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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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TERMEH F. | Issue Writer Certificate 




 The family GRAMINEAEe, due to its great number of species and worldwide distribution, is one of the large and well- known family in the plant kingdom. All the species in this family are homotypes and are found wherever plant growth is possible. At present, more than 10,000 species in 620 genera belonging to 60 tribes of this family are known from all over the world. In IRAN, besides many research works which have been carried out so for, TERMEH (1987) while revising the family, introduced 117 genera, 406 species, 10 subspecies and 54 varieties for IRAN. In addition, reference should also be made to the following taxa recorded from IRAN: Bromus racemosus (ASSADI & WENDELBO 1977), Agropyron caninum (ASSADI 1983), Briza humilis (ASSADI 1984), Dactyloctenium aegipticeum (MOZAFFARIAN 1985), Glyceria caspica and Backmania eruciformis (HAMZEHEE 1992), Dinebra retroflexa (MOZAFFARIAN 1994) and Poa golestanica (SCHOLZ & AKHANI 1999). Totally, till the publication of this paper, 119 genera, 414 species, 10 subspecies and 54 varieties have been reported from IRAN. This paper includes 8 species, belonging to 6 tribes of the family GRAMINEAE NEW RECORDS to IRAN. The complete description, synonymy and distribution of the species in IRAN, its neighboring countries and in the world are explained in the Persian text. All the 8 line drawing figures are original. In order to facilitate the determination and the introduction of each species, the detailed structures are presented. List of the genera and species along with their GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION  newly recorded for IRANian Flora are as follows: 1. Aegilops peregrina (Hack.)Maire & Weill. Tribus Triticeae Azarbayjan: Rezaieh, Kabudan-island, 1320-1580m, 18.6.1966, Moussavi & Zargani (IRAN 26500). 2. Aeluropus pungens (M. B.) C. Koch Tribus Aeluropodeae Semnan: Momen-abad, 1100-1l50m, 26.6.1992, Termeh, Moussavi & Tehrani (IRAN 26501). Baluchestan: Zabol (from stream banks around wheat and Barley farms), 1996, Jahan- Tigh (IRAN 26502). 3. Calamagro stis decora Hook. f. Tribus Agrostideae Azarbayjan: Khoy (Natural Range Lands), 2800-3000m, July 1980, Akbarlu (IRAN 26503). 4. Chloris virgata Swartz Tribus Chlorideae Baluchestan: IRANshahr(Alfalfil farms), 11.1.1989, Termeh, (IRAN 26504). Baluchestan: Zabol(Corn farm), 22.10.1990, Termeh (IRAN 26505). 5. Digitaria strictta Roth ex Roemer & Schultes Tribus Paniceae Baluchestan: Saravan, Suran, 1130m, September 1993, Termeh (IRAN 26506). 6. Echinochloa macrocarpa Vasing. Tribus Paniceae Zanjan: Tarom-e Olia, Ghodrat (Direct seeded Rice), 15.8.1988, MosIem-Sharifi & Zafarmand (IRAN 26507). Zanjan: towards Mianeh, Gheytul(Rice farms), 4.9.1990, Termeh (IRAN 26508). 7. Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv. Tribus Eragrostideae Hormozgan: Shatvar-island, 17.2.1999, Termeh & Karavar (IRAN 26509). Hormozgan: Kish-island, 5-6.3.1999, Termeh & Karavar (IRAN 26510). 8. Panicum capillare L. Tribus Paniceae Ghazvin: Sharif-abad (Agri- business farms), September 1988, Pashaii (IRAN 26511). Ghazvin: Rajaii power station (Peach orchards), August 1990, Mohsen-Hoseini (IRAN 26512).              



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    APA: Copy

    TERMEH, F.. (2000). NEW RECORDS OF THE FAMILY GRAMINEAE FROM IRAN (3). ROSTANIHA, 1(1-4), 43-62. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1314/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    TERMEH F.. NEW RECORDS OF THE FAMILY GRAMINEAE FROM IRAN (3). ROSTANIHA[Internet]. 2000;1(1-4):43-62. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1314/en

    IEEE: Copy

    F. TERMEH, “NEW RECORDS OF THE FAMILY GRAMINEAE FROM IRAN (3),” ROSTANIHA, vol. 1, no. 1-4, pp. 43–62, 2000, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1314/en

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