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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Contribution of Power Institutions and Local Communities in Integrated Management of Seaside Towns




 The landscape is formed based on the continuous relationship between the communities and their natural environment, and as a natural-cultural phenomenon and the common asset of the communities, it has great merit. In this approach, the landscape is the product of the struggle between groups with different interests and goals, including societies and management institutions. This issue is particularly prominent in the landscape of the seaside cities. Even though the placement of areas with social and natural values such as Chahkooh Canyon and mangrove (Hara) forests on the UNESCO World Heritage List creates a valuable opportunity for constructive conservation, it may be associated with damages such as maximum intervention in the landscape or its abandonment. So these landscapes, as a result of ignoring each case’s social context and place-specificity, may turn into unproductive spaces asynchronous with the constantly changing interaction of man and the environment. By considering cities such as Qeshm and Bandar Khamir as tourist destinations based on natural resources, it is necessary to pay attention to natural resources such as the sea as a common heritage and asset between the two agencies of local communities and institutions of power and to explain strategies for balancing the manner and extent of intervention and exploitation of the sea and other natural contexts associated with it. The inherent value of sites known as the common human heritage representing the temporal-spatial dynamics derived from natural processes and the cultural biodiversity resulting from the coexistence of man and nature and the need to fill the gap between disciplines of geography and social sciences are the necessities of research. The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of landscapes with cultural and natural value as a common human asset, using the capacities of local communities, the different dimensions of the concept of “Natural-cultural heritage” are specified and provide strategies for more sustainable management of the cities of the sea. The methodology in the present research is qualitative and case study with an analytical approach to explain the conceptual model of the landscape as a common asset. One set of data was collected using library research to explain the theoretical grounds of the study, and another set of data was gathered through a field case study. The complete lack of integrity of local communities and management institutions in the case studies has led to the wasting of tourism capacities and the creation of an unproductive space. The interdisciplinary approach to the landscape focuses on points of agreement and commonality, demonstrating the emerging context and guidance for bridging the nature-culture gap through the application of the cultural and social capabilities of local communities. Because of the different values of the landscape as a common resource, it is inextricably linked to the communities and the people who make them. Attitude toward the landscape of the seaside cities as a living entity and subject to the allocation and reuse of activists based on the three principles of balance, flexibility, dynamism, and moderation will lead to more efficient and sustainable management.


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