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Research Problem: To build, is one of the most used words and the most fundamental actions in architecture and human life. The semantic extension of this word and its use in various fields indicate that it has a richness and fertility in the Persian literature. Reflection on the meaning and origin of "building" could connect us to an original and generator source, so that the plurality of meanings in a coherent system could achieve what the essence of architecture is in search of it,and provide qualities or criteria for identifying and evaluating good architecture. Research Question: To achieve the goal, two main questions of the research, can be formulated as follows: 1) What is the relation between building and architecture? 2) How can semantics of building represents the qualities of good architecture? Research Method: This research is qualitative in terms of approach. The research method is descriptive-analytical based on philology and logical reasoning. In the first part of the paper, which is descriptive, it has been attempted to clarify the various meanings of building and the historical evolution of its meaning, by using Persian lexicons and etymological dictionaries. In the second part, which is analytical and argumentative, it has been attempted to infer the qualities and components of good architecture, through reflecting on the meanings and origin of the word “building” and analyzing its explicit and implicit concepts. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: According to the synchronic and diachronic semantics of building, it can be briefly defined as "preparing the universe through composition-reconciliation, for human perfection" in which, preparing, refers to "what", composition-reconciliation, refers to "how", and human perfection, refers to "why" of building. Building (to build) takes place in two different areas (external and internal) that are interconnected: only one can build the world who is built (ready/prepared),on the other hand, only a built (prepared) world can helps building human beings. These two areas of building, form a transcendental cycle, in which each one transcends the other. The multiple meanings of building, are the aspects and examples of a unique affair, and therefore, building (to build) is a semantic homonym and is an integrated and unified matter. The compositional feature of building-which leads to making peace, accordance, adaptability, fitness, and sufficiency-is the most fundamental aspect of building that has been neglected in the contemporary architecture. On the other hand, the end of building, which is preparation for human perfection, is another neglected matter in the contemporary era. Since architecture is one of the fields of building, it must be matched with it and the limits of building must be applied in architecture as well. Today's common notion of building, is limited to creation, transformation, and change, none of which is good in itself. While reflecting on the comprehensive and complete meaning of building, gives us an image that includes various existential and value attributes that could correctly limit building (in its common sense) and thus could transcend it. Building, in its complete sense of the word, is closely related to good architecture, and its meanings and implications reflect the qualities/criteria of good architecture, including: moderation/balance, order, consistency, proportion, coherence, harmony, sufficiency, establishment, and philanthropy.

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Research Problem: Islam considers the greatest framework of human beings to be in divine names, and it is counted as superior and transcendental in comparison to other creatures thanks to having these characteristics. Therefore, Islam believes that the most necessities and demands of humans are formed depending on those characteristics, and according to the Islamic belief, achieving the perfection of these characteristics is the duty of all creatures, artifacts, and particularly the art of architecture. Architecture should meet the needs of human and manifest the attention to the definition in format of divine names, because the root of Islamic architecture is based on meaning. Besides the effect of architecture, the architect himself needs to accord to the God’s descriptions and be the symbol of divine names and characteristics on the Earth, with respect to his being Khalifatullah and also because of the fact that God created human a form of his own and infused spirit into his dust. Therefore, architecture is the main reason for creating an atmosphere of thought and imagination between the audience and the architect, and the architect makes the world of architecture recognizable and understandable for the audience according to the sensory, imaginary and intellectual characteristics. The present study aims to, through investigating the relationship between architecture and architect and God’s names and characteristics in Quran, provide a plot for forming architecture pieces and delineate features for architecture based on this relationship, and guides designers in this direction. Research Question: For this purpose, the present study is attempting answer this question, what kind of features should design based on spiritual identity have as the final product and what kind of indices should an architect follow to be guided in a particular way? Research Method: The study is a qualitative approach and is methodologically based on analysis and interpretation. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The findings of the present paper demonstrate that, architect, as human and heir to God on the earth, and also his art, as a source of manifestation of divine Attributes, ought to have such features as: contentment along with practical creativity and elegance to designing and also Innovation in design, concentration and effect unity, self-sufficiency and the ability to do your duty, existential dignity and effect perfection, accurate perception of developing construction, meeting the current needs of the society and audience of architectural products, creating peace and balance, transferor the sense of designer considering the spiritual identity of effect, and eventually adherence to ontology principles and also rational, moral and physical ones of effects. Thus, results indicate that such effects, because of Their appointment as particular features of the universe architect, get to the spiritual identity and in other words, they get to the perfection and immortality, in the only word, they get holy and the transcendental art that emerged-in addition to satisfying human needs, it must be accompanied by the preservation of nature and ethics in design, is the reason of audience’s peace of mind. So, the spirituality of an architectural product is determined only when it is possible to find manifestations of divine attributes in it.

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Vasigh Behzad

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Research Problem: Every creature in the universe is moving towards evolution and being in its perfected state. Man, like other creatures, is interested in evolving and he (she) moves his artefacts towards evolution. In fact, man, through his artifacts, shows the need to create perfect objects. However, the concept of evolution (Tahavol va Takwin) and perfection (Kamal) depends on the religion, culture and thought of every human being or society. The perfect human being (Insan-e-Kamel) is synonymous with the powerful human being or superhero. The more powerful one is, the higher the level of perfection he has attained to. Even if knowledge is of value, it is due to the fact that it enables the human being to strengthen himself and to subjugate the surrounding environment. Hence, whether or not art is perfect depends on man's view of perfection. Islam is emphatic in the assertion that man can reach perfection in the earthly, individual life and by making full use of all the worldly possibilities of his life. To avoid misunderstandings, the term ‘perfection’ will have to be defined in the sense it is used here. As long as we have to do with human, biologically limited beings, we cannot possibly consider the idea of ‘absolute’ perfection, because everything absolute belongs to the realm of Divine attributes alone. Perfection is in vision and acquisition. One must fully comprehend the Divine sciences and act accordingly. Perfection is dependent on sensing, for the human being is compelled to action when feeling threatened and realizing one’s own imperfection. The mosque symbolizes Islam and Islamic thought can be seen in these kind of building. In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the concept of Kamal in mosque architecture. First, a temporal correspondence between the two themes of Kamal's concept and form in the history of Iranian architecture and thought was examined. Research Question: Research questions are: how the concept of perfection in the cultural geography of Iran in the Islamic era makes the shape of mosques? What has been the process of Kamal in the physical changes of mosques? ” Research Method: Methodology: The research method in this paper is based on Grounded Theory and case-studying. The method of data collection is based on documentary and library data. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: In this regard, the theoretical framework of the research was created by relying on the stylistic method of Iranian architecture by Pirnia, Sabkshenasi, and separating mystical, theological and philosophical views. After a comparative study between the ideas of the Islamic era, it is clear that the three issues, including geometric arrangement method, hierarchical method, and method of using natural daylight in indoor and outdoor spaces of mosques, have been considered by Islamic philosophes. From each era, a number of index mosques have been selected and based on the three components mentioned, the analysis was performed. The results show that changes can be made between the evolution of thought and mosques form and circulation. These changes indicate the relative obedience of the form a d circulation to the prevailing mystical, jurisprudential and philosophical ideas of its time. The research findings show that in the study of the concept of Kamal in architecture, the concept of physical development (Takwin) should be used instead of the concept of perfection (Kamal).

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Research Problem: Art and culture interact with each other. Iranian artists Influenced by Islamic spiritual dimensions and using techniques and arrays, have been able to reflect their religious beliefs in the form of architecture. By receiving the symbolic concepts in the elements used in the architectural works of the past, it is possible to know the thoughts and ideas and as a result, the culture and worldview of the architects of that period. The concept of monotheism as a basic principle in Islam is one of the concepts used in the works of Islamic-Iranian architects, which has been manifested by using various elements such as dome, altar, light, etc. Research Question: The present study seeks to answer the following two main questions: how much attention has been paid to the use of sensory richness, In the architecture of Iranian mosques? What is the role of sensory richness in the emergence and crystallization of monotheism in the architecture of selected mosques? Objectives of the research: This study was conducted to Measuring the rate of utilization of sensory richness In order to understand the concept of monotheism in six major mosques in the central region of Iran as an example. Research Method: The present research method is descriptive-survey and first by using library resources, the components of monotheism and sensory richness are extracted from the sources and important and index components (in the field of sensory richness and its relationship with the components of monotheism) by Delphi method was refined. The second step is a survey research, So by using detailed field observations in selected mosques, the presence or absence of each of the components of sensory richness and monotheism and the related subcomponents of the two variables, which were fixed by Delphi method in the form of a table, were analyzed and Based on this, the amount of use of the studied components in these mosques was obtained. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, Imam Mosques of Isfahan and Aghabzorg Kashan have the highest number of components of sensory richness, Imam Mosques of Isfahan and Yazd Grand Mosque have the highest number of components of monotheism and Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque has the lowest components of monotheism and sensory richness among the six mosques surveyed. Based on the amount of sensory richness components and monotheism in the mosques of Imam Isfahan and Sheikh Lotfollah, it can be concluded that using more components of sensory richness in these buildings can be one of the effective factors in increasing the association of the concept of monotheism in them. This issue shows the direct connection between the sensory richness and the association of the concept of monotheism in these mosques. Also, because of the mismatch of the position of Yazd Grand Mosque in the amount of monotheism and sensory richness components (Relatively among the selected mosques, the high level of components of monotheism and the low level of sensory richness components in this mosque), in addition to sensory richness, can be understood other factors in the crystallization of the concept of monotheism

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Problem Statement: Cultural landscape is a concept that includes cultural and natural values that reflect the interaction between man and nature throughout history. These landscapes are valuable places that reflect the identity and history of a region and its inhabitants. Therefore, the protection of cultural landscapes and its values is very important. Because cultural landscapes reveal the evolution of man and his skills in how to use the land, these landscapes are gradually evolving and undergoing changes. Nature, as one of the constituent elements of cultural landscapes, is constantly transforming itself. In the protection of cultural landscapes, the dynamics of landscapes should be considered and sought to protect it. If only a fixed state of landscapes is protected in landscape protection, then these landscapes will lose their dynamism. Identifying the factors that change cultural landscapes and using them as an important parameter in the conservation process leads to management of change. Research question: What is the relationship between strengthening and weakening the factors that change cultural landscapes and their protection and decline, and what are the most influential factors in the development of cultural landscapes? Research Objectives: Researchers have so far studied meaning of cultural landscapes and why they are protected. However, in order to take practical action in the protection of cultural landscapes, along with theoretical issues, identifying the components that affect these landscapes is a key issue. In addition to identifying the components that affect these landscapes, attention to the course of change and their evolution should also be considered. This article intends to evaluate the components affecting cultural landscapes, evaluate the components that affect them, and prioritize these components. This prioritization of effective components is considered by a group of experts in order to better conservation them. Research Method: To achieve the mentioned goal, the collection of theoretical data on the subject with the library method has been obtained and as a result, a comprehensive knowledge of studies and components affecting cultural landscapes has been obtained. This knowledge has led to the development of the necessary criteria for questioning experts. Based on the extracted criteria, a relevant questionnaire has been prepared and a group of cultural landscape experts has been consulted about them. Finally, after summarizing the results of the questionnaire, the indicators were weighted using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The most important findings and conclusions of the study: The findings indicate that indicators related to natural and cultural factors, can make the most changes in cultural landscapes. In addition, the changing factors are separated from the maximum to the least impact on changing a cultural landscape. This prioritization can be a more serious consideration for conservationists in controlling change. In conservation planning, actions are usually formed at three levels: short-term, medium-term and long-term. Prioritizing factors, especially in categorizing actions on these three scales, can be very useful, Because it will reduce the damage to more important aspects. Continuing protection by focusing on higher priority factors, will protect the more prominent aspects of the landscape.

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By examining and studying the history of architecture, we can come across a number of consistent and fixed principles that have always been involved in architectural life and are part of the essence of architecture, and this relation of architecture to its structure can be considered as such. Structures in architecture are considered as the first important issue of space creation. When the structure integrates with the architecture and they act as a complement to each other, that space will be much closer to the utility, and when they are separated from each other, the utility will decrease. Components of a building’s structure along with the form and function play an effective role in the desirability of the quality of the architectural space. In the historical buildings of Iran, structural systems such as dome and vault that mainly have large openings and height, have been built whit the arches showing a desirable structural behavior following the induced loads. One of the most important arches is arch (chafd) and panjohaft arches which are effective in the resistance and integration of all the structural members of a building. How is the construction method and function of this arch in the formation of the historical physique of the buildings in terms of structure? How is the integration of the structure and architecture in the formation of the physical structure of the historical buildings using panjohaft arches? How a more complete definition of the used arches can be achieved based on the study and analysis of the study samples? Structural identifying and analyzing of the structure forming the study buildings in this study using panjohaft arches to the integration and compatibility of the architecture with the structure of the contemporary buildings. The current study is analytical-descriptive. Using library-documentary studies, field studies, and through AutoCAD software and Sketch Up, the formed structure with Panjohaft arches in the buildings of the Hakim Mosque of Isfahan, Mir Bozorg Amol tomb, and Darb-e Emam tomb of Isfahan have been modeled. results showed that in these buildings, the interaction between structure and architecture is established when a proper construction method is used that in the three buildings studied by maintaining the proportion of dimensions in height, opening and architectural volumes in arches with various arches of panjohaft with three openings of (L) 2. 5 m, 4. 5 m and 6. 5 m and three base heights (h) 3. 5 m, 5 m, and 6. 5 m and three dimensions of the base section (a) 1. 5 m, m 2. 5 and 3. 5 m, the arch is in the optimal and stable state when the coefficient of stability of its sharp, normal and slow panjohaft arches in it are 2. 4, 1. 95 and 1. 6, respectively. In fact, traditionally architects have skillfully used the structural and technical aspects of the building by using arches consisting of five or seven arches to achieve a beautiful and quality space and were able to eliminate the inconsistencies and imbalances that were considered as a threat in the arrangement of the piers. By using this type of arch, they can become an opportunity for the emergence of the aesthetic aspects of space design. .

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Research Problem: One of the most important buildings in traditional cultures that have had a significant relationship with the sacred throughout history is their places of worship. The fundamental issue of this research is to provide a way to analyze the spatial quality of mosques to gain a deeper understanding of the mosque and to design mosques in the present era. Also, in the design and construction of mosques, more emphasis has been placed on the physical and symbolic qualities of it. The repetition or innovation in the architecture of the mosque has been focused on creativity in its symbolic elements such as domes, minarets and altars and approaches to architecture of mosques, in a reductionist view, have considered the mosque to be only a symbolic physicality. Therefore understanding the spatial quality factors of mosques, is the main problem of this study. Research Question: In the humanities experience of space, how is the spatial quality of the studied mosques explained based on the space atmosphere theory? Objectives of the research: In the present study, the spatial quality structure of congregational mosques in East Azerbaijan is based on an approach that can explain the spatial quality of those mosques in a way that can be used to recreate its quality. Research Method: The present study, relying on interpretive philosophical foundations, with a qualitative approach based on deductive-inferential reasoning and in the theoretical framework of the atmosphere concept, intends to answer that in the anthropological experience of space, how is the spatial quality of the studied mosques explained based on the space atmosphere theory, by collecting library data and field observations and conducting interviews with users. For this purpose, first the atmosphere theory is described and then by examining the factors affecting the experience and perception of space, the role of time and sense of space is discussed. The components are then evaluated and compared in the studied mosques. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: What cannot be sensed and perceived today with the onslaught of formalist and visual-based architecture on religious buildings, is the spatial quality and its role in identification of the building. In addition to the fact that mosques have lost their true identity and are devoid of physical and environmental characteristics of religious and emotional construction in the true sense, the audience has lost its sense of time and space. This is confirmed by the newly built mosques in the city of Tabriz and other cities. Such that if the name of the mosque is removed from their entrance, one can doubt on its identity as a mosque. Significant signs, such as domes, minarets, courtyards, porches, colorful tiles, and other non-physical qualities that in the past stimulated the audience's feelings in traditional and inspiring mosques, have lost their meaning in today's mosques and have been replaced by modern aesthetics of form. Therefore, the subject of research is not only relevant in traditional religious buildings, but also the creation of quality in the present architecture to stimulate the feeling and influence on the nature of the audience, seems necessary by architects. The focus of this study was on human emotional needs in architectural settings. The lack of this factor has led to the emergence of cold and dull environments without any connection with humans in the architectural space. The results of the present study show that the mental and psychological relationship of the prayers with the building is due to the quality of the spatial experience and the memorable patterns and behavioral bases for them are the most important element of the perception of the mosque space. Their connection to the smell of space, the sound of space, color and light in space, the toughness of walls and the presentable qualities, including the ability to rely on columns, perception of time by the light of windows, presence at the courtyard in summer, build their mental image of the mosque. This is the most important factor in designing and building new mosques

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Research Problem: This article provides analysis on space configuration and space geometry in Markets of The Tabriz Main Bazaar. Theoretical approach of this research is based on the theory of space syntax Which evaluates variables such as geometric patterns of markets including the average length and width of shops and passages, the number and different types of axes, and the number of nodes in these markets and the aim is discovering optimal paradigms for optimizing contemporary markets and commercial buildings. In order to discover the most beneficial paradigm, identifying effective components and factors of the Integration, control, visibility and paradigms of the markets and comparative analysis of these models have been studied regarding to today's markets and commercial buildings requirements. Research Question: 1. What are the most influential configuration in bazars? 2. How does the configuration of the spaces in markets effect the space quality? 3. Which of the geometric patterns lead to the optimize and high-quality commercial market spaces? Research Method: The method used in this research is survey method with content analysis technique and software analysis. Thus, in the quantitative data analysis section, data from justification graphs and software are used to extract the findings and finally the results obtained by the qualitative method of logical argument are analyzed. Library data collection and surveying, field study and software simulation have been used in this investigation. DepthMap software and graph analysis is used for 7 markets in Tabriz bazaar. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The results illustrate that when the paradigm of the markets is a straight line with only one axis and its plan is symmetric or balanced alongside the main axis, the market has the most optimum and desirable spaces. Furthermore, the presence of 2 entries on the main axis of the market, at the beginning and the end of the axis, increases the space quality of the market. Also, the Experimental results show that when the average width index of the passage over the passage length index is close to 0. 44, the commercial plans have higher space quality. In addition, findings of this paper show that each of the space configuration parameters, including Visibility, Integration, and Controllability, at the most desirable mode, form special relationships with each other. When the Connectivity creates the Y=0. 012X+3. 75 relationship with Integration and Y=0. 001X+0. 44 relation with Control and the time that Integration creates Y=0. 01X+0. 07 relation with Control, the markets and commercial units are in their optimal condition. Moreover, according to the data analysis, when the pattern of the market is linear and its plan has only one main axis and no nodes including two entrances at the beginning and at the end of the axis and the average path width over the market length is 0. 07 the connectivity is in its optimal mode. Also, from the Integration point of view, when the plans pattern is straight-line type and the market has only one main axis and no nodes with two entrances at the beginning and at the end of the axis and the average path width over the market length is close to 0. 44 space integration is in its optimal condition and The most desirable controllability is for a market in which a straight single-axis, linear plan has only one entrance, and the average path width over the market lengh is close to zero.

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Research Problem: The absence of children in the community and the lack of skills in communicating with each other is an issue that has caused many behavioral problems in the community today. How students communicate in school as a second home has been one of the factors influencing their social behavior. Inadequate conditions in the school environment and the lack of coordination between the environment and students' personalities double the need to pay attention to educational, behavioral, social and environmental issues. Research Question: How does flexible architecture affect student social behaviors? Research Method: This research uses an integrated method (qualitative-quantitative) to find the effect of flexible architecture on social relations and the relationship between these two components among students in different situations, so that initially 8 schools with the method Multi-stage clusters were randomly selected and collected before and after the test using descriptive-analytical and quasi-experimental methods based on detailed observations and library and field studies. One school was considered as the test school and the other schools with almost the same conditions as the unequal control group, and the other schools were studied because of their flexible environments. Out of 32 components obtained from theoretical foundations and interviews with experts, 7 components were obtained after scoring. Pre-test and post-test data were collected using observations and 220 questionnaires, and finally in SPSS software data were analyzed using t-test and Sheffe test. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the dimensions of social behavior, which according to Altman, is divided into four categories: "crowding, privacy, territory and personal space",Among students, the physical dimensions of the environment are affected, including flexible architecture, which includes the components of "diversity, variability, and adaptability. " There is a significant difference between students 'social behavior before and after making changes in the yard and corridor. Changes affect the quality of the educational environment and as a result, students' social behavior changes their behavioral range. Finally, it allows students to participate directly in the creation and operation of a multifunctional collective environment as well as individual group activities. On the other hand, active interaction in the environment along with maintaining privacy and personal space provides the possibility of students' social development.

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Ataei Elham | Toraby Zohreh

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Statement: Childhood is one of the most important periods of human life, and the flowering of many extraordinary talents takes place at this time. Among the factors influencing the growth of creativity, researchers in their research have reviewed the emotional and cognitive aspects and educational methods. But the impact of the quality of the architectural space in fostering creativity has received less attention because childhood is one of the most sensitive ages and can be very effective. Research Questions: Following the important issue of how to develop a child's talents, we decided to answer the following questions: What are the physical components of a child's space and how does the quality of space affect the outcome of these components? Research Method: In this research, which is based on descriptive and analytical methods, in order to obtain research findings, information on children's behavior that is the result of spatial experience has been investigated using the field research method because the effect of space and environment on interaction is an interaction. And measure its components. Therefore, we selectively selected four children between the ages of 3 and 6 years (in consultation with a kindergarten counselor) from two kindergartens and examined their 24-hour behavior. The checklist format is designed in three separate groups for kindergarten, indoor and outdoor, and daycare in the city and community. The choice of children regardless of the economic level of the family and the choice of two different sexes from a kindergarten has been in line with the effect of gender on space and vice versa. However, the selection of kindergartens was based on socio-economic leveling of the two affluent and poor areas in the city and has the highest history and the highest number of kindergartens among the kindergartens in their area. The timing of the research was such that in the fall (three periods of one month) due to its colorful and pleasant nature, these four children were evaluated in different spaces of the same three checklists mentioned. The most important findings and conclusions: In checking the checklists, the selected children at the end of the season have become the most curious children in their kindergarten and have the highest level of participation in group activities. In all four children, the characteristic of helping friends and risk is very evident. Home has also become a helper to parents. His responsibility and creativity in doing his personal work has increased and according to the components of child space design in selected spaces, it has been concluded that design components have a positive effect on child development and research hypothesis that seeks to prove the effect of components. The physical space of the child has been realized as the child grows. . He has become more responsive and creative in his personal work, being out of touch with the nursery and out of touch with the past, and with selected spaces the design of the child's space in the selected spaces it was found was deduced that the design components had a positive effect on child development. And the research hypothesis that sought to prove the impact of the physical components of the child's space on the child's development has been realized.

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Research Problem: One of the most critical issues in urban life is the need for security. Every child and young person has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel safe and secure. This issue has always been a focus of research in the "child-friendly city. " Because children are considered an essential part of space users, and in their interaction with space, their mental image is shaped by the physical and non-physical properties of everyday living environments. While security is a complex issue with diverse social, economic, and cultural dimensions, the impact of environmental factors should not be ignored in a meeting of these needs. Nowadays, the issue of security in public spaces, especially in urban parks, have great importance and concern about recent events in these places, especially metropolitan parks, points out attention to the issue. Despite this significant population, it is not asked by children about their needs and desires, and they are not considered as seriously as citizens because they have no political power and no right to vote. "Nowadays, most local and municipal parks are designed for adults, despite children's need. " In urban areas, parks and playgrounds are virtual spaces for children and their activities. The researchers believe that the proper design and correct use of the environment could prevent crime and improve life quality. This will be particularly important for more vulnerable children. Therefore, the present study investigates security objectively and subjectively by relying on the security of landscape language in parks and employing an approach based on stratification semiotics. Research Question: Is there a difference between girls and boys in perceiving landscape language's security measures? What is the priority of each of the natural, human-made, and socio-cultural strata? How is this difference observed in case studies? Research Method: The research method is descriptive-analytical. To collect data, library, and survey research (field studies) with the technique of interviewing and a researcher-made visual questionnaire were employed. Forty children at ages 7 to 12 years were questioned about the study of two cases of "Child-friendly Energy Park" and "Child-friendly Park" located in regions 22 and 18 of Tehran. The questionnaire's content validity was confirmed based on experts' ideas, and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0. 823. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS-22 software. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Findings indicate differences in girls' and boys' perceptions of the degree of effects and prioritization of metrics of natural, human-made, and socio-cultural strata. Besides, the highest effect is allocated to the socio-cultural stratum. By considering different metrics of security codes in the landscape, the Child-friendly Park is prioritized in two human-made and socio-cultural strata, and there is no difference in the mean answers for the two parks in terms of the stratum of natural codes. Therefore what is essential in designing parks, under the attribute of "child-friendly" and designed for this specific target group of children, is supplying their satisfaction and security. Therefore, based on the results presented in the final model of the research, it is possible to take a step towards designing "child-friendly" parks with a "child-based" look and provide satisfaction and security for this group of space users.

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Research Problem: Climate and culture both played a very important role in design of Iranian traditional houses. Nowadays, the effect of these two categories reduce and, as a result, they have less contribution to providing physical and intellectual comfort. Different shapes of houses without paying attention to native and cultural identity is the reason of this event. A comparative study of the differences between houses in various cities of Iran with a different climate, displays these contradictions better. Research Question: What are the main differences in the structure of houses in Shiraz and Kashan during the Qajar period? How can these differences interpreted on the based of the eco cultural of these two cities? Research purposes: The purpose of this research is to analyze the traditional houses in the Qajar period of Shiraz and Kashan to identify the effects of important factors such as climate and culture in the shape of the building, the type of ornamentation, facade and etc, to use the past instructive patters in future design. If the influence of the Qajar houses of Shiraz and Kashan from the different climatic and cultural factors becomes clearer and by releasing these abandoned components and modernizing them, it can be a basis for today's eco cultural designing in different cities of Iran. Not paying attention to the issue of the crisis of fossil fuels and the need to return to Natural and native patterns, identity crisis and decreasing the Life expectancy index, the gap between generations and reminiscent of Western culture, they all show the necessity of this research in each of the cities in Iran. By reviewing the traditional architecture of Iran, the physical distinctions and the identity of houses in biological zones, cultural and social differences along with the climatic differences are quite clear. The people's worldview of Iran, with the consideration of the principles and values that have been creating for the people of these lands over time. Made them their identity, allowed the emergence of cultural distinctions in each region, but gradually these values and ways of life have been forgetting, and it has led us to seek our identity in the foundations of foreign culture. This neglect has caused that all the houses of Iran's societies, being similar to the culture and the western architecture. Research Method: In this research, library and field studies are used together to clarify the impact of climatic and cultural factors in the traditional Qajar houses of Shiraz and Kashan, the research method is qualitative approaches with applicable goal, and based on its nature is historical interpretation, comparative and phenomenological. This study, which is part of a more comprehensive applied qualitative research. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Results of this research show that the most important differences are in the area, height of the rooms, the organization of open and closed spaces, the type of decorations etc. In Kashan, the area and height of the rooms are more than Shiraz. Kashan, in comparison with Shiraz, has more space hierarchy. In addition to the climatic comfort justifications for the above differences, another issue that can mention is the difference between the social culture of Kashan people and Shiraz people. People working hard in Kashan and this causes differences in the facade decorations, the area of houses etc.

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Research Problem: Sunlight is constantly changing depending on weather conditions and the location of buildings. Exterior conditions also affect the amount of sunlight entering buildings. Urban views can also be used as a link between architecture and the city. Therefore, in order to improve the availability of sunlight in urban blocks, the influential elements in this field must also be carefully examined. On the other hand, the reflection of walls and urban surfaces can significantly affect the distribution of daylight inside buildings. The reflection of the surrounding surfaces, the geometry and the position of the neighbors affect the amount of light reaching the building. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate these factors in order to increase the use of daylight, reduce energy consumption in buildings and urban environments. Due to the existing scientific gaps, the present article examines the role of urban geometry (height and distance between buildings) and the reflectivity of urban surface materials in the cold and dry climate of Iran. In addition, solar radiation is an important component of climate and human comfort in indoor and outdoor environments. So that not paying attention to sunlight in open buildings and spaces can cause discomfort. In ancient architecture, one of the most important factors in urban design has been the attainment of sunlight, which has been evidenced by numerous evidences in the indigenous architecture around the world. The purpose of the design, in view of sunlight and energy, is to achieve more daylight into the building and sidewalks, resulting in visual comfort, health, vitality and increased efficiency in urban and indoor environments. Ignoring the solar rights of open buildings and spaces can also cause discomfort and inconvenience. In order to obtain the amount of daylight factor in indoor spaces, it is necessary to have the intensity of external lighting, which must be calculated to know the amount of external light received inside the building. Daylight can enter the building through window glass, skylights or other openings. In fact, the effect of the arrangement and geometry of residential blocks has been analyzed as an independent variable in the degree of achieving the required brightness as a dependent variable. Research Question: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mentioned factors on the achievement of solar radiation in buildings and urban areas in a residential block complex. Therefore, in this study, the effect of reflectivity of the type of urban surface materials as an independent variable on the degree of achieving the required brightness as a dependent variable has been studied. Also, the effect of urban design parameters (street width and orientation) and building design (roof shape and building development design) on the amount of sunlight achieved in residential buildings has been studied. Research Method: This research has been done by field measurement method by light meter (lux meter) and computer simulation (Relux software). The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Finally, research has shown that the use of brick materials on vertical surfaces (building facades) and stone on horizontal surfaces (flooring) can increase the amount of light reaching urban and interior shells by up to 30%. Also, the diagonal arrangement with the distance of the urban blocks has played an effective role in the proper distribution of the wall lighting.

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Research Problem: Design of a proper residence in order to satisfy the users’ needs has been always a complicated task. People spend quite a long time at their homes and various activities carry out there,therefore, the designed spaces have to consider a vast variety of characteristics both physically and mentally. Researchers state that considering fixed dimensions for human bodies in the architectural design is not an efficient policy. Instead, the diversity of physiques has to be taken into attention. The theory of inclusive design regards the spaces design in this way and attempts to find practical resolutions for this goal. Disabled people are among the users whose needs are often ignored in ordinary buildings design or separate spaces are often considered for them which are in contrary to the social justice principles. Research Question: The main question of this study is how residential complexes could respond to a wider range of users’ needs. Research Method: Pursuing this approach, this research tries to determine the design-related properties of residential spaces to provide an improved performance to consider the particular aspects of the disabled people. First, at the qualitative stage of the research, a comprehensive investigation of the disabled people (mobility and sensory impairments) needs and human senses has been carried out through the relevant resources and the necessary qualities of such spaces were achieved. As a result of this phase, design recommendations on the basis of multi-sensorality principles were extracted depending on the individual disabilities. In the following step, the aforementioned space characteristics were examined by four main target groups via the researcher-made questionnaire,including the people with physical, visual, and hearing disabilities as well as healthy ones. The questionnaires were distributed among 384 people divided in four groups of 96 in the Disabled People's Recreation Centers as well as residential complexes. The gathered data was utilized to test the research hypotheses and the satisfaction level of all four respondent groups regarding visual, hearing, tactile, and sensory enrichment were measured. Due to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, the normality of the data distribution was specified and the corresponding parametric or non-parametric tests were applied for each data groups. For normal distributed and non-normal distributed data T-test and binomial test were considered, respectively. Nine sub-hypotheses of ten were confirmed and one of them, respecting application of textures in walls and floors, was disapproved. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: According to the results gained from the survey phase, proper design solutions were presented in both shared and private residential areas in order to meet the highest amount of satisfaction among four target groups. A number of design techniques are suggested for exterior spaces,e. g. two contrasting light and dark colors for buildings to distinguish different zones for people with visual impairments or stained glass in bright colors for canopies and staircase envelopes to indicate different building entries. Also, in interior spaces applying various colors and geometric shapes in the perimeter envelope to filter the light inside the room and use of thin layers of floor coverings could specify space borders. The research findings show that several design techniques could be assigned to different zones of residential spaces to maximize the convenience of most user categories and proceed toward the theory of design for all.

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Research Problem: Advanced in technologies and cimputering power have improved academic’s ability to test complex theoretical models, nevertheless, to fully utilize the capabilities of recently developed software, researcher must also develop their skill and embrace the technology. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of unobserved heterogeneity in the context of partial least squares structural equation modeling and try to present a case study, which illustrates how to identify and treat unobserved heterogeneity in PLS-SEM using FIMIX-PLS. The aim of this study with methodological approach is to recognize the health-orientation criteria in daylight design development and daylight design recommendation based on optimal zone. This study, therefore use human-oriented design approach in daylight design in residential complex. This work investigates the relationships between an assessment of the happiness and the mental health of residents using the Oxford Happiness Inventory and simulated annual daylight conditions in their living spaces based on a survey approach. Research Question: Our first research question addressed whether the different daylight illuminance in internal space in residential complex may generate various happiness effect on people living indoors according to indoor conditions. And the second question addressed whether the assumption of homogeneous and non-homogeneous data may case different result? Research Method: The study population included residents of residential units in mid-rise buildings in Isfahan, Iran. In this study, low-rise buildings are considered to be residential buildings with three to eight stories and between 860 ft2 and 2100 ft2 in size. 286 units were selected by two-stage random cluster sampling. Data were collected with Oxford Happiness Inventory and researcher–made questionnaire. The Radiance modelig software and STADIC plugin for Radiance was used to generate a parametric models of the living spaces. the simulation was automated by linking Python with Radiances, in this article we identified and interpreted unobserved heterogeneity in partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) by using the FIMIX-PLS module in the SmartPLS 3. 2. 3 software The Most Important Results and Conclusion: Data analyses indicated that the assumption of relatively homogeneous data characteristics or heterogeneity had different output. Since homogeneous data assumption indicate no relationship between daylight illuminance and happiness, in heterogeneity data assumption there was positive relationship between SDA500-%50 and Happiness and a high negative effect of sDA2000-%50 on happiness in one segment. A statistical analysis of regression in SPSS indicated some daylight design recommendations based on living space configuration, window features and site plan which prepare a possibility of assessment of happiness dimension and illuminatance fraction of living space. This approach brings together the physiological and psychological impacts of daylighting and illuminates their potentially pivotal roles in ordering and enriching architectural experience. This work suggests that environmental designers and architects can enhance well-being and public health by designing built environments with suitable daylight exposure levels. These results are consistent with other studies that explored the correlation between health and daylight in healthcare centers and schools, and performance in offices. According to those studies, inadequate daylight exposure has adverse effects on the health of people [28] and is associated with an increase in depression symptoms.

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Research Problem: In addition to its roles in urban spaces, color also affects people's feelings and interests about the quality of the environment. Lack of building exterior’s control programs in urban planning policies in Iran and exterior color design based on the designer's preference and lack of attention to users' preferences in addition to visual disturbance, has caused public dissatisfaction with their visual quality. These factors highlight the need for more attention to design of the color in building exterior based on the user's visual preference. In studies on environmental color preference, colors have been evaluated in terms of two dimensions,physical dimension (hue, saturation and luminance) and emotional dimension (including temperature, harmony, etc. ). Since the emotional dimensions of color evaluation are regional and diverse, and there is no consensus on their definition, it is necessary to study the emotional dimensions of color evaluation and the factors affecting their assessment. Research Question: What are the emotional dimensions for evaluating the color combination in building exterior? what are the components affecting the assessment temperature dimension of the color combination in building exterior? Research Method: To do the research, a combination of qualitive and quantitive methods has been used. Determination of emotional dimensions for avaluating the color combination in building exterior was performed in two stages, content analysis and the Delphi survey. In the first stage, 97color emotional dimensions were obtained by reviewing and studying the 40 sources. Then, a questionnaire that was formed of 100 pictures of residential building exterior, was completed by participants. These pictures were taken of 6-7 story residential apartments, which were at most 10 years old and were placed in the north sections about 9-12 meters wide. The Delphi survey comprised 20 participants, expertised in the field of design and color (professors of architecture, painting, graphics and industrial design). This sample size was based on the purpose of the survey that was exploration of participants’ opinions. Three bipolar dimensions (cold-warm, harmonious-contrast, light-heavy) and several selected pictures for each of them were extracted by using Q factor analysis and SPSS-22 software. Due to the wide range of topics, only the cold-warm dimension was investigated in this study. In the next stage, the components affecting the assessment temperature dimension of the color combination, were obtained from semi-structured interview with 5 participants, expertised in the field of architecture and urban design. participants were selected based on snowball sampling and sample size was based on theoretical saturation. Based on the results of these interviews and selected pictures from the first survey, a questionnaire was prepared and completed by the former group of participants. The final results were obtained using Q factor analysis in two stages. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The components affecting the assessment temperature dimension of the color combination in building exterior, were the surface area of hues, the saturation level of hues and the number of hues in the combination and the formal composition of building exterior, the form of the opening and the details of surface did not have a significant effect on the assessment temperature dimension of the color combination in building exterior. Therefore, to evaluate the visual preference of color combination in building exterior, it is recommended to study buildings in any style that their color combinations have two or maximum three colors,Buildings that to describe them as a warm color combination, At least 60% of color surface of building exterior must have warm Hue with a saturation of at least 25% and to describe them as a cold color combination, At least 60% of colour surface of building exterior must have cold hue.

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Research Problem: Aesthetic evaluation seems to be very difficult in the present time because of the various and sometimes contradictory definitions of aesthetics. However, the experimental aesthetics approach, which is based on the experience and perception of the audience, can be very useful and effective in evaluating visual qualities. The experimental aesthetics is based on the mindset and conception of the observer, therefore it attributes the perception of beauty to the individual's mind and related factors to them such as age and gender. According to the experimental aesthetics, approach gender is one of the most important factors that affect aesthetic preferences. Due to the importance and worthiness of symmetry in Iranian Islamic architecture, in this essay, we researched particularly this visual compone Research Question: Current research examines the relationship between gender and symmetry as one of the important visual components. In this study, we want to answer this question: what is the effect of gender on the evaluation of the visual preferences of the symmetry component in the façade of contemporary Iranian architectural buildings. Research Method: The research hypothesis has been tested using a questionnaire. To compile a questionnaire, 5 random prototypes of contemporary Iranian architectural buildings were selected and 7 groups, each contained 4 images and were produced by changing and manipulating the original images. Due to the interdependence and interaction of symmetry and complexity on each other, the symmetrical and asymmetrical images of each were tested in two simple and complex modes. Participants in the test were asked to arrange 4 categories of images in terms of their beauty priority from top to bottom. These 4 categories of images were "symmetrical and simple", "symmetrical and complex", as well as "asymmetrical and simple" and "asymmetrical and complex”. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The results show that "symmetrical and complex" images are typically the highest priority for individuals, regardless of gender, with the highest level of order and complexity. Symmetrical images usually look more regular. But that doesn't always mean simplicity. Sometimes by repeating the patterns and putting them together we can get more complex and new patterns that are very amazing and beautiful. As we see in Iranian Islamic architecture, this technique has been used a lot. In compiling the research questionnaire, more complex images were produced using the vertical symmetry of the prototype. These images were more detailed, more diverse, and had more fractures. The images created from the manipulation of the prototype, while having the desired complexity, were also regular. Therefore, according to Eisenhower's formula, it was predicted that visual preferences would be the highest priority. We must emphasize that this result cannot be generalized to the architectural group. Architects are more interested in the complexity and complex images compared to the other groups, and they have rated the "complex and asymmetrical" images as more beautiful ones. Although there is no difference between men and women in the choice of images, among the group of the architecture students but in the non-architectural groups (mathematics and liberal arts) Men compared to women have given higher scores to symmetrical images and symmetry is a very influential component in evaluating men's aesthetics preferences. But in women's visual preferences, complexity has played a more prominent role and women tend to choose more complex images.

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Statement of Problem: The discourse of "Orientalism" is based on the views of Edward Saeed and seeks to authenticate the hegemonic strategies of the West over the East. This discourse has emerged in the fields of thought, research, art, etc, and has continued with the differentiation of the way of living, thinking, etc. between East / West, East / West. In such a situation, art, as a reflection of thought, it reproduces its identity based on this dominant intellectual space. "Orientalism" is one of the influential concepts in contemporary art, as the prevalence of words such as Oriental, Islamic and Iranian art and architecture in art history stems from this concept, which is based on a strategic view. The West has been achieved through the projection of the concept of the "other. " Research question: The research is based on the main question: What effect has the Orientalist discourse had on the architecture of the Pahlavi era (first)? Research Objectives: At the beginning of the Pahlavi era, the presence of Western artists and architects or educated people in the West in the field of Iranian art and architecture became important. This article seeks to explain their relationship and the prevalence of nationalism in Iranian architecture as part of the dominance of Orientalist discourse. Research Methods: The research depends on Saeed's theoretical and critical approach to "Orientalism", and at the same time relies on Foucault's re-reading of "discourse" in order to recognize the role of dominant discourse influenced by institutional power, and its representation in artists-here architects-has it. Lukács also looks at the theoretical concept of the connection between "Totality" and "mediation". The most important findings and conclusions of the research: Architects [Godard and Markov] each in a way, in the middle of the dual and the rules of reading history (derived from the discourse of Orientalism) are placed. In relation to Orientalism, it pursues other expectations (the West, or the East that looks at itself through the West),And reflects the types of Orientalist readings (Iranian studies below) from the academic to the imaginative point of view, based on the pervasive institutions of power, which are based on the distance between the two worlds,Western (not geographical, cognitive, rationalistic, rational, and enlightened) / Eastern (oriented, not geographical, as the subject of cognition, mythical, imaginary, strange). During this period, another historical tendency is reflected in the works of some, such as Nikolai Markov (representative of the Orientalist view of the Soviet Union). He stands in the middle of historical architecture by historizing and combining the effects of the history of different eras and lands. With a mixture of Orientalist and socialist discourse, Markov sought to homogenize the experience of forces and capital in order to achieve social ideals. Hence, relying on a kind of fusion of multiple (eclectic) beings, history has entered the realm of architecture. That is, by showing themes, elements, motifs, and backgrounds mixed from Byzantine, Russian to European architecture with expectations from the historical architecture of Iran,it has created an eclectic situation. Historical-archeology has played an important role in dominating, controlling, and cultivating the tastes of the masses, but Markov, through reconfiguration, presents a different picture of the masses' relationship, combining multiple and sometimes discrete layers and elements of Eastern expectations. Imaginatively, it reflects a new way of historical narrative. It was a critical aspect of the selective confrontation with history, which sided with archeology, Orientalist romantic expectations, and aroused the tastes of the masses.

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Research Problem: Most of the city's viewing corridors induce a sense of confusion to the citizen of Tehran. In these sights and views, there is no harmony. It seems that the main contribution of these disturbances in the face of the city is related to the design and composition of the building masses. This nasty and inelegance image sits in the minds of the citizen that gets addicted to it or gets annoyed because of it. The more hardness is for trained eye that evaluates and adapts the features of these buildings base on the theoretical frameworks, principles, and rules of aesthetics. Research Question: Therefore, the main issue is the reason for this unreliability and getting used to this ugliness, and that how do today's designers and applicants consider the beauty and desirability of city buildings form and their composition? Do the citizens see the city's buildings beautiful? the present study seeks to answer those questions. Research Method: To progress the research, a qualitative research method called the Grounded Theory has been selected. The data is appeared based on interviews with 50 residents of district 2 of Tehran. The interview began with an open question: "How is your neighborhood, place of living, street or alley? Explain it". This preliminary question specifies that whether the interviewees had an experience of visual perception of constructional masses and forms during life in their neighborhood. Further, during the interview and according to the items in each interview, other questions are proposed in the formwork of research issues. Then, the texts of all the interviews have been written, and using techniques of research methodology, analyzed, and their theoretical concepts, extracted and categorized based on their content similarities and differences. In the following, each category of the matched concepts obtained a role in relation to other categories (conditions/context, action/ interactional strategies and consequences) and created a paradigmatic model. And after integratind the categories, deleting additional concepts, completing incomplete concepts, the core category of a phenomenon was identified. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The main categories obtained from the interpretation of the text of the interviews are: Conditional/contextual categories -Merchant urban management -Difference in the type of opinion to the urban development -Emergence of changes in the inhabitants desires and conditions Interactional categories -Visual inconsistency of building masses -Unbalanced combination of building masses with adjacent spaces -Disproportionate size of buildings relative to each other and adjacent spaces -Interest in low-density and low-rise building patterns -Interest in more opened and spacious space proportions -A wish for a less populated place/ a mismatch between space capacity and the dwelling population Consequential categories -Forgetting about the current time of the living environment -Disconnecting with the living environment By reviewing the conceptual content of categories obtained, it seems that the perception and experience of inhabitants of Tehran's 2nd district about the aesthetic aspect of their living environment are visually annoying and unfavorable. What caused of the formation of this experience is the idea of the existence of "merchant urban management", "the difference in the type of opinion to the urban development", "the emergence of changes in the inhabitants’ desires and conditions ",in other words, these cases are the underlying and casual conditions for the formation of this experience. Subsequently, inhabitants in their understanding of the present situation regulate processes in their minds that explain the overall sense of "To perceive inelegance and undesirability from the city". The two main categories of "visual irregularities and distortions" and "shortage of open spaces and a lot densities" play the role of interactional categories in this experience,the categories inhabitants apply to perceive their experience of the living place. Finally, the consequence of the formation of these interactions and processes, or the same general phenomenon (To perceive inelegance and undesirability from the city), emerge in the poor communication of the interviewees with their living environment. The sense of "forgetting of the present time among the regret of the past and the future concern" and "the disconnecting to the living environment" because of the thought for immigration and indifference to the environment, are the consequences of this experience.

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Labibzadeh Razieh

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Research Problem: Throughout history, war and its consequences have caused the change or destruction of urban structures and architectural monuments, and their impacts have continued to exist in future eras. Nowadays, cities are not safe from war damages (or similar destructive events) and may be conflicted or destroyed due to different political, economic, and social problems,therefore, the evaluation of reconstruction approaches in architecture, after wars, seems necessary. This research aims to determine the effects of war on architecture and urbanization, it’s seeks to find the best ways to rebuild destroyed cities and villages. Research Question: How wars affect the architecture of cities and the method of reconstruction afterward are the main questions of the present research, the answer to which can prove helpful in destructive events and provide scientific solutions based on an organized plan to prepare for and confront unpredictable events. Research Method: The purpose of this article is to recognize and classify the types of reconstruction methods after wars. In order to achieve the above purposes, in addition to introducing different generations of wars, their effects on urban structures are specified. Then, the method of each generation’s reconstruction is studied through sample studies. Further, the samples’ reconstruction methods are comparatively evaluated. In addition to evaluating historic wars, such as Alexander’s assault on Iran, Crusades, the Muslims conquest of Persia, and Mongol’s attacks, Cities of Berlin, Hiroshima, London, Warsaw, Beirut, and damaged cities of Iran are chosen as research samples. The samples are chosen based on the type of damage during the war and the application of different reconstruction methods, in order to answer the questions and purposes of the research. The Most Important Results and Conclusion: The first stage of the research showed that wars affect architectural and urban structures in six years (based on the type of weaponry used in each period of war). The weapons of primitive and first-generation wars were weapons, such as bow, sword, and primitive firearms (in the first generation), and had minimum (short-term) impacts on urban and architectural structures. Most destructions are attributed to the second and third generation of wars, in these generations of wars,destruction of the cities was one of the warriors’ approaches to victory. The fourth and fifth-generation wars are cultural and cyber warfare, the effects of which on urban structures will appear in the long-term. The results from the research show that constructions after wars are classified into three general categories: remodeling regardless of previous background, rebuilding as before, revitalization, and adaptation of monuments considering new conditions and historical background. Reconstructions after primitive and first-generation wars (given there was no architectural damage) were carried out through the method of revitalization based on new conditions, in the short-term, and the method of remodeling in the long-term. Reconstructions after second and third-generation wars (due to extreme damage) were mostly carried out through remodeling and rebuilding methods in the short-term, and revitalization method in the long-term. Economy and politics are known as effective and deterministic factors in this generation’s reconstruction. Also, given the nature of fourth and fifth-generation wars, it is predicted that the effects of this style of war are after remodeling in the long-term, in order to enforce cultural changes in target societies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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