The purpose of this study is to examine the views of four groups of farmers, researchers, trainers and extension experts about the role of extension in agricultural development in Semnan, Mazandaran, Ilam, Qom, West Azarbayjan, and Khozestan provinces. The dependent variable is agricultural development in this causal study. The independent variables are: needs assessment, optimal management of inputs, farmers' participation, problem inquiry, reducing losses, improvement of economic opportunities, enhancement of infrastructure, assessing the supply of technology, communication between experts, policy makers and farmers, market improvement, and a better use of equipment. Path analysis shows that extension roles in agricultural development include human development, needs assessment, technology supply, increasing participation, evaluation of technology supply, establishment of network between experts, policy-makers and farmers, problem inquiry, and optimal management of inputs. In causal research model, the development of human resources has the highest direct impact and need assessment, problem inquiry, and supply of technology have the highest indirect impacts on agricultural development.