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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Redefinition the attributes of the creature architect based on the attributes of the architect of the universe




 Research Problem: Islam considers the greatest framework of human beings to be in divine names, and it is counted as superior and transcendental in comparison to other creatures thanks to having these characteristics. Therefore, Islam believes that the most necessities and demands of humans are formed depending on those characteristics, and according to the Islamic belief, achieving the perfection of these characteristics is the duty of all creatures, artifacts, and particularly the art of Architecture. Architecture should meet the needs of human and manifest the attention to the definition in format of divine names, because the root of Islamic Architecture is based on meaning. Besides the effect of Architecture, the Architect himself needs to accord to the God’s descriptions and be the symbol of divine names and characteristics on the Earth, with respect to his being Khalifatullah and also because of the fact that God created human a form of his own and infused spirit into his dust. Therefore, Architecture is the main reason for creating an atmosphere of thought and imagination between the audience and the Architect, and the Architect makes the world of Architecture recognizable and understandable for the audience according to the sensory, imaginary and intellectual characteristics. The present study aims to, through investigating the relationship between Architecture and Architect and God’s names and characteristics in Quran, provide a plot for forming Architecture pieces and delineate features for Architecture based on this relationship, and guides designers in this direction. Research Question: For this purpose, the present study is attempting answer this question, what kind of features should design based on Spiritual Identity have as the final product and what kind of indices should an Architect follow to be guided in a particular way? Research Method: The study is a qualitative approach and is methodologically based on analysis and interpretation. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The findings of the present paper demonstrate that, Architect, as human and heir to God on the earth, and also his art, as a source of manifestation of Divine Attributes, ought to have such features as: contentment along with practical creativity and elegance to designing and also Innovation in design, concentration and effect unity, self-sufficiency and the ability to do your duty, existential dignity and effect perfection, accurate perception of developing construction, meeting the current needs of the society and audience of Architectural products, creating peace and balance, transferor the sense of designer considering the Spiritual Identity of effect, and eventually adherence to ontology principles and also rational, moral and physical ones of effects. Thus, results indicate that such effects, because of Their appointment as particular features of the universe Architect, get to the Spiritual Identity and in other words, they get to the perfection and immortality, in the only word, they get holy and the transcendental art that emerged-in addition to satisfying human needs, it must be accompanied by the preservation of nature and ethics in design, is the reason of audience’s peace of mind. So, the spirituality of an Architectural product is determined only when it is possible to find manifestations of Divine Attributes in it.


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