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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Sustainable Prefabricated Structure Design by Salt Sediment Inspired by Material Distribution Optimization of Human Trabecular Bone




 Nature can be an interesting source of human inspiration for design and inventions. Man has been always related to the nature in different levels. Bionic Architecture is a new trend in contemporary world that benefits from sustainable nature`s solutions for human problems. There are two main methods of bio inspired design, First: Bottom-Up or solution based method, Second: Top-Down or problem based method. The authors used Top-Down or problem based method to find the article`s main question: How to design a sustainable self-growing and self-compacting structure which is cheap and uses minimum material. First there was problem of construction with minimum material usage and ecosystem damage, then human bone as an inspiring source was focused on, and abstracted form modeled by 3D printers can lead this basic prototype to industrial mass production. This article aims to find a solution for problem of over extracting materials from environment which is a factor of unsustainability in architecture and construction industry. It tries to discover the pattern of how structures optimize their material usage to build their selves. Natural structures extract needed materials from their context gradually, an example of these structures in nature is human bone that have balance between strength, weigh and material distribution. How to simulate this semi prefabricated, self-compacting and intelligent structure able to self-healing and self-destroying itself in essential parts and gradually extract material from its context environment grows and completes itself is the result of this article. The process of simulation from natural model to industrial sample is discussed in the main text. The process contains these steps: Discovering bone structure, Abstracting bone pattern, Simulating bone growth, and providing sediment phase. Bone structure can be simulated into two different ways. One of them is using random points as basic matrix and the other one is Voronoi pattern. Both of these methods can be modeled by Grasshopper plugin and Rhino software. After modeling abstracted Trabecular pattern as basic matrix, it can be made by 3D printers which use cheap and abundant material like sand. The basic sand matrix is put into over salinized water to become more and more compacted by time duration and Salt Sediments. The Piezoelectric property of the bone cells could be ignited by external forces is the basic cause of calcium ions absorption from bloodstream and calcium precipitation on bone matrix. Bone grows up according to the direction of the external force vectors. Simulation of this dynamic process in a smart structure that builds and destroys and repairs itself is proposed to use Quarts sensors which has the same piezoelectric feature and can simulate the behavior of bone calcium precipitation by making heat from the forces that have to bear and making heat as reaction. The material for process of structure growth is salt (sea salt). As the water of Persian Gulf or Lake Urmia is facing over salinization crisis, extracting salt from these over salty water and returning less salty water to its source can supply environmental sustainability of this kind of construction method.


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    APA: Copy

    Jalali, Azin, & GOLABCHI, MAHMOUD. (2018). Sustainable Prefabricated Structure Design by Salt Sediment Inspired by Material Distribution Optimization of Human Trabecular Bone. HOVIATESHAHR, 12(33 ), 5-12. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/154745/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Jalali Azin, GOLABCHI MAHMOUD. Sustainable Prefabricated Structure Design by Salt Sediment Inspired by Material Distribution Optimization of Human Trabecular Bone. HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2018;12(33 ):5-12. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/154745/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Azin Jalali, and MAHMOUD GOLABCHI, “Sustainable Prefabricated Structure Design by Salt Sediment Inspired by Material Distribution Optimization of Human Trabecular Bone,” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 12, no. 33 , pp. 5–12, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/154745/en

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