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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluating the Quality of City Environment by Emphasizing on Subjective Perceptions of Citizens, Case Study: Tabriz




 The new information and communication technology are entering the human community and it is far from the mind that planning and management of cities can be done only by relying on past methods. During the third millennium of human life, information and communication technology have become an area of application in all areas and have become the pioneer in the development of technology-based services and systems. In the present day, information is the most important strategic tool for the management and proper management of all economic, social, cultural and political units and urban planning. The most important solution in this field is the Electronic City, which its aims are to use the new technologies in designing all environments of city, and it can be admitted that its effects on the quality of the urban environment are manifested. In the urban literature of recent decades, the interaction of information technology and city and its emergence in the urban system under the name of the Electronic City have been investigated. Electronic City is the concept of easy use of information technology to distribute urban services directly and nightly to citizens. In general, it can be said that the fields of urban economics, urban social relations, urban transport, urban culture, urban environment, urban physical form, urban planning, ultimately urban, management and governance in the city’ s communication have been recognized. In this paper, in order to measure the quality of the Electronic City environment, with emphasis on subjective perceptions of citizens, we use descriptive-analytical method, SPSS software and analysis of variance (ANOVA) while in this analysis 1494998 questionnaires containing questions for citizens’ satisfaction from the quality of Electronic City environment in the target population (citizens of Tabriz city) are considered. In this research, satisfaction of citizens from the Electronic City environment as a dependent variable and environmental social economic and physical criteria as dependent variable are introduced. Of course, each criterion is subdivided into sub-criteria such as satisfaction with new urban patterns, environmental protection, traffic and easy transportation in the Electronic City, the communication, interaction of institutions, organizations, citizens, the development of information infrastructure and so on. Based on the Cochran computational about 267 questionnaires were determined in each area. It should be noted that the study area is Tabriz, which is the largest bio-ecological complex in the northwest and one of the metropolises of the country. Scaling has been used to quantify the empirical model of research and analysis of data. Scaling in this paper is based on the 5 Likert option spectrum. So that score 1 indicates the lowest satisfaction rate for the residents, and the score 5 indicates the highest satisfaction. In this way, the number 3 is chosen as the midpoint of the responses (1


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    APA: Copy

    AHANI, SOMAYEH, KAKAVAND, ELHAM, ZAREI, FATEMEH, & POURMOHAMMADI, MOHAMMADREZA. (2018). Evaluating the Quality of City Environment by Emphasizing on Subjective Perceptions of Citizens, Case Study: Tabriz. ARMANSHAHR, -(23 ), 283-293. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/202360/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AHANI SOMAYEH, KAKAVAND ELHAM, ZAREI FATEMEH, POURMOHAMMADI MOHAMMADREZA. Evaluating the Quality of City Environment by Emphasizing on Subjective Perceptions of Citizens, Case Study: Tabriz. ARMANSHAHR[Internet]. 2018;-(23 ):283-293. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/202360/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SOMAYEH AHANI, ELHAM KAKAVAND, FATEMEH ZAREI, and MOHAMMADREZA POURMOHAMMADI, “Evaluating the Quality of City Environment by Emphasizing on Subjective Perceptions of Citizens, Case Study: Tabriz,” ARMANSHAHR, vol. -, no. 23 , pp. 283–293, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/202360/en

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