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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In this paper, efficiency of Absorber Panels improved with the geometry of spaces and the most optimal mode of them is identified. The studied variables are position and location of installing the Absorber Panels, Geometry and Height of them, the space around the Absorber panels with an emphasis on the upper part of panels, position of Sound sources and their heights and the geometry and height of a place. The research has been done in experimental method through the observation and measurement about the Acoustical Statue of Zahra Mardani Azar Collage in Tabriz and Simulation method with EASE software. The primitive result of measurement and Simulation compared and analyzed. In the process of researching, simulating repeated over and over again to recognize the best location of Absorber panels in whole spaces of collage. The purpose is decreasing of noise and sound intensity level in Classrooms and maintaining the high intensity level of workshops with them. The problem in Zahra Mardani Azar collage in Tabriz is the high noise level around the workshops that make Acoustical pollution in the eight classrooms which are neighborhood with workshops. Because of the high cos t of Absorbers panels, it is so important to use them in most the suitable place and optimal mount, so 20 square meters of Wood Absorber panels were chosen and located in different positions in one of the workshops and found out the best place for installing them. In the following absorber panel divided and installed in different position of optimal place. The most important challenge in this study is the possibility of generalization of results in all of schools with a similar plan, conditions and problems. So in the process of research, the relation between variables Studied, analyzed and documented. The purpose was finding a formula for achieving the best sound absorbing in all spaces of an educational place with different condition. Acoustical factors like StI(sound transmission index), ALC (Alcons), SPL (Sound pressure level) and noise analyzed in the case study, so SPL and noise level have been introduced as problems. Limitation in changing the geometries of schools make solving the Acoustical pollution hard in common ways, so finding a way to control the noise level in school with low cos t is the challenge in this research. As a result, ceilings and Upper condition are the best location for installing the Absorber panels and floors are worst. Absorbers need some free spaces on their heads that is the proper places for sound reflections and trapping the sound there. Height of sound source is a very important factor to achieve the best efficiency in absorbing inside the places. Free spaces on sound sources are as important as free spaces on the absorber panels. In process of simulation, it has been found that height of free spaces and sound sources should be equal and height of absorbers and free space on it too. If double height of absorber and sound source make height of space, the best absorbing in space will happen.

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Urban migration and urban growth are recognized as main challenges in developing countries. Education as one of fundamental strategies has key role in national development. Although, they have influenced several consequences on city and regional levels apart from academic mission, their main functions are resourceful human sources and contribution of knowledge as well as technical skill. Governments were allocating different funds from national capital for education budget to improve human resources which the parts of developed countries are 7% of GDP, and developing countries are 6% of GDP approximately. Since last decades, the universities have expanded through growth population and society’ s cultural aspect of academic education, but the universities’ roles are ambiguous to achieve cities’ sustainable development in developing countries. Sustainable development as a process is multi-dimensional which tries to modify fundamental situation in social structures, public attitudes, and national institutions through economic growth, and social equality as well as reduce poverty. Generally, communities reach sustainable development when there are four main elements including: natural potential, appropriate current infrastructures, sufficient human resources, and adequate financial resources. Under the special position for land, agricultural economy in North of Iran, the need of research is the consequences of universities establishment on their region’ s sustainable development. The aim is to assess consequences for establishment of Islamic Azad University Sari branch toward sustainable development. There are several researches which focused on the Iranian’ universities impacts on social aspects such as employment, woman conditions, and public cultures, but a few studies have concentrated on Iranian universities consequences to achieve sustainable development. Different studies described that there are two main approaches to achieve sustainable development, including: people-oriented, and procedures based on participation. Theoretical framework for current study developed based on the sustainable development concept which included three fundamental components Environment, economic, and social. Research method is conducted quantitatively and survey-based and then, primary data is collected by questionnaires which has been designed based on the several studies and consist of two main sections including personal information, and impacts of the university establishment based on the sustainable development components. A Lickert scale was employed to apply arranged choice variables in terms of the three main components of sustainable development including: Economic, social, and physical. The sample size has been determined by Cochran Formula and so, 380 persons had contributed among 400 people. The research has employed One-sample t-test and Friedman test to analyze collected data. The results reveal that significant and positive relation between Islamic Azad University of Sari and three major components of sustainable development, but the factors are different impacts. Thus, Azad University Sari branch has the greatest effect on economic aspect, and physical and social aspects are in next ranking respectively. Finally, the findings appear that the university impact on physical aspect of Sari city has been neglected and then, Sari’ surrounding areas have developed in lack of abilities and capacities of Islamic Azad University-Sari branch. Therefore, the university roles and potentials must be considered by authorities for urban planning process in different levels.

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One of the activities that designers and design students usually do in their design process is using the precedents and similar projects and buildings. Design precedents are solutions attained in prior design problems which partially or generally can be used in the problem at hand. An overview of prior studies demonstrates that appropriate use of precedents can increase the creativity of students, although there is the risk of surface adaptation and copping. To prevent this risk, it is important to find tools and methods which could help students and designers to use precedents methodologically and concentrate on fundamental feathers on them. One of these tools is architecture criticism. Since the purpose of architecture criticism, mostly is comprehensive cognition and understanding of the architectural works, using criticism can be helpful in understanding of design precedents. This study tries to find an approach among the presented ones in architecture criticism which can aid the student to achieve the concept of the precedents and understand them in the best way. This paper studies the references in the context of criticism and precedents by the descriptive-analytic method. Then, proposes a model to criticize the precedents and understanding them in a better way. The proposed model includes three steps: diagnosis the specific quality of precedents, discovering the causing factor of those qualities and finally achieving the generalizable patterns. To explain and make these steps clearer it can be said that as many studies which were done on criticism just describe the buildings and less focused on analysis of them, also because the designers use the precedents to generalize the result of it to their designs, it can be proposed that in the first step the designers try to diagnose the specific quality of precedents and then try to discover the causing factor of those qualities. It can be suggested that there are two ways to diagnose the specific quality of precedents; first through the question that there is in the new problem, that means the problem which the designer tries to find a solution for it, cause him or her to refer to precedents. Second through the observation and searching on the precedents that can reveal the specific qualities of them. The diagnosis of these qualities has two results; first cause the designers to ask questions to find the causing factor of those qualities (second step) and second with exact study and finding the answer of those questions and also by making those qualities simple, the generalizable patterns can be reached (third step). It can be added that this kind of confronting with precedents does not mean that the systems that present some criterion for architecture criticism or are based on some of the theories are not useful. These systems can help the designers to find the specific properties and qualities of precedents more simple. It can be noted that at the end of this process some relative understanding of precedents can be reached which can be in the form of some drawings or written scripts.

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In recent years, more hazard-related research has changed its paradigm from the model of "reducing casualties and losses" to a more comprehensive model of community-based social resilience based on social systems and social problem solving approaches. The basis of the research goal was to explain the components and indicators of social resilience and to determine the contribution of factors affecting social rehabilitation. To determine the effective factors on social empowerment, after collecting many indicators by using the Delphi-Fuzzy method for screening items and Selection of the most effective indicators was carried out. Of the 50 indexes collected, 28 indicators were classified in seven main components: quality of life, social capital, social security, human capital, mental fitness of society, individual characteristics, and finally demographic characteristics. In the next step, we used the network analysis method to determine the weighted value of the components and their prioritization. The results indicate that the effective measures in social resilience to confront the earthquake, social capital with the highest weight (216. 1) In the first and next stages of human capital (184), demographic characteristics (168/), individual characteristics (123/), quality of life (126), social security (112), and community psychological preparedness With a weight of (058/). So, in the process of social resilience, social capital plays a key role. Studies show that most citizens have insignificant information about the earthquake in the phases of emotion and prevention, and there is also a reluctance to learn and participate in educational plans and programs. Perhaps the reason for this, is the problems regarding daily routines and also the problems encountered in modern cities. Therefore, the components of this study suggest that, in order to achieve social resilience, only significant attention is paid to education and the formation of volunteer groups of citizens. It cannot have enough emphasizes and there should be more important issues such as qualitative Life, social security and other factors listed in the survey. The results of this study were consistent with other researchers and confirmed that they were screened using the fuzzy Delphi method and the use of the collective wisdom of components and indicators, which could include many key and reliant key factors for social resilience in Encounter earthquake. It is suggested that, in order to realize social resilience against earthquakes, in addition to the sociological viewpoint for social layers, we should consider the effective components of urban planning as well as being responsible for the creation of space and places that promote social engagement and social interaction. By recognizing the typology of urban spaces on a different scale, it would meet the needs of the human; by looking at the neighborhood as autonomous units, creating a sense of place, using the attractiveness of the population, paying attention to the cultural personality of the texture, access to basic services and priority to walking in the neighborhoods alongside issues such as education, insurance, awareness of people about the risks and consequences of an earthquake can be used to rescue urban communities with a social approach.

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Formations of designer characteristic and acquiring design skills are of the highest importance, therefore paying attention to the architecture education process at architecture school is important. Considering the world experience in academic education and examining the local conditions accompanied to attention to research on analysis of traditional architecture education in this country all in all are helpful in fulfilling a desired architecture education. The present study analyzed the academic architecture education development in the world in three eras: before the 1960s, between 1960 to 1996 and from 1996 on considering the importance of three factors of skill, knowledge and wisdom. Design knowledge as a sub-branch of knowledge is an effective element in all three factors and design process is also the most prominent axis of architecture education teaching. Considering the capabilities of traditional education and examining academic architecture education process in Iran (more than 70 years) a comparison and contras ting examination between global processes and internal education is presented based on conducting research studies. By comparing three eras of academic architecture education, it is concluded that the first-generation emphasized in the design process and exact definition of how this passed as well as improvement of design knowledge, as artistic or technical way. In the second generation, considering the experiences of the first era and at the same time with huge research of design at this time, the importance of the design process and thought on methodology became the most important. As the technology improved, information networks and global communication become prevalent in the third generation, and the concern for acquiring knowledge for design is being faded, applying knowledge design and design thought has gained importance. Additionally, the analysis of each era of academic education in three mentioned sections, comparing this analysis and considering time, it can be concluded that proportionate to the role architect's roles in the professional world, the role of the instructor in the designer ateliers have seen changes, but not homogenous to the profession. The teacher role as the complete dominance and power has changed and nurturing a self-centered architect changed to nurturing a facilitator who accept others` opinions and then made decisions. Lack of clear analysis in different phases of education, another point in the architecture process, is also important. Architectural education is to prepare the students for accepting the roles of the future architects as well as reinforcing better and more comprehensive understanding of the environment and community, thus reinforcing the design thinking must gain more attention. After examining three generations of architecture education and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses, the present study found that investing on nurturing the design thinking in the students is the main point to fulfill the educational purposes and efficiency in the profession. The quality of investing and attentions to educational methods is really helpful to nurture the design thinking for the activists of the educational domain, such as researchers, planners, and teachers and also is particular path finding for teaching design courses in three sections of basic, general and specialist.

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The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between the observers’ memorability and creating mental schemas in the corridor of the green urban highway. Memorable elements are the ones that can cause memories and sense of belonging by locating in mind. Being unique and criterion cause quick images to remain in minds and these elements cause the space to become an indicator of spatial identity. To become a memorable space and to remain in minds some schemes should be created in minds and this is the fundamental condition. Furthermore, the space should have a definite and unique identity. It is essential to recognize basic elements of creating mental spatial and social schemes and to investigate their effectiveness in the components of memorability. The purpose of this study is about urban highways and similar spaces. On the basis of posed theories, the hypothesis is as follows: there is a relation between memorability in highway observers and mental spatial and social schemas schemes so that creating mental schemas can help in creating observers’ memorability. On the basis of this proposition, creating mental schemes is the essential condition for memorability in green urban highways. The proof of this claim is achieved by referring to empirical evidences. The research methodology includes analytical-descriptive techniques. The statistical populations of 51 bystanders of the Modares highway margins were surveyed. Statistical analysis included descriptive and inferential techniques. The findings show that, in designing the urban highways paying attention to spatial-social schemas is one of the main components for generating memorably of highway margin by criteria. According to the results of the analysis of experimental findings, it seems that considering spatial-social schemes are one of the main components of creating a memorable environment for bystanders who visit routes such as highways. Variables such as age, gender and level of education do not affect the influence of the kind of mental spatial and social schemas so much and this issue can be used in creating most common indicators between different groups of citizens with different ages and level of education for designing a green and memorable highway. The most important criteria in the design of green urban highways space includes design style of highway space, detail Fitness in highway such as trees, elements and street furniture with generalities and its overall configuration, heterogeneity and diversity in the details. Because people have less time to remember and visualize the symbolic elements in the highways the use of such elements has less effect on their mental schemes and also the memorability of environment. Memorable elements should have a unique identity cause impression on the minds. According to the results of this study, there is a linear relationship and a high correlation between memorability and creating mental spatial and social schemes. It means to make a space memorable some schemes should be created in minds to make the space effective and persistent. Several sequences and focus points in the special parts can lead us to have a convergence mental schema.

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In recent years, changes in demographic, social and cultural characteristics have had a significant impact on settlements. With the increasing size of cities, density and civility, citizenship and social relations-that are the most important principles in the city-are weakened and hence a sense of community and emotional ties that have been present in pas t societies, is disappearing in modern society. Public spaces are key elements in shaping social life; trying to provide an appropriate context to living and satisfying needs of residents and to increase social interactions and solidarity between people in an appropriate environment. Especially in big cities, Sub-urban areas tend to lose their identity and there is no border among private and semi-private open spaces. Therefore, collective interactions among residents living in biological spaces have declined. Social structure and physical and social interaction between headquarters and behavioral and social locations effect on residents; this is a criteria for measuring the utility of bio locations. The purpose of this study is to recognize the responsible components that improve the quality of open space as a mean of improving the quality of social life and seeks to honor social interactions among the logical relationships. Survey method of this study was filling out questionnaires. The test population consisted of 4 residential complexes at Shiraz city. Samples were estimated by Cochran, 217 Questionnaires based on random cluster dis tribute among residents of Complexes. Validity of the questionnaire was estimated %0. 84, measured by Cronbach's alpha. To analyze the data, SPSS and Minitab software were used and also analyzed by Anova and Chi-square test. As a result, this study concluded factors affecting on open space effect on social interactions. The role of physical, social and physical environment as forming simple and complex social relations is important; this role should be able to satisfy the demands of residents in public spaces. So, role and function of complex biological design and quality of open space in promoting the social interaction is confirmed. By providing visual attraction and desirability of physical and emotional spaces with factors such as order and harmony, identifying the security and reachability, visual beauty can be strengthen amongst other human needs. Presence of individuals and different social groups and social interactions among them is considered a social desirability due to interaction between people and the relationship between the quality of spaces and activities increases the amount of activity ability. Physical and suitable design form and shape the desirable space, so that provide a personal space suitable that matches the culture and psychology of personality and individual residents. The high quality of open space the more social interaction; so, in order to enhance the positive impact of residential complexes on relationships quality of open space should improve and therefore solidarity and belonging to a place is attainable. Findings show that there was a significant relationship between the variables. Finally, placement of a group of residential complexes around a common open space can lead to creation of spatial diversity and a variety of social relationships; this linkage strengthens the social interactions, suitable social stability and collective belonging.

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We have found many links between the built environment and children's physical activities, but we have yet to find conclusive evidence that aspects of the built environment promote obesity. For example, certain development patterns, such as a lack of sidewalks, long-distances to schools, and the need to cross busy streets, discourage walking and biking to school. Eliminating such barriers can increase rates of active commuting. But researchers cannot yet prove that more active commuting would reduce rates of obesity. It note that recent changes in the nutrition environment, including greater reliance on convenience foods and fast foods, a lack of access to fruits and vegetables, and expansion in portion sizes, are also widely believed to contribute to the epidemic of childhood obesity. But again, conclusive evidence that changes in the nutrition environment will reduce rates of obesity yet does not exist. Research into the link between the built environment and childhood obesity is s till in its infancy. Analysts do not know whether changes in the built environment have increased rates of obesity or whether improvements to the built environment will decrease them. Nevertheless, the policy implications are clear. Finally, environment can have a sustainable effect in children activities. The attempt of this research is to identify the effective variables of friendly places by kids. Prioritization according to the importance of variables is the main goal of the research. The Delphi technique has been used to collect the opinions of experts about the priorities of criteria. The research method was qualitative, and the data were collected conducting a questionnaire. Firstly, by using literature review, several factors that are strongly related to design field (Child-friendly place, Child-friendly City (CFC), and Friendly places) have been identified. The questionnaires was sent to 25 experts, out of them 18 key experts answered to the research. Their responses were analyzed for the purpose of identifying. Following revisions as a result of the comments received from the first round, the participants were asked to repeat the assessment in the second round. A t-test was used to determine whether or not the experts’ opinions on the firs t and second round were similar. The results of the research showed that the final set of variables grouped into 5 categories: (1) physical factors; (2) safe access factors; (3) location factors; (4) ecological factors; and (5) personal factors. Physical factors consisted of functional distance, scale, variety of functions, quality of environment, density of neighborhood, texture and color of material, and so on. Safe access factors were distance (km/hr), to home, school, play space, parks and center of neighborhood. Contextual factors consisted of neighborhood, services and safety. Location factors were proximity with home, school, play space, parks. Personal factors consisted of age, gender, education, economic place and sense of safety. We used Shannon’ s entropy to determine the importance weights of variables. Physical factors were the most important attribute and personal factors were the leas t important one. The physical factors of residential neighborhood have a significant role in increasing loveable place for children.

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