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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between Mini-Nutritional Assesment and daily activies as the prognosis of good function. Also, Mini-Nutritional Assessment was used to evaluate daily activities of elderly residents of nursing home.Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, among 1200 recorded files, 247 subjects completed Mini Nutritional Assessment and Barthel index questionnaire. The relations between studied variables were assessed using Pearson and spearman correlation.These relations were confirmed by adjusted regression model.Results: 130 elderly had Mini Nutritional Assessment 2: 24.5 and 102 had Mini Nutritional Assessment<23.5. Mini Nutritional Assessment and BI were positively correlated (r=0.26, P<0.001).In an age- and sex-adjusted model, Barthel index is associated significantly with age (P<0.006), Body Massive Index I (P<0.009), and MNA (P<0.001).Conclusion: Mini Nutritional Assessment can be a good predictor of daily living activities in elderly residents of Kahrizak Charity Foundation (KCF).

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Objective: The present study aimsed to examine the reliability of force plate parameters under both single and dual task conditions and in different levels of postural difficulty.Materials & Methods: The healthy elderly+65, were assessed with a one-week interval, with a random combination of three levels of postural difficulty (i.e., standing on a rigid surface with eyes open, standing on a rigid surface with eyes closed and standing on a foam with eyes closed) and two cognitive conditions (standing with/without performing the cognitive task of backward counting). The signals of center of pressure (COP) were recorded and the faceplate parameters were calculated. Intraclass correlation coefficient, standard error of measurement and coefficient of variation for all variables and conditions were also calculated.Results: During the single task, the area of COP sway, standard deviation (SO) of amplitude in both directions, and SO of velocity in mediolateral direction showed high to very high reliability in all levels of postural difficulty. During the dual task, the total mean velocity and SO of velocity in both directions showed high to very high reliability in all levels of postural difficulty.Conclusion: Generally, the protocol used to assess balance in the present study, in both dual and single task conditions, showed a suitable relative and absolute reliability levels in the elderly.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to compare waist circumference with metabolic syndrome, as a predictor for insulin resistance in a group of elderly population.Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study among 225 elderly aged 60 year old and more whose clinical data were complete, 94 subjects (42 males and 52 females) who were able to sign the consent form Mini Mental stat Examination>20 and wanted to participate in study entered the study. Insulin sensitivity was determined by using Homeostasis Model Assessment index. Insulin resistance was defined as top quartile of Homeostasis Model Assessment.Results: Waist Circumference and Homeostasis Model assessment and Homeostasis Model Assessment index were highly positively correlated in both sexes. The optimal waist circumference was 94.5 cm for men and 90.5 cm for women. 'The high sensitivity and specificity of Waist Circumference and Homeostasis Model assessment in males (0.80 & 0.84) indicates the proportion of Insulin Resistance which are correctly identified all non-IR males as such.Conclusion: In this study 94.5 cm determined as cut-off for insulin resistance index in males. It seems that optimal Waist Circumference and Homeostasis Model assessment determination in Iran warrants further study in a larger sample of metabolic syndrome subjects.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate functional mobility and balance in the elderly who had THA compared to healthy elderly.Materials and Methods: The current cross-sectional study was done on 20 patients (70.9±4.2) with hip osteoarthritis 6 months after Total Hip Arthroplasty and 20 healthy subjects (73±5.7) as control group. Patient group was assigned with nonprobability convenient sampling and control group selected with matched assignment. Functional mobility measured with Timed Up & Go Test, functional balance with Functional Reach and Berg Balance Scale and Functinal Activity Assesment measured with Modified Barthel Index. Independent T-test used for stastistical analysis.Results: Results of this study indicated significantly longer time of Timed Up & Go test in patient group compared with control group (p<.01). During FR in patient group, the distance was significantly shorter than control group (p<.01). Modified Bartel Index and the scores of Berg Bartel Scale in patient group were significantly less than control group (p<.01).Conclusion: Functional mobility and balancein the elderly who had THA showed significant decrease compared to control group.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mountaineering on health factors in elder people.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study.Forty three elderly men (mean age 5717±9/3 yrs) were selected randomly from parks of Northern Tehran. According to their activity and type of activity, subjects divided into three groups of Mountaineer (n=15), Trained (n=14) and none-trained (n=14). Then their cardiovascular and physical fitness (vozrnax, heart rate, fat percent, grip, reaction time, blood pressure, flexibility and balance) were measured. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA.Results: Comparison of aerobic capacity In three groups showed that there were significant differences (P£0.01) as this variable in mountaineer group was better than two other groups (37/2%, 15.4% respectively). In addition resting heart rate, fat percent and reaction time were significantly lower in two trained groups in comparison with nontrained group (p£0.05). There were no other significant differences between groups (p³0.05).Conclusion: this study suggests that mountaineering may led to in term of the other variables positive effects on cardiovascular factors.Furthermore relative, higher grip strength, flexibility and reaction time in both active groups emphasis the necessity of a physical activity and active life style as an important part of elder people's life style.

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Objective: Considering the increasing rate of aged population in Iran and also high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in this group, assessment of demographical and epidemiological studies of psychiatric disorders in subjects 59 years or older in Ekbatan district of Tehran was the aim of this study.Materials and Methods: The subjects were selected randomly from 1422 subjects 59 years or older, who lived in Ekbatan district of Tehran.Finally 204 subjects were enrolled and completed the General Health Questionnaire and Geriatric Depression scale. Then 104 subjects were selected randomly and interviewed by Composite International Diagnosis Interview to validate psychiatric disorders.Results: The life time prevalence for all psychiatric disorders in this study was 36.9% and the period prevalence was 18.5%.25.2% of subjects had only one psychiatric disorder and 6.8% and 2.9% of them had "two" and "three or more psychiatric disorders", respectively. The most prevalent psychiatric disorders were Major depressive disorder, Dysthymic disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder.Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that some psychiatric disorders in Iranian geriatric population are common and in some respects, this is non-concordant with other study results. It seems that these results can be helpful for mental health services.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the OF physical functioning level and prevalence of chronic illness among elderly people in west region of Tehran.Materials & Methods: This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. A multi-stage sampling was used and 410 community residents who were over 60 years old were selected from west region of Tehran.Descriptive statistics, T-test and ANOYA were used to analysis data.Results: There were significant relations between ADLs and 'Gender', 'Economic status', 'Health status', 'Education' and 'Number of chronic illness' (p<0.05). Furthermore there were significant relations between the IADLs and 'Age', 'Gender', 'Economic status', 'Living arrangement', 'Health status', 'Education' and 'Number of chronic illness' (p<0.05). Also the result of the study showed that 86/8% of participants had at least one chronic illness.Conclusion: This study showed that different factors affect physical functioning of elderly people. Also they were totally independent from a status of physical functioning (ADL & IADL) and the majority of them had at least one chronic illness. Health care professionals should enhance the physical functioning in elderly people by facilitating their life through educational programs and regular physical check-ups which will maintain and increase a healthy and active life.

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Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the sub-scale of the body image of the athletes and nonathlete menopaused females.Materials and Methods: The subjects of the research comprise 60 individuals who were between 43-53 years old. The Personal information questionnaire and PSDQ space test used in this study.The PSDQ included the sub-scales of power, indurance, coordination, general health, flexib ility, self-esteem, athletic competence, body appearance and, body activity. The Kolmogrov- Smimov and T test used to data analyses.Results: The results showed that the body image of the athletes in all of the sub-scales such as power, endurance, coordination, general health, flexibility, self esteem, athletic competence, fat, body appearance, body activity and whole body was significantly better than individuals who were not athletes.Conclusion: It seems that participation in physical activity programs have a positive effect on menopausal side effects and can Promote the self-steem and Psychological aspecte of body among menopaused women.

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