Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the sub-scale of the body image of the athletes and nonathlete menopaused females.Materials and Methods: The subjects of the research comprise 60 individuals who were between 43-53 years old. The Personal information questionnaire and PSDQ space test used in this study.The PSDQ included the sub-scales of power, indurance, coordination, general health, flexib ility, self-esteem, athletic competence, body appearance and, body activity. The Kolmogrov- Smimov and T test used to data analyses.Results: The results showed that the body image of the athletes in all of the sub-scales such as power, endurance, coordination, general health, flexibility, self esteem, athletic competence, fat, body appearance, body activity and whole body was significantly better than individuals who were not athletes.Conclusion: It seems that participation in physical activity programs have a positive effect on menopausal side effects and can Promote the self-steem and Psychological aspecte of body among menopaused women.