Background and purpose: As achieving the intended goals in medical education necessitates the utilization of effective teaching & learning methods, in order to further retention of the knowledge, continuous research is needed to study the factors affecting the quantitative and qualitative development of medical education. This study was to recognize the factors delineated by the students and teachers as to be important in the teaching-learning process. Methods: this was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study comprised of 880 students and 68 teachers at the Medical University of Birjand, lasting from April 2003 till April 2004. SPSS software and statistical test of Mann-Whitney were used for data analysis. Results: In this study, teachers' and students' opinions about the characteristics of an effective teaching including Professional, and personal characteristics of the teachers, and motivation students toward independent learning each consisting of several items - were assessed with regard to their sex, marital status, residential status, educational level, and educational group. The results were as the followings: Professional characteristics of the teachers: Mastery over the subject, rational sequencing of the subject matters proper use of the basic knowledge of the related discipline, and use of simple language in teaching, were the choices rated by the teachers and students as the most important ones. Personal characteristics of teachers: self confidence in teaching, interest in teaching, clear speech was the choices most rated by the teachers and students. Amongst the 3 characteristics of an effective teaching, teachers gave the first priority to motivation the students toward independent learning, while students regarded the professional characteristics of the teachers as the most preferred one. Conclusion: The study found that teachers and students regarded mastery over the subject, self confidence in teaching, use of simple language in teaching, interest in teaching, and clear speech as the most important factors necessary for having an effective teaching.