weakness of analysis are the main challenges. Although some of these are common in the sphere of social science, the others are exclusively for social studies of women. As a conclusion, it should be said that these challenges are interconnected and threaten the life of this scientific discipline.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Flanerie is one of the most important social Phenomena in the everyday life of individuals in Iran. This Phenomenon implies on many different meanings and themes in urban public life. Flanerie is an action oriented to shaping a cultural space and is a sign of resistance against dominant discourse and formal culture. This research attempts to interpret flanerie experience in Sanandaj public spaces. The main questions are: how do flaneurs understand and interpret their experiences? How do they make their interactions and meanings in these spaces? How do they construct their own subcultures and resist against the rituals of dominant culture? The theoretical approach consists of a constellation, using the views of Simmel, Benjamin and DeCerto about flanerie and modernity. The research method is urban ethnography, using fruitful techniques such as deep interview and participant observation. Also sampling is purposive-theoretical. The findings show that respondents’ interpretations of flanerie experience can be classified in to five main categories: 1- the colonization of everyday life in urban public spaces; 2- the creation and reshaping of symbolic spaces through flanerie; 3-the differentiation/ dedifferentiation of everyday life through flanerie; 4- the carnivalization of everyday life; and 5- flanerie as an urban subculture. The main finding is that flanerie is a social practice oriented to resist the dominant and formal cultural discourse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article is a study of out-group relations of the Armenians in Iranian society. The main question is that what the role of collective memory is in the Armenians identity system and what effects it has on their out-group relations. In this study, the existing literature in the field of memory studies and the new theory of nationalism are referred together to explain the problem. The main argument is that the power of collective memory of Armenians which comes from their diasporic life, has affected their nationalist identification. This has brought about a tension in relations among the Armenians in Iran and out-group and led them to an introverted and isolated/ closed social life. In this study, in-depth research and anthropological methods are used to collect and analyze the data.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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