Solving problems such as the system of small land ownership, land scatteredness, lack of optimal utilization of production resources and low yield is not feasible without reforming the system of operation and its institutionalization. Accordingly, in this research, operation systems in tea growing areas of Iran (peasant, common cooperative, and commercial) were investigated. The results of analyzing the data variance and comparing the averages and the Tukey tests of nine independent variables including age, education level, ownership, tea cultivated area, tea growing income, production cost, tea field topography, irrigation, and records of tea growing activity with tea production yields (as the dependent variable) in different operation systems as well as prioritization of these systems using five indexes including yield, employment generation, fertilizer consumption, machinery utilization, and satisfaction of tea growing activity based on screening approach showed that among the three systems identified in the tea growing areas, the common cooperative system had the highest yields and could be known as the most suitable operation system in tea growing areas of the country.