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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Relationship between Memorability of Urban Green Highways and Observers' Social-Spatial Mental Schema (Case Study: Modarres, Chamran and Haghani Highways)




 The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between the observers’ memorability and creating Mental Schemas in the corridor of the Green Urban Highway. Memorable elements are the ones that can cause memories and sense of belonging by locating in mind. Being unique and criterion cause quick images to remain in minds and these elements cause the space to become an indicator of spatial identity. To become a memorable space and to remain in minds some schemes should be created in minds and this is the fundamental condition. Furthermore, the space should have a definite and unique identity. It is essential to recognize basic elements of creating mental spatial and social schemes and to investigate their effectiveness in the components of memorability. The purpose of this study is about urban highways and similar spaces. On the basis of posed theories, the hypothesis is as follows: there is a relation between memorability in highway observers and mental spatial and social schemas schemes so that creating Mental Schemas can help in creating observers’ memorability. On the basis of this proposition, creating mental schemes is the essential condition for memorability in Green Urban Highways. The proof of this claim is achieved by referring to empirical evidences. The research methodology includes analytical-descriptive techniques. The statistical populations of 51 bystanders of the Modares highway margins were surveyed. Statistical analysis included descriptive and inferential techniques. The findings show that, in designing the urban highways paying attention to spatial-social schemas is one of the main components for generating memorably of highway margin by criteria. According to the results of the analysis of experimental findings, it seems that considering spatial-social schemes are one of the main components of creating a memorable environment for bystanders who visit routes such as highways. Variables such as age, gender and level of education do not affect the influence of the kind of mental spatial and social schemas so much and this issue can be used in creating most common indicators between different groups of citizens with different ages and level of education for designing a green and memorable highway. The most important criteria in the design of Green Urban Highways space includes design style of highway space, detail Fitness in highway such as trees, elements and street furniture with generalities and its overall configuration, heterogeneity and diversity in the details. Because people have less time to remember and visualize the symbolic elements in the highways the use of such elements has less effect on their mental schemes and also the memorability of environment. Memorable elements should have a unique identity cause impression on the minds. According to the results of this study, there is a linear relationship and a high correlation between memorability and creating mental spatial and social schemes. It means to make a space memorable some schemes should be created in minds to make the space effective and persistent. Several sequences and focus points in the special parts can lead us to have a convergence Mental Schema.


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    APA: Copy

    moghadasi, neginsadat, & YEGANEH, MANSOUR. (2019). Relationship between Memorability of Urban Green Highways and Observers' Social-Spatial Mental Schema (Case Study: Modarres, Chamran and Haghani Highways). HOVIATESHAHR, 13(37 ), 73-86. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/154785/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    moghadasi neginsadat, YEGANEH MANSOUR. Relationship between Memorability of Urban Green Highways and Observers' Social-Spatial Mental Schema (Case Study: Modarres, Chamran and Haghani Highways). HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2019;13(37 ):73-86. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/154785/en

    IEEE: Copy

    neginsadat moghadasi, and MANSOUR YEGANEH, “Relationship between Memorability of Urban Green Highways and Observers' Social-Spatial Mental Schema (Case Study: Modarres, Chamran and Haghani Highways),” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 13, no. 37 , pp. 73–86, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/154785/en

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