Doing field research among social scholars, this study explores the challenges of women studies researches from their viewpoints. In other words referring field experiences of professional expert, the challenges of doing research in the specific realm of social studies of women have been drawn.Regarding this, related scholars whom are known as the expert of women' s studies, evaluate the state of researches as the part of scientific structure.Results show that dependency of organizational researches, negligence of women issues, formal rejection of women subjects in social science, scientific weakness of academic actors, marginalizing mentioned expert by demagoguery, limitation of topic selection, disconnection of researches from objective problems of women, useless of research findings, restriction of accessibility to scientific resources, process failure of integration of science and ultimately weakness of analysis are the main challenges. Although some of these are common in the sphere of social science, the others are exclusively for social studies of women. As a conclusion, it should be said that these challenges are interconnected and threaten the life of this scientific discipline.