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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Study of Compatibility of natural dyes in dyeing of woolen yarn without mordant and mordant with potassium alum sulphate




 To increase the color range of textile. Dyeing is to be done with more than one color-shedding substances, However before the conduction of Dyeing with the form of combining color-substances, the capability and probability of the combination, that is to be tested with the scale of degree in compatibility, has to be considered. Bearing in mind the necessity of producing a high range of color in hand-woven carpet and importance of compatibility in dyeing materials, this research is looking for the extent of compatibility in color, substances including: Madder, weld, Prangos ferulacea and walnut shell on woolen thread, Raw and mordanted with aluminum sulfate as one of the means of estimating compatibility The result has shown that the dyeing capability in woolen thread with walnut shell in comparison with three other color shedding substances is variable. thus the similarity in extent of compatibility in three color-shedding substances: Madder substances: madder weld and Prangos ferulacea shows the high compatibility they have in common. However differences in the diagram of dyeing of walnut shell shows little compatibility of these substances in getting combined with madder, weld and Prangos ferulacea. After the calculating the capacity of dyeing in each of coloring substances woolen thread (on the basis of even combination of four dyeing substances with three different ratio) was dyed. The result shows that dyeing compatibility in Madder, weld and Prangos ferulacea in combination with each other is good to excellent in diagram. While combination of walnut shell with three other color substances caused very low compatibility. In addition to that, results show the effect of density and using dents in coloring. On the whole result of this research have shown that dyeing substances madder weld and Prangos ferulacea have high compatibility with each other and have combination compatibility in the same range while possibility of combining three substances with walnut shell, duo to low compatibility is very low. The way of conducting this research is pragmatic and gathering of all the information is laboratory and library-based.


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    APA: Copy

    SHAHPARVARI, MOHAMMAD REZA, SAFAPOUR, SIYAMAK, & GHARANJIG, KAMALADIN. (2018). Study of Compatibility of natural dyes in dyeing of woolen yarn without mordant and mordant with potassium alum sulphate. GOLJAAM, -(32 ), 145-160. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/109020/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHAHPARVARI MOHAMMAD REZA, SAFAPOUR SIYAMAK, GHARANJIG KAMALADIN. Study of Compatibility of natural dyes in dyeing of woolen yarn without mordant and mordant with potassium alum sulphate. GOLJAAM[Internet]. 2018;-(32 ):145-160. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/109020/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD REZA SHAHPARVARI, SIYAMAK SAFAPOUR, and KAMALADIN GHARANJIG, “Study of Compatibility of natural dyes in dyeing of woolen yarn without mordant and mordant with potassium alum sulphate,” GOLJAAM, vol. -, no. 32 , pp. 145–160, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/109020/en

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