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A home is the place where people present their personal behaviors; because they can reform whatever they want in their own home and thus make it a place which represents their values and beliefs. According to various approaches, house is a place for human calmness and equilibrium; of course with various viewpoints. Western and non-Muslim thinkers view the house from an inert and superficial approach. They consider it just as a shelter, in which human feels serenity. Therefore, house is not assumed a place only for existing. In other words, Islamic house helps human develop their identity and achieve calmness; i. e. to achieve a divinely confidence and steadiness. Since the ultimate goal is to achieve divinely perfection, human house must help indivisual in this regard; the point is obviously egregious in the Iranian traditional desert life. Home is the display of individuals’ personal behaviors because individuals can make improvements in their own homes and thus make the place, a place to represent their values and beliefs. Personalization is the change that people make to meet their needs in the spaces that they use, based on their life-styles. They imp implement the highest levels of personalization in their homes. Accordingly, the following research is done with regard to two main objectives: 1) Determining the desirability of different spaces in Mehr Housing units from the viewpoint of its residences 2) The method of personalization and determining the type of changes made by residents in Pakdasht Mehr Housing units This research is about how and how much “ personalization” will be considered in Pakdasht Mehr housing. In order to achieve the above goals, first, the history of personalization and the goals of doing it were discussed from the perspective of theorists in this feild. Then, based on research background, the conceptual model of research was extracted. Based on the conceptual model, field studies were carried out in Pakdasht Mehr Housing units. According to the research hypotheses, the collected data was analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the reason and method of personalizing the Mehr Housing units and the level of satisfaction of individuals from the spaces were evaluated. The research is historic, descriptive and analytical which is conducted on some selected samples from Pakdasht Mehr Housing units. The library study has been applied for data collection and a survey was planned to observe traditional and contemporary buildings, in order to draw ideogram and analytical diagrams. Moreover, some semi-structured interviews with a few architectures were planned in the survey, aiming at achieving more precise results as well as inferring religious identity factors. By using descriptive-survey method and by conducting field studies, the study of personalization, location and purpose of doing it in the residential units of Pakdasht worker’ site has been addressed. According to Morgan’ s table, 165 units of 288 residential units were selected by cluster sampling method and the changes in residential units were examined in the interior spaces which were done by residences to meet their needs. In order to personalize, the response rate of Mehr housing were evaluated through two main variables of functional and aesthetic in all residential units. The research results contain interesting facts about the status of these two variables and the personalization level of the residential units. In particular, residents are dissatisfied with the kitchen, hall and entrance of the units. Moreover, most of rooms are aesthetically located in unpleasant situation from the residents’ point of view. Although most residents consider some spaces like terraces to be desirable, but because of the problems and deficiencies which were in the initial plan, such desirable spaces have necessarily been used for other uses, which leads to change its initial use. Accordingly, Pakdasht Mehr Housing units identity can be classified in three overlapping and inseparable factors: structural, environmental and conceptual factors. It means that the religious identity models are firstly formed in structure; then they mature in environment; and lastly, achieve perfection through conceptual bonds. At the end of the paper we would consider the problem of reviving the personalization in the framework of the related factors; and we would also suggest strategies and policies to build contemporary houses based on the concept of personalization which means that the architects should consider some spaces in the home for indivisuals to impelemnt their desired changes. It would help people not only to feel satisfaction but also to help them to gain their perfection which is seen in Iranian architecture.

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The aim of this study is to compare and explore the satisfaction of changing physical and spatial patterns of single-family houses into multi-family modern residential complexes. Recognition and comparative study of the spatial changing and its impact on the quality of life and satisfaction of residents are focused by the present study. Changing the habitat type and life style from single-family houses into multi-family residential complexes is growing in Iranian cities. Residential satisfaction is one of the main subjects of the modern housing design that has been studied recently. Numerous empirical studies have been carries out to explore the objective and subjective factors in residential satisfaction form the midst of 20 century. Residential satisfaction as the measure of housing and neighborhood quality, and, the measure of residents’ opinion are of the well-known methods in the last researches. According to the research hypothesis: 1) the housing type and quality of housing affect residential satisfaction, 2) the physical, social and personal factors-such as gender, age, socio-economic status and motivations-can affect the residential satisfaction. According to research theoretical model, the physical characteristics of community, neighborhood and house type affect residential lifestyle and ultimately quality and quantity of residential satisfaction. The form and external view of the housing as the physical elements and the quality of the community as the social element can influence motivation for changing house type and level of satisfaction in large macro scale. The relationship with the environmental landscape, as the physical element and the relationship with the neighbors and sense of security as the social elements can influence motivation for changing house type and level of satisfaction in medium scale. The rooms’ organization, spatial form, material and details of the house as the physical elements and relation with the guests and personal territoriality as the social elements can influence motivation for changing house type and satisfaction in micro scale. At first, by method of content analysis and reviewing the literature, the study identified four individual, social, cultural and physical factors, which impact residential satisfaction of home in the theoretical model of the study. Then, in order to measure the residents’ satisfaction of different types of houses, a quantitative and qualitative field study conducted in collaboration with the residents of three neighborhoods in Zanjan. In the experimental study with random cluster sampling, 50 questionnaires were completed by people whose single families’ houses have been changed to apartment in the last years and in the qualitative section, 20 of mentioned people were interviewed to determine the factors affecting residents’ satisfaction. Discussion: Analysis of factors affecting on satisfaction of residence in macro scale (community), medium scale (neighborhood) and micro scale (home) illustrated the relation between motivation of changing habitat type and satisfaction of home. Literature review and findings of the field study showed that the influence of four main elements (personal, social, cultural and physical), whereas there is a change of habitat type from single-family houses to apartment, causes a decrease of satisfaction as well as showing an increase in physical factors. The impact of social dimensions in macro and micro scale shows a decrease in satisfaction of apartment, but in the intermediate scale, the security element leads to increase the satisfaction of apartment house. The satisfaction of the apartment physical elements and facilities on the macro scale is noteworthy in comparison with single family home. But in medium scale, apartments cause reduces of satisfaction. In micro scales the satisfaction of spatial organization of single family home and satisfaction of materials and details of apartment can be seen. The results reveal that despite the value of single family homes, offering innovative apartment design and patterns, especially in middle and micro scale is necessary. In macro scale, strengthening the relationship with nature, providing public service areas and socio-cultural applications are essential according to preferences and lifestyle. In medium scale allocation of multi-functional condominium maintain access hierarchy with emphasis on pedestrian priority and in micro scale pay attention to space diversity which is consistent with the lifestyle and provide the optimal size, especially in public spaces and housing services is recommending. The results of the study show that the personal, physical and social factors have the main influence on the residential satisfaction of single-family houses and multi-family apartments. Moreover, the findings show that changing the house type because of social needs may leads to increase residential satisfaction. It seems that, rapidly changing of housing type in Iranian cities may decrease satisfaction in modern new multi-family apartments because of the lack of social contacts in new isolated communities. Some suggestions such as providing neighborhood public open spaces and social services in community can increase social contacts between the residents of apartments after building renovations.

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Considered a multi-aspect and complex issue, a house is a social institution that has major effects on the lives of its dwellers. Today, turbulence and interference of people’ s daily activities and their effects on intra-family and extra-family social relations, and lack of appropriate relations between patterns of personal relations and allocated spaces to houses have led to dwellers’ dissatisfaction. The main goal of this study is to investigate those semantic changes, pertaining to patterns of daily activities and social relations. In this research, historical and ethnographic methods are employed to study traditional and contemporary houses respectively. Results show there have been changes in people’ s activity pattern, entertainment programs, doing and dividing works, time management, health care system, domestic food production and intra-family and extra-family social relationships. These changes have occurred along with spatial changes; therefore, the socio-spatial meaning of the part related to social relationships and activities has been integrated into contemporary houses; in a way so that in some spaces the socio-spatial meaning is totally changed, in some spaces the new meaning, in line with the past meaning, has gained a new form and in some others the same past meaning is retained. Among socio-spatial meanings which survive in new forms, one can point to the role of father in the family and its socio-spatial effects. Among the totally changed meanings, we can mention the role of woman at home and its socio-spatial impacts. On the other hand, these changes have affected, with varying degrees, different things from the patterns of activities to physical features of houses. Issues like object-orientation significance vs. space-orientation, weakened role of spatial form and geometry, tendency for closed spaces vs. open ones and individuality are instances of these changes. House as one of the noble human heritage has always been considered from various angles and as a social institution has a great effect on the lives of its inhabitants. And alongside human life, which has many challenges and complexities, the house is also a complex subject with different semantic layers. Considering the fact that the house as a social institution has a high status in society, therefore, social meaning among other meanings of the house is of particular importance. Therefore, in this research, how this meaning is defined in the spaces of the house is dealt with. The turmoil and interference between the activities of people who are today most likely to be seen in homes indicates the inappropriateness and proper relationship between the pattern of activities of individuals and the home spaces. On the other hand, the lack of proper understanding of the pattern of current activities of individuals led to the design of spatial disparities with the pattern of activities in most homes, which led to residents’ dissatisfaction. Because social cultural categories are always created in a long time, it seems that what we see today is created in a historical context. In fact, in order to better understand the current situation, this relationship should be measured in traditional homes so that we can correct the defects by comparing what we are seeing today. In this way, the relationship between the pattern of activities and the spaces of traditional and contemporary houses and the socio-spatial meaning of the subject followed up by the study is measured in a selection of traditional and contemporary houses in Arak. In this research, a historical method has been used to study traditional houses and ethnographic methods for contemporary houses. Historically, data collection has been used through interviews with the old residents of these houses and the observation of the building (field method) as well as the documents of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization, and also ethnographic studies and historical sociology. The data of contemporary houses in Arak are also gathered through ethnographic method and participatory observation. Changes in homes are investigated in four factors: activities, social relationships, time, and spatial-physical characteristics in homes. Then, by comparing these four factors and data tables, socio-spatial changes in these homes were obtained. The comparative comparison of traditional and contemporary houses in Arak shows that a change has occurred in the socio-spatial sense of the house. It is important to note that the transformation of meaning in all the spaces and activities is not the same, so that in some spaces the social-spatial meaning has completely changed. In some spaces, along with the meaning of the past, a new meaning has been found, and in others, the same meaning in the past is spilled in space.

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Along with the international development in the cultural tourism, heritage tourism has been emerged as a common form of this industry. Museums play an essential role in local development and preserving the cultural heritage of the community. In addition, it is regarded as a very effective factor in attracting cultural tourists and assisting the tourism industry growth in the mentioned country. Although the importance of service quality has been highlighted in tourism texts, to the best of our knowledge, the quality of these services based on tourists’ experiences has not been emphasized. The present study aims to study the tourist’ s perspective toward the offered services in the aforementioned museums and the impact of these assessments on their satisfaction. The research is based on descriptive-experimental design and which was done by a survey methodology cross sectionally. The population included the visitors of Qajar Museum and Constitution House of Tabriz during one-month (mid-March, 2014-mid-April, 2014). The SERVPERF model was used as a research instrument as the modified form of the SERVQUAL model. Data were collected by the questionnaires which used the mentioned model to assess Qajar Museum and Constitution House of Tabriz quality of services from visitors’ viewpoints, with a small number of changes made to align questions with the aims and features of services in those museums. Finally, 14 questions in the form of a five-point Likert scale were formulated among which three were related to the level of satisfaction while others were concerned with evaluating behavioral consequences. Two factors were considered in the formulation of the questions: the respondents were the visitors of the museums and they completed the questionnaire during the time of visiting. Therefore, the number of questions should be adjusted so that visitors can respond to all during the limited time patiently. Since the present study aimed to investigate the visitor’ s satisfaction and behavioral consequences, their expectations were eliminated from the original model and a suitable expectation spectrum did not put on the questionnaire. Further, attempts were made cover the widest range of conceptual variables in the fewest number of questions. Demographic information about the tourists including age, gender, employment status, education level, and the number of previous cases was asked in numerical and nominal scales from the respondents. Multiple regression was used to analyze the relationship between variables and hypotheses. Answering these questionnaires is also a voluntary participation. Finally, a total of 320 questionnaires were randomly distributed among which 309 were valid in the final result. The variables of the study included the dimensions of service quality-customer empathy, physical factors, responsiveness, security and reliability which are derived from the SERVPERF model. Two other variables were related to the satisfaction and behavioral consequences of the visitors. The present study aimed to evaluate the quality dimensions of museum services from the perspective of tourists and its sub-objectives included the impact of these assessments on the tourist’ satisfaction and behavioral preferences. To this aim, five hypotheses were proposed. The results indicated a positive and significant effect of service quality and satisfaction on behavioral consequences. In addition, the present study aimed to review the tourist’ s viewpoints toward the offered services in the museums and how it can influence the tourist’ satisfaction and behavioral consequences. Then, confirmatory factor analysis was used to specify the different dimensions of service quality and multiple regression was implemented to study measure the relationships among the variables. Regarding the first and the second hypothesis, a positive relationship was observed between service quality and satisfaction of tourists. The third hypothesis statistically indicated the relationship between service quality and satisfaction variables. As for the fourth hypothesis, a positive relationship was reported between five dimensions of service quality and the behavioral consequences. Further, along with relief and eagerness to respond, other dimensions of service quality had a significant effect on behavioral consequences. The results of the fifth hypothesis represented a positive relationship between the quality of services and satisfaction among which only empathy and reliance had a significant effect on the satisfaction. The results of the present study can be used to identify obstacles in attracting tourists to cultural and historical centers. Finally, decision-makers can implement the results to provide better services in order to attract tourists or encourage them to reuse museums.

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Today`s society needs to train creative children to do political, economic and social activities. Because children make up the most sensitive and influential age group of society, which plays a significant role in the revitalization of each generation, it is not possible to promote the human society, regardless of developing children and their minds. They need sensory stimuli for their mental development, and it can be possible by relating to the outside world. One of the cases of mental growth, is creativity which its source of creativity should be found in the experiences of childhood. From the researchers’ point of view, the best time for this progress is the particular age of childhood, the most important of which is the pre-school age; because the child goes through this period of his life in an incredibly creative way while He deals with the revelation what is new to him. Therefore, these years of creativity cannot be ignored, and since children in this age group devote more time to play, particular play environments must be designed to foster their creativity. So, one of the factors of nurturing the creativity is to provide suitable environment for play. In this respect, children`s relationship with play environment and the conditions during play can help them to promote their creativity. In this field, researchers have paid attention to play and its effects on children, but a few studies have turned to play environment and its effect on creativity formation. Therefore, this research aims to attain the principles of designing play spaces for pre-school children focusing the environmental affordance on children`s mind and behaviors to promote the creativity. Cognition of the child is an effective help in providing solutions for this. Therefore, it is necessary to define the child from the viewpoint of researchers. The child is the product of the interaction of nature-education, inheritance-environment and nature-experience. In other words, the child is a system of “ nature and environment” or “ education and experience” . With such a vision, it becomes clear that nature and the environment can have an inevitable impact on children and provide the grounds for intellectual growth and creativity in them. Creation of the landscape in the natural environment and the presence of plants in the spaces affect the creativity and creativity process. After recognizing the child, the concept of creativity is discussed. Important components of creativity include curiosity, imagination and play. Also, the dynamic interaction of the child, the search and discovery of environmental capabilities, will require his active participation in the shaping and exploitation of the environment. Today psychologists have realized the impact of architectural space on the behavior of children, and the environment can empower children under the age of six to recognize social relationships. In addition, children are more likely to be affected by the environment over the years and are naturally curious about their surroundings. This study is an attempt to apply the principles of design that can provide a platform for better intellectual growth and creativity in the playgrounds of pre-school children by enhancing motivation, imagination and curiosity. Therefore, considering the broadness of the subject, a definition of creativity is first presented, then the factors discussed above will be discussed along with related theories. Initially a comprehensive definition of creativity and its application in architectural designs in terms of creativity is expressed. Having introduced the children`s growth in the preschool period, we review the nature and children`s creativity relationship. In addition to nature which plays the most important role in growth of creativity in playgrounds, we pay attention to other factors influencing the playgrounds and basic criteria to design suitably for prosperity of children`s creativity. These factors include: Accessibility and Freedom of Action, the attractiveness and the sudden variation of space, comfort and safety, simplicity and readability, complexity and space-discovery, visual details, flexibility (the space for different plays and walls and movable furniture), The shape and extent of the spaces (for more communication between children), the use of children’ s works in the design of the interior, The presence of high and bright spray paints (creating a happy and stimulating space) And natural light. Therefore, it seems that children’ s play environment should have the ability to turn into stimuli to create imaginative and curious motivations, and as these stimulatory effects are controlled, it influences on children’ s creativity. Regarding different researchers in this field, there are suggested some strategies to design playground for children`s creativity. To clarify the issue, we have chosen five case studies of children`s centers in Tehran randomly and the results are analyzed. The method was library-based and content analysis regarding theoretical foundation of environmental psychology, psychology and architectural design.

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Numerous parameters affect dwellers satisfaction in a residential space. Some that are rising from cultural roots, and are dealing with the basic human needs are in priority. Having a thorough knowledge and understanding of these factors in the residential housing industry can lead to a better comprehensive decision making on restrictive regulations, allocation of budgets, and construction priorities in more significant scale. In recent years, investors in Tehran’ s housing market, have been merely inclined towards the financial rewards of their projects and consequently the emotional bond and the relation between people and their place of living has been widely neglected. This approach has led to several consequences such as blind copying of exterior facades, ignoring the needs of residents, and in bigger picture inconsistency between the architectural design and the neighborhood culture and needs. The questionnaire used in this study is designed to thoroughly investigate the importance of each of the numerous parameters that fulfill the dwellers’ basic needs in a building. To reach this end, more realistic approach is taken and hence the residents are asked about the main favorable factors they acknowledge in the space they occupy in real life rather than what they think it needs to be achieved. It is apparent that a pleasant space is a subjective matter and can be interpreted differently by each participant. This research will be focused on finding these crucial parameters in the design which has a strong influence on the satisfaction of the dwellers. Another study will be required to investigate how these factors can be reflected in the architectural design process. In the following research, the effects of human necessities versus human interests in his habitats for residents of Tehran, has been evaluated. In this respect, in order to bring the quality construction to the masse’ s real necessities according to their life styles, the following questions were formed: What are the priorities of resident’ s basic needs? What are the causes? What are the basic elements and factors meeting the needs and whether they can cause incantation? Whether the resident’ s basic needs follow the same priority of Maslow’ s basic human needs? Hypothesis of this research is that the physical requirements and sense of security from the basic human needs, according to Maslow’ s pyramid model will benefit from the high priority among the residents. But there is also the possibility to replace the other needs in their levels due to different cultures inhabiting in the city like Tehran that includes high rates of urban migration. As well the other hierarchy of requirements for the residents is not necessarily according to this model. In this respect, 430 out of 1000 questionnaires have been assessed based on people’ s ties to their habitats and marked for further investigations. Then, the hallmarks of this comparison, based on Hashas’ s Theory have been selected. Meanwhile, some questions regarding to human needs, based on Maslow’ s theory and Steele’ s analysis of social-fundamental societies, have been designed. The goal was to evaluate people’ s satisfaction of their attachments to their habitats. In the questionnaires, there was also a question related to people’ s habitation priorities based on the Human Hierarchy of Needs. This question with 18 answer choices examined the hierarchy of needs in social-fundamental societies. The extent and analysis of effective issues at prioritization of needs led to study the first three stages of human needs. The results of this study showed, that the first three propositions of human needs according to Maslow’ s model has the most effect in the local attachment. These requirements include physical needs (shelter, access to services), security and sense of belonging. In this research, Effective ways to meet the needs was predicted by the correlation In the physical sector, the shelter needs has been seen more important than the service needs and the most important factors in the field of shelter needs: No destruction and problem in any part of house, no noise, and calm and appropriate dimensions and number of rooms. In the safety sector, anything that is related to the safety of the house is more important for dwellers than the safety of outside issues. In the need of sense of belonging (place attachment or sense of place), neighbors are the most important factor. Anticipating places for neighbors to be in touch with each other and the likelihood of dwellers in a building is an important and significant cultural factor which needs to be noticed in urban design and programming and to be put in the priority of the house building policies. But what must be also noted here are the other effects of human needs on a house or residence.

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The recent changes in the cities have made the public scene of the city and the sweetest memories of the people become unfamiliar spaces. The attachment to places in individuals creates the incentive to rehabilitate and rebuild everything from domestic and local environments. Feelings of affiliation and participation can provide a platform for participatory democracy and bring different economic and social plans in the local community with great success and improve quality of life. Most theorists agree that creating emotional links with the place is a prerequisite for psychological balance that is needed to overcome identity crises and can provide a context for people to engage in local activities. One of the elements that creates this emotional bond with the location in the city is the citizens’ attachment to residential neighborhoods. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of physical features on place attachment. This paper concerns the relationship between inhabitants and their neighborhood of residence in the place attachment as a significant current psychology project, refers to Forming emotional bonds. Joolan neighborhood is one of the historic sites of the old city of Hamedan, which has a special character in the organic texture of the city of Hamedan, and the existence of some historic houses has a value belonging to the famous Hamedanians strata and some historic elements that are witness to its historical identity. However, over the past decades, due to exhaustion and some rival urban development policies, the main inhabitants of the region have been displaced largely to migrants from surrounding villages and vulnerable strata, and to various social anomalies. That’ s why each day the volume and depth of burns were added. Currently, the neighborhood is divided into two sections by the newly-changed street, with the northern part of the neighborhood having a new texture as a result of renovation and improvement measures undertaken in recent years, while the southern part has remained almost intact and has maintained its traditional texture. This research has been done for measuring effective physical components on neighborhood attachment in two parts of a residential neighborhood context (traditional and new), on the basis of indexes of perceived residential environment quality (PREQ) in one of the traditional neighborhoods in Hamedan, Joolan. Considering that the purpose of this study is to investigate the physical elements affecting the attachment of the residents of the neighborhood and to compare these elements in the new and old textures of a neighborhood, the functional aspects in both of the contexts are constant and therefore, and are not measured. For this purpose, a trained interviewer, in places of the neighborhood (such as shops, parks, mosques, etc. ) requested those who would like to participate in this study to complete the questionnaire. The research method of this study is quantitative and based on data gathering techniques including interviews, observation, questionnaires and documents and case study type (Joolan neighborhood). To collect data, a library and survey method and analysis of SPSS software, multiple linear regression, t-test and one-way ANOVA have been used. So, in the end, this research can measure the attachment to the location in the sample neighborhood (in two parts of the old and new) based on the criteria and based on the perceptions of the quality of the residential environment. Then, a sample of 354 persons of neighborhood residents was selected as half of them lived in traditional context (Physic) and the others were in new neighborhood context (modern apartment). They were asked to fill out a questionnaire consist of questions about nine indexes (physical and social) out of PREQ indexes, and one place attachment index (NA). In order to obtain the status of criteria in a total of 9 main factors of the research, 23 multi-criteria questionnaires were prepared in the form of a questionnaire, and then, using a 5-point Likert scale (totally agree to completely disagree). Findings show that building volume in old part has the most effect on place attachment in terms of physical dimension. External accessibility, building aesthetic, building density and green space indexes come as next priorities respectively. This is while, in new part of the neighborhood these priorities come as followed respectively: External accessibility, building density, internal accessibility, building aesthetic, building volume and green space. Considering that, this study was conducted on a neighborhood in its two old and new sections, the role of functional and field indicators that are relatively similar at the neighborhood level has not been studied. Subsequent studies can compare all proven criteria of PREQ and NA in separate segments that are generally different from the old and the new ones.

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Men and women have different personality characteristics which are statically and descriptively significant to be observed and analyzed. It is a fact that a clear distinction is typically made between human beings depending on their gender. Besides, there are slightly obvious differences between the psychological nature of perceptions from an architectural space between men and women. In society paying attention to these differences is important and can promote the ability to scientifically understand the different perceptions of men and women from architectural spaces and the way that they influence the visual quality of space. The distinction between men and women, depending on one’ s sex, has a long history and it is present in all societies under various forms. Regarding to different appearance of human beings, physical differences and abilities have played a role in this distinction. Indeed, due to their greater physical strength, men were usually in charge of hunting and other outdoor activities which required more strength. On the other side, women, who were considered weaker, and with the physical capability of bearing children, were consequently in charge of less physically demanding tasks such as picking berries, taking care of the household or rearing children. Throughout centuries, masculine and feminine roles have become standardized. Today, men and women are expected to follow certain behaviors that are considered specific to one’ s gender. In this sense, in today’ s interconnected societies, gender-differentiated roles and behaviors seem more globally established. While for most personality variables there is no or only rather inconsistent support for gender differences (which appears to suggest that similarities in personality exceed the differences between men and women), for other personality variables support is stronger and more consistent. Regarding to several literature reviews in which the empirical results concerning sex differences in personality have been analyzed, it can be noted that the general gender differences are rather consistently found in empirical investigations. All these qualified differences in personality are, of course, based on mean comparisons, which in numerous empirical investigations have reached statistical significance. In the vast majority of prevailing research on gender differences, only morphological gender was the ‘ independent’ variable. Therefore, the reported findings do not represent general gender differences in personality, but rather some low to moderate differences between the actions and behavior of two sexes. The main issue of this research is then, related to ignorance of the psychological aspect of gender in design process of architectural space which consequently leads to spiritual as well as physical problems for users of the space. Therefore, the main intention in this research was to analyze the perception of men and women from built environment and architectural space regarding the influential factor of gender with emphasis on visual elements of architectural space. Given how opinions and perceptions from individuals with different genders and life style or cultural backgrounds were studied, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research was appeared an appropriate method for this study. Therefore, in this study, theoretical background regarding the psychological characteristics of gender were reviewed by descriptive-analytical method and then, based on the existing theoretical framework, the perception way from environment was studied based on the four categories of a) mental imagination and 3d perception of space, b) perception of visual elements in space, c) audial imagination and perception and finally d) perception of social space were surveyed using a questionnaire distributed among a randomly selected members of a sample group of men and women in Tabriz. The questionnaire was first developed based on the literature review, and then approved by several experts before being distributed. Once approved, the final version was reviewed by other experts and compared to the original one to ensure that the questionnaire keeps its intended meaning while being at the same time appropriate to the way of thinking of respondents. The results of the survey were analyzed by SPSS software which revealed a significant relation between the gender difference and perception of visual elements in architectural space. Also, significant differences were obtained from the findings of the study regarding the extent of perceiving visual spatial elements by women in different ages and education levels. All these results are in conformity with existing scientific and theoretical discussions concerning the extent and quality of visual spatial elements perception by women and effective factors in the perception. In addition to having a significant relationship between visual spatial elements perception, differences and order of extent attention to each one of visual elements and significant effect of others’ presence in perceiving the nature of an architectural space and the high correlation between these elements implied that modification of each one of these elements and criteria in designing architectural spaces can have a considerable impact on the quality and extent of a space’ s acceptability for the users.

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The present study uses a descriptive-analytic research method and studied the architectural features of two periods: Ilkhani and Safavid, by studying the maps, architectural drawings and documents related to the mosques of the two periods, and their analysis and comparison. In the library studies section, various historic printed documents have been used to collect information about the architecture of Safavid and Ilkhani mosques. This article focuses on the physical features of the architectural characteristics among the eleven examples of the Ilkhani mosques compared to the same number of mosques in Safavid period. It is obvious that addressing all aspects of the architecture features of their works and comprehensive analysis is beyond the scope of an article. Therefore, this research compares these mosques from the perspective of number of elements and plan elements, their location in the plan and also the shape and geometry used for these components of the architectural plans. Analyzes and comparisons show that the spaces of the Safavid mosques are wider than the mosques in the Ilkhani period and also a similar functional model has been used in both Safavid and Ilkhani periods. There is more diversity in geometry design of the mosques of Ilkhani to Safavid mosques. In other words, during Safavid period, the diversity of geometry is decreasing with an increase in mosque spaces. Also, during the period of Ilkhani, the emphasis has been given to the vertical axis (height) and we will see that during the Safavid period, the dome was given more importance, while it was more important in the northeastern ilkhani period. During the period of Islam, the emphasis has been given to vertical axis (height). But in Ilkhani period the emphasis is given to Shabistan spaces. In this research in order to select a the case study of mosques, the ages of Ilkhani and Safavid were first studied and their kings in selected periods were analyzed according to their governing years and their building activities. Then the eleven case studies were chosen on the basis of the dispersion of construction, built time and building importance. The mosques of the Safavid period have been chosen from the city of Isfahan, but the mosques of the Ilkhani period were not restricted to a particular city due to their diversity and dispersion. In the next step, the information needed to analyze the plan, facades, sections and the three-dimensional perspective was obtained from the existing maps of the Ganjnameh books and documents of Iran cultural heritage organization. Then, the analysis and comparison of selected mosques applied on the basis of perspectives of the diversity of spaces, location of the spaces in the plan, shape of the spaces and their buildings dimension. After identifying the case studies, the architecture characteristics of Safavid studied, Safavid period has led to many ups and downs that have been based on the king’ s interest in art and architecture, as well as the king’ s merit in governance. King Ishmael first began the Safavid kingdom in 907 AD (1492 AD) in Tabriz. Because of his interest in art and culture, the greatest artists of the time came to his court and by his order architects commissioned to build new buildings across his kingdom. For Ilkhani architectural characteristics, this could be said that Ilkhani architecture did not initiate in Iran until Holaku kingdom in Maraqeh city. Before Holaku Iran was under attack of Mongolian invasion. After he started building construction in country, the maps of the pillars and types of buildings maintained their traditional and Seljuk style, but the proud and ambitious of Mongolian kings were about to reach beyond what was already present in Iran. As a result, the attention of Ilkhanis was inspired by their renowned Iranian ministers, on cities such as Tabriz, Soltanieh, and Isfahan. In these periods not only some past architectural monuments were resorted and conserved but also some precious architectural workswere started and completed such as the altar of the Isfahan mosque which founded by the Iranian Minister, Al-Ja’ i Tito, Mohammad Sawi. In this period, Tabriz and Soltaniyah were the political, social and cultural centers of Iran. In the result, distinctions of architectural characteristics of Ilkhani and Safavid mosques could be categorized in five divisions: The wider and vastness spaces of the Safavid mosques to Ilkhani mosques, applying a similar functional template in both Safavid and Ilkhani periods, emphasizing on the vertical axis in architectural monuments in Ilkhani period relative to the Safavid period, importance of indoor places such as Shabistans in Ilkhani architecture and the importance of dome and dome-house places in Safavid architecture.

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The rail transport system is one of the most important and main factors of economic and scientific development, during the industrial revolution. In Iran, ways are designed based on cargo and closed to 6% of cargoes are supplant by rails and trains. In the field of passenger, high demand and restrictions in the facilities, have caused decline in providing services. So evolution in the providing services for passengers, is too necessary and serious. In these days, many psychological problems have been occurred, because of increasing the expansion of human societies, that the main results of it, are lack of knowledge and inattention to environment and its impact on human, and also the impact of human and his artifacts on the environment. One of the components of rail transport is station, its building and services. Station is a place that according to the conditions has different functions. The squares of railway stations usually are one of the main and most important urban symbols of cities. Station is the starting point of growing and development and it supplies concepts in an understandable and concrete format for newcomers and belonging sense of citizens, from the cultural perspective. Station despite of the clear definition in the field of science and technical railway engineering, has no specified meaning in architecture, because of its twofold quiddity. The main reason of it, is that in architectural science, in addition to technical principles of building science, the theories of environmental psychology is considered too. Station has various functions and it should present different services and cover people’ s objective and mental needs. Most important factors that caused people to preferring a place and not the others, are: safe atmosphere, independence, being natural, having something to learn and social opportunities. The quality and coordinates of a place, can be measured by people’ s feeling and excitements. Experts and researchers believe that when some places have a better support for the needs of people, they can be more popular. For example, Passengers in different states of mind enter the station every day and waiting time is usually an unavoidable aspect of the journey for train passengers. At train stations, passengers are regularly confronted with waiting times, which is no fun but often tolerable. Depending on the circumstances, waiting for a service can evoke a wide range of negative reactions, such as boredom, irritation, anxiety and stress. According to the attention model of time, pleasant surroundings and other forms of distraction reduce waiting time. When light, colour, music and digital video screens are used in the right way, it is possible to make time spent waiting on station platforms pass more pleasantly and even to shorten perceived waiting times. So there are many reasons for passengers to be stressed and have bad mood and it is clear that changing these feelings is one of the mental obligations of stations’ atmosphere. As a result, it is important to have the knowledge of environmental psychology’ s factors to design the building of stations and especially their interior design. This study investigates if railway stations in Iran are based on the principles of environmental psychology of passengers or not. The target in this research is determination of standards of passengers by environmental psychology. In this article, according to the hypothesis of incompatibility of stations in Iran with environmental psychological standards, architectural items linked to environmental psychology are analyzed. According to the prepared questionnaires, opinions of passengers, attendances and farewell manufacturers are been investigated. The results has given some suggestions about the design of stations regarding to architecture and environmental psychology. The study uses data collected from passengers in Zanjan and Tabriz stations. A total of 150 passengers from both Zanjan and Tabriz stations, filled out a questionnaire devised by the researcher. The questionnaire included three group questions, that each group had 32 questions. The groups were about physical, service and visual factors. Results indicated that in the current status of Zanjan station, physical and service factors were inappropriate and visual items were average. In the Tabriz station, all of the factors were inappropriate. Also analysis showed that the first preference of the passengers was service factors and the last was visual. The entrance of site was the most important item, and color of walls and floor was the last and it means that it is not very important that what color the walls and roof are. According to the results entrance of site should guide people to main building and do not make the newcomer passengers, confused.

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Gender is the expression of social and cultural identity of women and men in society. This notion should have balance due to the various factors such as cultural, religious and social beliefs, norms and values, the freedom level of men and women in family and society, the power structure (patriarchal and matriarchal) and the extent of cooperation between two genders for livelihoods. The concept of gender is an adaptable issue based on various factors such as economic, political, social and cultural factors which changes with the change of society (spatially and temporally). In other words, each culture ranks roles of both sexes. The differences in gender roles are defined based on various factors such as economic situations, environment, adaptation strategies and degree of complexity of societies. These appear as actuality about the characteristics of a woman or a man in community minds. There are various point-of-views with social phenomena associated with gender at different times and locations in a variety of ways. Therefore, in the future, it might have other meanings. In the context of gender-space relations in traditional society, the influence of gender on livelihood culture is considered. Livelihoods shape gender roles as well as the attitude toward gender. Housing as a symbol of human thought always reflects the type of human thinking, its attitudes and perspectives. Therefore, based on the prevailing thought of humans in different societies, the causes and ways of shaping different housing structures can be found. The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of importance, dimensions and gender components in shaping traditional house. To this end, by choosing 8 cases of the Qajar houses in the old context of the cities of “ Bushehr” and “ Rasht” , we investigate the influences of livelihood ways and gender on shaping and spatial structures of the house. In this paper, using comparative analysis and case study method, we also compare physical and spatial elements of houses including entrance, guest room, living room and kitchen. The general hypothesis of the research is the different ways of traditional livelihoods in Guilan and Bushehr differentiated the definition of gender in these two regions which is visible in the structure of traditional houses. To evaluate this hypothesis, after reviewing the subject literature and in order to clarify the issue, a number of traditional homes belonging to the Qajar period are selected. Then their physical and spatial elements are analyzed while gender-space relations are evaluated and compared by examining three issues of gendered domains, spatial hierarchy and privacy in the houses of two climates. So, the questions of this article are: 1) Is the formation of Qajar houses related to gender and livelihoods in Gilan and Bushehr? 2) Given the adaptability of the gender, does the reflection of the shape and space of the houses in the two regions follow it? 3) Which shapes and spatial elements in the studied houses will distinguish the gender differences according to the way of livelihood? The results suggest that expanding gender realms, space resolution and border areas in the traditional houses of Bushehr, are the result of the men’ s livelihood and women’ s domestic work. But the lack of gender boundaries and physical barriers in houses of Gilan are due to cooperative livelihood. Presented analyses show that climate, culture and livelihood ways influence on the construction of gender. Therefore, the factors emanating from gender such as gender realms, spatial hierarchy and privacy, provide identity for the houses in Gilan and Bushehr. The results of comparative analysis of the physical and spatial elements of houses show that: Living spaces in both regions are shaped by the influence of gender which includes the cultural, environmental, social, historical and political origins of that region. It is a scheme that is manifested by climate extraversion and cultural introversion consistent with climate and culture. In houses of Gilan, private-area spaces at different times of the day can be combined or segregated with the realm of the public. But in Bushehr, this is only true in certain circumstances, such as holding meetings and ceremonies. In the houses of Bushehr with one yard, the guest room (mozyf) normally lies near the entrance hall. So, the guest will be accommodated without entering into the privacy of the home. Regarding to respect the privacy and importance of the guest in some houses in Bushehr, there is a courtyard with its own special spaces called external which is designed especially for guests. Guest rooms in Gilan homes have high levels of interaction with other areas. So, the first room after the entrance to the porch, or a room in the cellar or even sometimes part of the Ivan is located as a guest’ s seat.

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Considering the fast growth of population in cities and communications over the past decade, most people communicate with each other in the virtual world while, compared with the past, less people interact with their surroundings and their residents. Reflecting on the history of Iran, one can see samples of the relationships between the citizens in the periodical markets of urban space as one of the most important institutions of society in the centers of neighborhood. Periodic markets are a type of public space in cities where people are extensively and continuously present with different ethnic and age groups. Periodic markets have long antiquity and are a type of market that provide goods for rural people as a place for exchanging rural goods with cities. Indeed, they are places for the activity of various individuals who are engaged in the market with different motives, including economic, social and cultural dimensions. Periodic markets are usually held on both sides of a route, in a space used by commuters or even inside a square. These markets are without an architectural space, although in some cases, they are traditionally held in open or shaded spaces utilizing light and inexpensive materials so that goods are protected against sunlight or rainfall. Socially and economically, attendance and social activities of individuals in periodic markets are different in terms of their scale of organization and population of sellers and customers in comparison with other markets. They also differ in terms of the type of activity, in that they have a smaller and local scale and the relationships are warmer and closer. Periodic markets are a socioeconomic venue for numerous villagers and city dwellers. In these markets, both men and women participate in trade, and in some regions where industrial products are important, most often representative of the industry themselves, for example, mat weavers come to the markets to sell their products. Periodic markets can be seen as areas recognized as an urban social space and a space for attendance., Markets have been traditionally held in urban spaces and are a setting for attendance and social interactions along with meeting the primary needs of people; nonetheless, the paramount importance of practical methods for augmenting the public space has been neglected. In this study, based on the descriptive-survey and documentary studies, the impact of periodical markets in social interactions and relationships among the local citizens and neighbors in their quarter-dwelling population have been studied. The study population consisted of residents including six neighborhoods of Hamadan. Accordingly, the residents of three neighborhoods existing in the periodical markets named Shanbeh-Bazar, Seshanbeh-Bazarh, Panjshanbeh-Bazar have been compared with their three corresponding quarter where the periodical markets are not established. In fact, Hamadan sees nine street markets a week in its different areas, out of which in order to obtain more accurate results, these neighborhoods were selected for the study, corresponding with each other in terms of economic and socio-cultural structures. Hamadan has a long history; its geographical location includes first, a wide plain in which the city is located, and second, Alvand Mountains where the rest of the city is situated on the hillside. This geographical characteristic made Hamadan a long-lasting traditional habitat center. For instance, during the Parthian and Sassanid periods, Hamadan was an important center of administrative and commercial activities. The city was developed in the Islamic period around its main central mosque and market, and it remains an area of interest for historians and geographers. Geographical situation and being located within the trade routes and caravans allowed Hamadan to enjoy an integrated economic and business structure over different periods. Despite the fact that the city mainly consisted of religious structures such as mosques and tombs, the economic structure of this city was its essence, proven by the current condition of its markets. The number of neighborhoods and neighborhood centers, coupled with buildings such as mosques and other public buildings, strongly indicate the social condition and architectural structure of the city. The results show that in the neighbourhoods where there are periodical markets, compared with neighbourhoods without periodical markets, the extent of familiarity among the neighbors and social interactions were more noticeable due to factors such as attractiveness of markets for people and the high presence of peoples in such markets. Also, the results showed that there were a direct relationship between the quality of temporary markets organization and the increase in the extent of sociability and social interactions. The recovery of periodical markets and their organization, if based on intelligent locality and need, encourage citizens to participate more in their communities and cause to increase the interaction and intimacy between residents as a semantic component, and offer identity to the neighborhoods and lead to increasing the attendance for neighborhoods residents.

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In a period with series of developments in the field of demographic, technological, economic, political, etc., considering restoration and improving urban life quality through the improvement and development of the unique features of a place and its people is necessary. Therefore, the idea of “ Creative Placemaking” defines a type of urbanism that absolutely requires the presence of art and artists, and seeks to create places more than ever artistic and in a broader concept؛ cultural places. There are many tools for promoting communication between people and places, including cultural districts, artist relocation projects, municipal cultural planning, creative industries, public art, community art and urban design. This study aims to support cultural people-oriented policies-to a better understanding of what people are doing or wanting to do-keeping in mind the role of artistic activities and public art in urban spaces in explaining the relationship between public art and place making. In fact, what makes the significance of this research is to provide a context to understand the status and impact of the arts in shaping creative urban places. This study tries to answer these questions: pubic art on which aspects of placemaking is impressive? How do these effects manifest themselves? And it’ s based on the assumption that there is a certain correlation between public art and the dimensions of placemaking. Most major cities have distinct and identifiable neighborhoods that artists and cultural entrepreneurs are attracted to them. According to the Relph and Canter’ s “ Place” model (1977) these successful places, consists of three components: activity (Economic, cultural and social), physical space (relations between buildings and spaces) and meaning (Sense of place, historical and cultural background). In this framework, a set of indicators can be found and used to assess the role and place of public art in the placemaking, as well as analyze the relative success of the process. So in this paper, in addition to codification a conceptual framework “ the role of public art in place making” , the influencing factors of art on each of the main components of place-as a basis for research studies-were introduced. Accordingly, two samples which are the most important parks in Tehran (Mellat Park-literally the Nation Park-and Ab-o-Atash Park-literally the “ Water-and-Fire Park), which are suitable for the evaluation of public art, were selected. Methodology of this study is based on documentary research and survey methods are descriptive and observational. Using literature review and outstanding documents about the concept of place and public art, this documentary study tries to extract the appropriate theoretical framework for the research methodology. To test the conceptual framework presented, after compiling and collecting questionnaires and ensuring the validity of the proposed model, comparison mental reading of people in two case study-A sample of 100 randomly selected individuals-were done with Structural equation modeling (SEM) and uses of AMOS 20. Results of this study reflect the impact of public art in each of the main components of place making and the relationships between these components. Public art in terms of economic, social and cultural promoting on activity component, in terms of shaping the built environment and the natural environment on form component, and in terms of creation the identity and legibility on semantic component of placemaking is effective. For urban spaces users, it seems that some examples of public art are considered to be more challenging, that somehow seek to convey information and meanings to the general public. The results of the analyzes also show that items related to the place branding, various rituals and ceremonies, monuments, performances and arts program that transmit different types of meanings associated with identity, history, culture and art, compared to items such as fountains, purely artistic elements, innovative urban furniture, etc., are more important and more sensitive. Also, the results of the study indicate that the success of public art programs in the urban placemaking depends on respect for space and communicating with people. So if the artworks were created through a process that seeks to physically interpret the needs, values, desires, interests, dreams and prejudices of the people of that place, these can significantly help the citizen’ s experience of the place.

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Inappropriate development and rapid growth of metropolitan cities, regardless of infrastructure, have many negative consequences on different parts of a city, including the organization of public utilities and its urban environments. Urban furniture is one of the sustainable building design suggestions that aims to improve the quality of the urban environment and meet different human needs. One of these human needs in urban spaces is to create a beautiful, orderly, attractive and diverse environment for citizens. The cities and metropolis of our cities are filled with uneven and rarely elegant furniture, which, in terms of form and variety, have little difference in different cities. Despite this, it is often seen that furniture with a proper look and feel, inappropriately and without careful tilt, they are installed in their own place, or after a short time after installation, their installation site changes in their original form and lose their appropriate visual appeal; which has an adverse effect on the furniture and the beauty of the surroundings. Urban furniture is referred to as a large collection of devices, objects, devices, symbols, sub-territories, spaces, and elements that are commonly used in the city, in the street and in the entire open space, and are commonly used. According to the principles of urbanization, urban furniture should be designed and installed taking into account the social and cultural behaviors of the city. Furnishing and street equipment help in identifying a place by creating or modifying urban spaces. Urban furniture is more than any other group of products with a mass of people and is one of the main components of the city’ s image. So, designing, constructing, installing, locating and repairing them requires deep and accurate studies. In other words, the bench is one of the most widely used urban furniture in Iran. The purpose and location of urban furniture in space is not intended, but the issues related to the installation of a sofa that affect other things such as design, production and layout is the subject of discussion. When designing a city furniture, the designer should consider the criteria for installation and layout. A good idea of the furniture without thinking about the installation in place of use can not bring the desired result. a beautiful and regular city is a citizen’ s right. One of the most influential components in the beautiful of city is the elements in it that urban furniture is one of these elements. A beautiful urban furniture, if not installed properly and the technical and visual basic principles are not respected, the beauty and attractiveness of furniture will be reduced. So pay attention to the problem of installation of urban furniture has its own importance. In these study, the visual effects of methods of installation of urban furniture are considered. Case study is a kind of urban furniture that is widely used and available that called bench. Current methods of installation of urban furniture is not satisfactory in the area under study. Although actions has been done to buy and install updated furniture with suitable design, at some point especially Tarbiat pedestrian street. But still in the installation of this beautiful and popular furniture can be seen carelessness and negligence. The general method for the evaluation of urban beauty, is a combination of two approaches: expert-centered and people-centered that with using Kansei engineering methods, was obtained the concepts of beauty in relation to installation of urban benches. Kansei Engineering can “ measure” the feelings and shows the correlation to certain product properties. In accordance, the survey was done with Citizens and Tourists, they were asked express the beautiful of installation of urban furniture (according to the images displayed) in a few concept words, these concepts were highest: Pleasant, Cleanliness, Attraction, Grandeur, Organized, Flatness, Trusty, Harmonious, Balance, Powerful, Simplicity. In fact, these words are instances of the beauty of this special case. Then agents that could cause the concepts which were against of these words, were evaluated and prioritized until effective factors on the visual evaluation of installation methods of urban furniture to obtain. Common installation techniques was investigated to fixate the furniture in its position. Evaluation of the methods of Installation, were done on effective factors in beauty and it was determined that independent Installation has the best visual effects. Finally, suggestions were presented for more beautiful visibility and beautiful remaining of the location and method of installation of an urban furniture. These suggestions are divided to three section: suggestions for designers, suggestions for producers, suggestions for urban responsible. The conclusions and recommendations can be done to generalize other elements of urban furniture which has a similar style installation.

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Culture and language are mutually influence each other. Language, to some extent, evolutionize a culture and it may also determines the direction of the culture and the scope of what is important or unimportant formation of the structure of a language which could be effective on one other as well. In a nutshell, people see different realities in different societies, because they speak different languages and each language reality in the form of a separate plan. By the same token, there is too much interdependency between thought and language and it can be said that equally the structure of the language originated from culture and then acted to strengthen the ideas reciprocally. One way of studying and understanding what people perceive and act is comparing cross-culturally. Therefore, perception is a purpose-oriented process and depends on the culture, attitude and value governing perceptual thinking. Hence, the process of perception is always associated with human recognition of the environment. Also spaces that always interact with different cultures and languages have challenged people’ s perceptions of the environment. And in order to solve this problem, one had to seek a quality of space that digest the challenge of the multiplicity of cultures-languages and help them to improve their perceptions at the community levels. Sense of place is one of the common components of human emotions. According to Yang Zhu, the semantic structures of space and environment are made to create sets of specific qualities and create sense of place and the sense of location-attitudes, worldviews, and the linkage of people with elements of places, such as the name of the place, placeholder tales, place experiences, and spiritualties with the place dependencies. In the same vein, there is no exception for urban spaces in Mashhad, especially in the central context of the city due to the presence of pilgrims with various nationalties as well as different cultures. Besides, the perceived levels of perceptions completely diminished. Haj Aghajan Market as one of the oldest bazaars in Mashhad and its proximity to the holy shrine of Imam Reza and the importance of identity and memorization for its residents and its citizens, was selected as a case study. In recent years due to presence and existence of Arabs, Turkish and Kurdish pilgrims, identity and sense of place have been seriously damaged. The main aim of this study is the comparison between the cultural components of urban spatial perception, “ sense of place” . Cognitive component of satisfaction plays a role as a promotion and understanding of the environment in urban areas. In this regard, research methodology based on observation, inventory and multi-variable analysis of variance and techniques of cognitive maps were used. 138 participents were investigated including Arab and Iranian pilgrims (69 Iranian pilgrims and 69 Arab ones). The results of this study indicate a significant difference between the physical sense of place and strong participation of sense of place in both Iranian and Arab culture. Also regarding the issue of cultural influence and cultural dimensions (among the Arabs and Iranians) on the sense of place from the market of Haj Aghajan, it can be stated that to inject the level of understanding and enhance the perception of space from what is being designed and what is meant by its design is to enhance the marketplace’ s sense of place. It was necessary to add factors of time and pause to the spaces. While these spaces should have the charm and primal conditions of every culture in their most beautiful form. So that they can captivate their audiences and make the audiences more likely to pause and spend time in that space. On the other hand, the results indicate that after reaching a common understanding among cultures, in order to understand the common sense of place in the market, the physical form will act and target the sense of place. Because the analysis of multivariate variance test is also evidence of similar similarities between Arabs and Iranians in the physical dimension of sense of place. This dimension (later, a sense of place in Arabic culture) has a meaningful and direct relation with the perceptual-semantic and functional dimension of sense of place in Iranian culture according to the Pearson correlation matrix. Therefore, it is possible to assess the perceptual and functional expectations of the sense of place according to the Iranian culture and the estimation of Arab physical expectations of the sense of place. According to the culture of Arab-speaking audiences, it is possible to sense the place in the common space in the marketplace indeed.

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In recent decades, Due to the impacts of changes taking place since 1970s as well as economic issues and globalization, the production of public spaces, usage, characteristic, forces and factors affecting the formation of urban public spaces have changed. The restricted social welfare policies, a general decrease in state power and the rise of private-public partnership are some of the essential political implications of the globalization process. Nowadays Economy along with technology has rattled of its strength in terms of architecture and design of the new spaces. As a result, privatized public and uniform spaces are constructed in cities with aim of economic profitability and create a safe and attractive environment for investors. Modern shopping centers and shopping malls are manifestation of the new spaces that are formed with focusing on ideology of global consumption. Recently they have been at the center of a controversy regarding public and private space. In viewpoints of some experts, these spaces due to some factors such as providing the same service and experience in usage of space and discouraging of the presence of disadvantaged people are not recognized as a public space. Furthermore they are normally privately owned, therefore, their access to open spaces, shopping and other facilities within it becomes the prerogative of the mall operators. Hence, they cannot serve as civil or public space. On the other hand, some experts argue that shopping malls are valuable public space for people, teenager in particular, because it is a place where they can shop and/or socialize. This challenge and controversy intensify the importance of assessing the definition of contemporary shopping center as a public space because they are substitution of traditional public spaces and shopping (markets) which are recognized as the most important and successful public spaces in the past and now their past role and identity have lost. The purpose of this study is to measure publicness of shopping centers as a new alternative of former public space. To this end, by using the descriptive-analytic study after a literature review about public space, consider publicness as a multi-dimensional concept and identify different dimensions of it based on an academic discourse. At the end a Star model has chosen as a comprehensive model for assessing publicness. As each dimension in star model includes a broad concept, to translate the Star Model into a tool for synthesizing and quantifying a place’ s ‘ publicness’ , a set of indicators for each dimension was developed. This Model consist of five dimensions (ownership, control, civility, configuration and Animation). Base on definitions Ownership refers to a place’ s legal status and the second and third dimensions, control and civility, are the managerial dimensions of publicness. The control dimension of publicness refers to the different measures taken to limit the individual freedom and the political manifestations of the members of a certain social group, when they are present in a public place. It refers both to measures taken as part of the management of public places and to methods imbedded in the design of public place. Civility describes how a public place is managed and maintained and involves the cultivation of a positive and welcoming ambience. The fourth and fifth dimensions— physical configuration and animation— are two design-oriented dimensions of publicness. Distinction can be made between a place’ s macro-design— its relationship with its hinterland, including the routes into it and its connections with its surroundings place)— and its micro-design— the design of the place itself (i. e. within-the-place). Based on these dimensions, definition of ideal public space as a standard of publicness is publicly owned by democratically elected bodies, well connected in the surrounding urban grid and designed according to principles that foster activity and social interaction, used by a large and diverse public in a variety of ways, controlled in a non-oppressive manner and characterized by an inviting and tidy atmosphere (Varna and tiesdell, 2010). According to this definition, publicness in a contemporary shopping center in Isfahan as a case study, that is called Isfahan City Center, was surveyed. It is a large commercial and entertainment complex in Isfahan, Iran and one of the largest shopping malls containing a museum in the world. It is located near the city of Isfahan and the towns of Sepahan Shahr and Baharestan. The results showed that the average publicness in the City Centre complex is low. The reasons can found in management approaches in the complex, its over-control approaches and location. As regard to the restricted public use and the increased social exclusion of some groups, shopping centers cannot be regarded as public spaces. Public use depends on the location of shopping centers which means that especially shopping centers within suburban areas mostly serve their nearer neighborhoods rather than having the opportunity for the use of different groups from whole areas of the city as city centers provide.

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Urban-scape and its literature which has been playing a major role in improving the quality of environment in the public spaces and landscapes of today’ s cities has been widely developed through the last century and on the threshold of the third millennium, which attracted the attention of landscape architects, urban designers, and planners. The urban-scape and the indicators of its arrangement are considered one of the main concepts in measuring the sustainability of cities. This concept, along with the subjects such as urban health, quality of life and urban livability, have become the principles considered by international institutions for ranking the world’ s cities. Based on this, and with the evolution of new contexts and developments of urbanism influenced by the changes in the environmental system and international economics, the urban-scape theories have also been affected by this approach both in the process and in the content of material changes. Having considered that, the present article attempts to analyze the most important theoretical prospects in this field, to perform comparative comparisons of the relevant approaches, and to provide a conceptual framework for the city’ s urban-scape in the future. Urban-scape subject has been studied through various approaches and prospects by different scholars and theorists. In the present study, in order to assess and elaborate on the views of the most prominent scholars on the urban-scape as well as to develop a conceptual framework for it, through the documentary study method and valid references in this field and by reviewing the definitions and concepts of the urban-scape, the most innovative ideas, key theories and controversial discussions available on the urban-scape, along with the explanation of the classification mechanism and the typology of approaches, are studied and categorized for the first time in the form of four major periods of time. These time periods which are from the Industrial Revolution to the Townscape Movement (1960), the Townscape Movement to the New Urbanism Movement (1960-1990), the New Urbanism Movement to the Landscape Urbanism Movement (1990-1997), and the Landscape Urbanism Movement to the present (1997-2014) include five different subjects of aesthetic; context-oriented including visual-spatial perception, visual-behavioral perception, new urbanism, landscape urbanism and ecological urbanism, along with the common components of each period. In addition, in order to establish the conceptual framework and the theoretical context of urban-scape, we have analyzed the views of 23 experts in this field where the most important aspects of urbanism have been identified. The logic behind this classification and the classification mechanism of the above approaches can be found in the thoughts and theories of the first movement’ s theorist at the beginning of each period, in the identification of the ideas of the scholars having similar influential attitudes on the topic, and finally in the formation and improvement of the approaches taken from the ideas of the above-mentioned scholars. For instance, “ Camillo Sitte” initiated an aesthetic approach during the Industrial Revolution to the Townscape Movement and emergence of an aesthetic (visual) component by introducing “ City Planning According to Artistic Principles” in 1889. After that, with the generalization of context-oriented discussions, and in particular the “ Townscape Movement” by the “ Gordon Cullen” in 1960, the period of the Townscape Movement to New Urbanism with contextual approach began, and the aesthetic (perceptual and conceptual) and functional components along with the aesthetic (visual) component were introduced from the previous period and were formed based on the subdivision of visual spatial perception. After that, the other subdivision of the context-oriented approach, i. e., visual perception-behavioral subdivision was formed with the emergence of the “ Space Syntax” by “ Bill Hillier” and “ Julienne Hanson” , and the incorporation of the element of behavioral science into previous components in 1984. Then, the third period, the period from the New Urbanism Movement to the Landscape Urbanism Movement began with the introduction of New Urbanism and Urban Sustainability with an approach to the neo-traditional development of the texture and urban areas in 1990, and thus the environmental component was added to the previous components of the earlier periods. And now in the fourth period of the typology of the urban-scape historical evolution, as “ Charles Waldheim” introduced and initiated the “ Landscape Urbanism” in 1997, a landscape urbanization approach has been emerged. This is an approach in which the landscape and open space are considered the main elements of the city’ s construction, and the multi-level, contextual and complex components have been added to other previous components. Finally, the Ecological Urbanism approach introduced by “ Mohsen Mostafavi” in 2010 and the multi-component with ecological insights was added to the components of the previous periods. The four major time periods identified and categorized for the first time in the present study, are discussed in detail.

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Nowadays, walkability is out of motto in the world. Considering to the benefits of environmental, social, cultural, economic, environmental perception and improve safety and security, walkability has become a basical issue in urbanism topics. The design of streets and houses and the establishment of facilities and services should be in a manner that naturally induce people to physical and social mobility during neighborhood daily life in a pedestrian-oriented neighborhood. Attention to understanding the factors that affect from the point of view of residents in evaluation walkability rate of a district, is an important issues that must be considered. Therefore, the present study has tried to introduce American walk-score method after introducing and exploring some different ways of walkability in urban areas. Walk-score determined the rate of walkability in a specified direction with checking the physical characteristics of the path and also scoring the user absorbing to walk with considering the distance from the source. Walk Score includes walking routes and distances to amenities, road connectivity metrics, customizable amenity categories, weights, and distance decay functions. Walk-score uses Open Street Map for all road network data. We are able to calculate intersection density, link/node ratio, and average block length based on open street. Map graph of the road network. Walk Score calculates a score by mapping out the walking distance to the closest amenity locations of 9 different amenity categories. Different numbers of amenities are counted in each category (for instance the first 10 restaurants and bars are counted, while only 1 park is counted), which are referred to as counts. Each category receives different weights as well, which shows that category’ s important compared to other categories. The distance to a location, the counts and the weights determine a base score of an address, which is then linearly expanded to range from 0 to 100. After this, an address may receive a penalty for having poor pedestrian friendliness metrics, such as having long blocks or low intersection density. For the objective of this research, walkability in two districts of Tehran is measured and compared in this article. One of these neighborhoods is Eyvanak neighborhood in Shahrake Gharb based on American method and the other one is Park Laleh neighborhood in the context of the neighborhood in the middle of the city. The results of walkability evaluation with using walk-score in these two neighborhoods indicate that Park Laleh neighborhood’ s walk-score is higher than Eyvanak neighborhood’ s walk-score and thus arcumstance of walkability in Park Laleh neighborhood is much better than Eyvanak neighborhood. Unlike developing countries like Iran, In developed countries home buyers have more value for homes which have high walk-score. On average, home buyers attach greater value to walkable homes relative to other housing units in the same metropolitan area, controlling for other observable characteristics. These results provide a strong basis for concluding that improved walkability create real economic value for city residents. The apparent value that consumers attach to walkability likely stems from many sources. Consumers in more walkable neighborhoods may save money on driving (and transit) by virtue of the closer proximity of many destinations. Walk Score was not positively and significantly correlated with housing values in our study. The relationship between Walk Score and housing prices was significant and negative. Our study shows that walkability doesn’ t improve housing values. Housing values are not positively and significantly correlated with walkability in our neighborhoods. However, according to our study, it was observed that in our country, walkability doesn’ t own a place in the value of homes and places of residence, and in a neighborhood with very high walk-score, the value of the property is lower than the neighborhood with low walk-score. But Walk Score’ s method has some limitations. While the algorithm is based on recent research around walkability, it does not account for these factors that also affect the propensity to walk. Street design, details like sidewalk presence or width, speed limits and actual automobile speeds, tree cover, street furniture are not included. Safety data, crime and crash data are not included although safety issues present significant barriers to the walkability of a neighborhood. Regarding to pedestrian-friendly community design, the algorithm lacks input on urban design features like building setbacks, clustering of destinations, parking placement, and frequency of storefronts that make a place more desirable for walking. Topography, no data on street or sidewalk slopes is included, which is also an inhibitor of walking. Weather, neither current conditions nor yearlong climate patterns are included. Because of these limitations, Walk Score cannot be relied upon as a comprehensive indicator of walkability and should be used with these caveats in mind.

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Today’ s fast-paced urbanization process has caused many problems in urban development. Therefore, urban space is slowly losing its nature and disappearing due to the speed of rapid urban development. Trying to keep up with the modern era’ s prevalent epoch of roads and bridges, urban policies in Iran have focused on developing road networks in recent years. Thus numerous elevated structures, urban highways and bridges are used to connect the urban fabric of the country’ s cities, enabling the smooth transition of traffic in its cities. Although many view urban highways merely as tools for mobility; it is true that they influence on urban structure and the communities that they interconnect. However, the majority of Iranian cities already have many highways and bridges, they still continue to construct new highways and bridges in order to solve their traffic problems. Yet the construction of urban highways, both in and around cities has resulted in the formation of huge masses of leftover spaces which can rarely be incorporated in formal urban planning and design. Authorities and architects rarely care about the leftover spaces beneath bridges and highways. Although they are paid attention at an international level, on a national level in Iran, the leftover spaces under elevated urban constructions and bridges and their effects have often been neglected. This research focuses on the qualitative evaluation of urban spaces, analyzes the notion of “ lost and leftover spaces, ” while trying to come up with a new perspective to view urban spaces and urban development in today’ s world. How we can make the most of modifying or recycling “ leftover spaces” is another issue that this research is concerned with. However, the main objective of this research is to obtain design qualities in Iranian urban spaces which fulfill the needs of citizens. This research is qualitative, based on a theoretical framework in the field of urban design, analyzing lost spaces under highways and bridges; also taking into account people’ s environmental preferences obtained in a case study. Interviews and the classification of visual information as Q-sort Technique were used in the second part of this study to extract participants’ individual preferences. The study participants consisted of 50 people aged 15-60 who live or work near highways in either Tehran or Mashhad due to the maximum variance of sampling up to data saturation. Extensive interviews were conducted starting with the simple question “ How you would like to use spaces under bridges? ” moving on to focus on the needs of the local people. Most interviews were 20 to 35 minutes— on average 25 minutes. “ Content analysis” method was used to write down and evaluate the research data in order to extract the most important findings and trends of the research. After this, Visual Quality Assessment Method (Q-Sort) was used to confirm the results of the comprehensive interviews. In order to do this, five sets of photographs on A4 pages were shown to participants. Each one of these pages depicted different aspects of designed spaces which would help to identify people’ s expectations of desirable spaces under bridges. In order to determine individual preferences regarding to the spaces below the bridges as an urban space, the obtained data was divided into two categories: criteria of desirability and utility criteria of space. The next step was to conduct content analysis in order to design an analytical framework developed based on Residents’ preferences, which could be applied to case studies and validate a set of informed qualities that answer the thesis question: What design qualities should we use to create relevant neighborhood spaces under the urban bridge spaces? The evaluation of the residents’ preferences regarding urban spaces under bridges distinctly show four preferences: people expected the urban spaces to lead to air and noise pollution reduction, promote safety and security. These are the most important qualities regarding urban spaces in viewpoint of the local people. It must be pointed out that there has been a great variety in the spaces under bridges. Some of them require careful planning and provision in order to create urban spaces that entail the desired qualities of safety, security, vitality, richness, comfort, a sense of place belonging and environmental integration. Urban managers should allocate much more value to such qualities, leading urban designers and architects to construct more essential and eye-catching urban spaces, especially under urban bridges. Unfortunately the current disciplines concerning leftover spaces under bridges are deficient. However, we hope that this research and its investigation of public opinion regarding the issue, initiate a way for constructive use of leftover spaces under bridges. Also, this research would be a reference and a starting point that would encourage new ideas for utilizing leftover spaces under bridges.

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Imamzadeh Yahya region is located in 12th district in Tehran. The dominant use of the block (except for the main passage of the neighborhood) is residential, and predominant land use in the area would lead to manufactory, commercial and religious related purposes respectively. The abundance of Pahlavi and Qajar historical buildings in this neighborhood has made it one of the most affluent neighborhoods of the historical core of Tehran. The neighborhood is now in a state of dissociation, bewilderment and nonidentity. Although the block is enriched with a string of valuable historical elements, it is dramatically facing physical quality deterioration. Residents do not have much interest in attending public places and urban spaces; they are also suffering from traffic issues, and the consequences of it. Iconic buildings have run out of credit and the neighborhood has lost its solidarity. The streets that used to make a sense of belonging for the residents which were considered as an iconic spine in the neighborhood are now misplaced with a demolished district. Obstacles caused by this misplaced neighborhood include, disturbances in the neighborhood and its physical elements, the lack of consistency of the spaces, overloaded streets, absence of pedestrian oriented areas and sidewalks, lacking public life and places for social interactions, and navigation problems which leads to undesirable mental images for inhabitants. As a result these obstacles decreased the presence of the neighborhood residents, and brought the physical and spatial quality of the neighborhood to a severe drop. The present research aims to sustain the spatial-physical relations between the valuable elements and revive the neighborhood’ s unity through the creation of a pedestrian friendly environment, as well as producing a framework with an emphasis on spatial-physical unity. Shaping the physical space based upon the people’ s spatial-social requirements, is the main task of a good quality urban design. The theory of the space syntax will make it possible to analyze the complex spatial networks, clarify the physical complications, and revive distressed urban areas. Regarding the dependency of social interaction on the existence or non-existence of common ideological, political or economic interests among the dwellers, one can think to establish physical and spatial forms based on common religious and cultural interests (Imamzadeh, Mosque, Husseinieh) or based on political and economic motivations (Bazarcheh or centers of regions) as a solution. Establishing a visual integration between fabric and space, accompanied by applicatory consideration, leads the fabric directly affects social activity. Therefore, a collection of physical frameworks will be obtained; these frameworks can impact the formation of social relations way beyond physical borders, since they have been taken from common social structures. The results of the spatial-physical analysis by Depthmap represents a high value integration in Imamzadeh Yahya and Javidi streets as well as Alimoradi, Sepehr and Hadavand streets. By all means, these routes will connect the main arteries to the neighborhood’ s center. Along with assigning the north-south streets of Imamzadeh Yahya and Javidi and the eastern-western streets of Alimoradi, Sepehr and Hadavand as the main pedestrian oriented path, the historical and religious urban elements of the neighborhood will be linked as a whole unity. Imamzadeh Yahya and Vaziri streets will be transformed into active retail corridors consistent with the historical, cultural and religious identity of the inner-city context, and the commercial land use of the northern and eastern edge of the neighborhood with focus on Persian and Islamic handicrafts retail stores. Assigning upper floors to residential units, cafes and restaurants will bring vitality and security to the district. The six collector streets around the neighborhood will serve the area and will carry the traffic load. Parking facilities in the vicinity of these axes allow residents and shopkeepers to use the best of the space, besides having easy access to the neighborhood. The principle of the divergence is achieved by creating static spaces and urban nodes in the form of squares, designed facades and frontages, sakkoo, chahar-taghi, takiye, and green spaces, with the appliance of attractive land uses in the main routes. Accounting the symbolic element of Saghakhane as a landmark in form of information kiosks and injecting modern usage can be an optimal option for creating a united neighborhood and improving security throughout the district. The other function of these unifying two stories elements as information stalls can provide people with a historical-religious perspective of the pedestrian oriented path. Ultimately linking urban spaces, improving retail corridors, traffic calming and developing light rail transit will be our design principles in order to achieve the main goal of our research.

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The width of cities’ entry ports is the result of overlapping urban and suburban environments, or in the case of Metropolises, it is the outcome of overlapping city and urban areas. In the past, when communication technology was not available to present a subjective and tangible image of places, ports of entry were the first visual representation that the travelers were faced with at the city of destination. Therefore, city planners always attempted to build city gates and Ramparts in order to impress the outsiders. Depending on the requirements of entry ports, various activities and functions were formed. In short, a port of entry was a place of its own with the ability of being memorable and a place for gathering of people. However, during the recent decades of universal development of cities, advances in technology, industry and transportation of goods, services and passengers, and long distances between city entrance and city hubs, the quality of City borders and ports of entry has been downgraded. City districts have different kinds of visual and noise pollution, so that they have become one of the most dissonant parts of the city. Ports of entry have turned into poor quality spaces for car traffic utilities for road-users, and also uses that were disadvantages to the city. As a result, the quality of ports of entry of many cities in Iran are severely downgraded in many aspects; and this manifested in cases such as disorganization, uncertain position of these areas in city hierarchy, simplistic and negligent approaches to organizing City spaces, and many other issues. This issue is intertwined with many other problems, especially in a Metropolis such as Tehran, in which low-income population of immigrants are one of the challenging problems. Furthermore, destruction of agricultural lands and Gardens surrounding the city, disorganized construction of residential buildings, development of residence locations of delinquents and abandoned areas, and sanitary waste disposal sites are all essential elements that constitute the true function of Tehran’ s ports of entry. Today, the most common type of a special communication, proximity, does not exist as a form of communication with the outside of the city in Ports of entry. This issue is largely due to imprecise physical borders between the city and its outside environment, and the result of gradual development of the city beyond its service and legal boundaries. However, the method of spatial communication in old cities of Iran was this method: Setting up walls and boundaries circling the city prevented the outpouring of City elements to its external environment, and the City front gates were a form of communication between the city and its surrounding nature (Bahraini, 2003, 21). Therefore, organizing these spaces is not only a necessity in terms of a structure, but it is also critical to social and cultural context of the city. This is due to the fact that City’ s entrance is a representation of what is inside the city, and it creates a strong mental image of the city in the Traveler’ s mind. In this regard, a guiding theory for organizing City spaces is necessary. The main goal of this study is to examine the true requirements of various social groups that use the city entrances, and to see if they are consistent with the sustainable place theory, which is an updated and relevant in the subject of designing city spaces. This is a descriptive-analytical study, and it uses field study methods. The results of this study show that expectations and requirements of different social groups are consistent with the components of sustainable place theory. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to adapt the opinions and needs of various user groups to the theoretical model of sustainable place. By doing this, this study seeks to test this model in the physical-spatial organization of cities’ entry ports, and to do so in a practical sense and in accordance with the users’ needs and organizing and renovating programmes. Also, for a review of scientific literature, Tehran’ s South eastern ports of entry (Garmsar-Tehran) are chosen as the capital to help in recognizing the most important design strategies as the main objectives based on prevalent theoretical basics of research.

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Since the emerging of strategic planning and management in the 50’ s, this approach has continuously experienced changes during the following years and decades, the result of which being a series of different methods and models of evaluation and decision making in management and planning arenas. It was in the 50’ s and 60’ s that the strategic management evolution in dependence on financial programming was realized, thereby, for the first time, the balanced scorecard model being considered in international communities by Kaplan and Norton. The essence of the balanced scorecard as a measuring scale for proceeding towards the perspective is specified in advance. It could be claimed that the evaluation of urban plans and programs in terms of implementation is counted as the newest approach in providing and codifying urban development plans and programs. The increasing implementation of micro and goals in urban plans and programs requires a determining and analytic model, so that referencing the given model beyond the presentation of scenario and perspective, exploiting the considered large-scale goals (perspectives), and referencing the network structure, at the end, the final score in each of the performance indicators could be seen, and undoubtedly each perspective of higher score will show more implementation compared with other goals, and it is demonstrative of a high implementation score for the urban plan and program in the area of that perspective in the specified year. It needs to mention that the given model, for first time was provided from organizational strategic planning and management into urban planning and specifically urban plans and programs, and after conceptual alteration in the structure, the model as a conceptual-analytical structure attempts to investigate the implementation rate of urban plans and programs propositions in the vision year, and on the whole urban programs. Research methodology is defined with regard to a set of operations for the stablishment of a system of scientific investigation rules and principals (Rahimi, 1999). The city development strategies (CDS) became common after comprehensive and detailed urban planning patterns and following the establishment of the Cities Alliance, in order to achieve sustainable urban development, poverty reduction and human excellence. The city development strategies are the process of preparing a long-term vision of future city development which based on that, short-term executive programs are prepared. An evaluation and monitoring system has been proposed to ensure the implementation of the strategic development plans. The most important role of evaluation in urban development planning, in different areas, is the ability to establish a relationship between the degree of realization of the proposed options and small and minor effects during the program. Therefore, evaluating the impact of proposed options in urban development programs is a major challenge. The Cities alliance together with the help of the World Bank and the United Nations Human Settlements Center, in line with its main mission, which is reaching a sustainable urban development, provides a set of criteria (proposition) and indicators (options) for access to sustainable urban development in urban strategic development programs. All these criteria and indicators help to gain access to a quantitative evaluation model consisting of criteria, indicators, and measures. In this research, by using the Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC) based on the criteria and indicators mentioned above, the authors have quantitatively evaluated the degree of realization of each of the of the sustainable urban development indicators in the target system (city) with emphasis on the Analytic Network Process (ANP). The most important approach in this research is to establish communication from the perspective of the realization of all predicted and objective options, with emphasis on financial and non-financial resources, which provides access to an efficient and ideal output. The methodology of the present study, taking account of the goals of the study, could be assumed in the category of functional studies. The goal of such kind of research is to grow and promote a product or an activity procedure, and in a word, to examine theoretical concepts (mental concepts) in real situations. That is, the growth and the promotion of a product, a process, or an activity, and briefly the referencing of concepts in the real environment.

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The new information and communication technology are entering the human community and it is far from the mind that planning and management of cities can be done only by relying on past methods. During the third millennium of human life, information and communication technology have become an area of application in all areas and have become the pioneer in the development of technology-based services and systems. In the present day, information is the most important strategic tool for the management and proper management of all economic, social, cultural and political units and urban planning. The most important solution in this field is the electronic city, which its aims are to use the new technologies in designing all environments of city, and it can be admitted that its effects on the quality of the urban environment are manifested. In the urban literature of recent decades, the interaction of information technology and city and its emergence in the urban system under the name of the electronic city have been investigated. Electronic City is the concept of easy use of information technology to distribute urban services directly and nightly to citizens. In general, it can be said that the fields of urban economics, urban social relations, urban transport, urban culture, urban environment, urban physical form, urban planning, ultimately urban, management and governance in the city’ s communication have been recognized. In this paper, in order to measure the quality of the electronic city environment, with emphasis on subjective perceptions of citizens, we use descriptive-analytical method, SPSS software and analysis of variance (ANOVA) while in this analysis 1494998 questionnaires containing questions for citizens’ satisfaction from the quality of electronic city environment in the target population (citizens of Tabriz city) are considered. In this research, satisfaction of citizens from the electronic city environment as a dependent variable and environmental social economic and physical criteria as dependent variable are introduced. Of course, each criterion is subdivided into sub-criteria such as satisfaction with new urban patterns, environmental protection, traffic and easy transportation in the electronic city, the communication, interaction of institutions, organizations, citizens, the development of information infrastructure and so on. Based on the Cochran computational about 267 questionnaires were determined in each area. It should be noted that the study area is Tabriz, which is the largest bio-ecological complex in the northwest and one of the metropolises of the country. Scaling has been used to quantify the empirical model of research and analysis of data. Scaling in this paper is based on the 5 Likert option spectrum. So that score 1 indicates the lowest satisfaction rate for the residents, and the score 5 indicates the highest satisfaction. In this way, the number 3 is chosen as the midpoint of the responses (1

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The urban sociability depends on its own spaces and places. On one hand, social interactions and human relations are created in the urban physical environment; and on the other hand urban environment gains its identity from this social life. This issue is continuously being repeated in the urban civic evolution and development process. Social presence and activity of the individuals in urban space is not separated from built environment and there is a two-way relationship with it; as more the urban could create a symbolic communication with citizens through the physical features; it would be more effective in shaping the social identity. The diverse patterns of urban form and structure leads to have different implications for interpersonal relationships. Social capital is one of the important factors of social behavior in urban communities which is inextricably intertwined with physical features. Among many factors that have influenced in shaping the urban, physical form seems to have the most significant impact on the social behavior of human beings as well as the social capital formed among them. According to the different aspects of physical forms in spaces and neighborhoods, the human’ s relationship would be different. Therefore, the intensity and type of interactions would not be the same in diverse spaces. A good understandnig of the urban form and development patterns and assessing its impact on social capital of neighborhoods will be very important in the planning process. And it helps the planner to promote social interaction in urban spaces. The Qazvin city of great antiquity has been the context of various developments within its urban texture. This has led to differences in neighborhoods physical identity. It seems that such differences in the physical structure of the neighborhoods cause changes in the social capacities formed in it. In this research, we first tried to study the literature of social capital and urban form and the semantic relation between them as a theoretical framework. Data were collected from various sources; Based on the parameters extracted from the literature, we analyzed the impacts of the urban form components on social capital in the urban areas. According to Conzen theoritical view three main variables (land use, density and patterns of building and access networks) considered for examining the urban form and neighborhoods were typified by GIS software. Using the questionnaire method, we examined social capital in 15 neighborhood randomly selected samples which were shaped into three different types of urban fabric (organic, semi-organic and non-organic). In order to achieve the final results, Path Analysis has been taken so we analyzed the direct and indirect effects of the physical form indicators as independent variables on neighborhoods social capital as a dependent variable. Findings indicated that the status of social capital in different neighborhoods is not the same and with alteration in the physical characteristics of built environment, we can see a change in social capital among residents. Based on the statistical results extracted from questionnaires; the social capital in the neighborhoods with nature of semi-organic fabric was in the maximum level. While most of the neighborhoods in the organic fabric were in the middle range, the planned and non-organic ones gain the least amount of social capital. There is a significant correlation between physical indicators and social capital while the impact rate and severity of these factors are not being the same so that the factors, related directly to the permeability and land use, have the most important role in shaping the social capital in the neighborhoods while the occupation level and block size have the least. Indicators such as the variety of local land uses, the density of public spaces, the ratio of public utilities to the residential area and the ratio of network access to the neighborhood area have the most important and statistical relevance with social capital. According to the comparative assessment between urban form dimensions and social capital, although the social capital trend is compatible with the land use changes; this adaptability will be limited to a certain amount in relation to the two other components (access and pattern of construction). Existence the optimal level of these physical features in semi-organic neighborhoods has a significant impact on the promotion of social capital and human relationships improvement.

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Public Transportation as one of the most popular transition modes in cities provides numerous benefits for cities and their citizens. Passengers of public transportation have got the chance to take advantage of cheaper, safer and more reliable trips than other modes of public transportation. Bus as one of the public transportation modes not only have got many fans in cities but needs the least amount of capitalisation as well, it is not dependent on any specific routes, and therefore it could be developed or changed easily. Moreover, buses occupy fewer areas of the streets and public spaces in comparison to cars what make them more suitable for cities. Consequently, reducing the use of private cars and boosting the use of public transportation is considered as a significant goal for solving the problems which are related to intra-urban transportation. One of the ways which is emphasised with scholars of transportation to reduce the traffic is enhancing the quality and efficiency of public transportation and buses. In fact, a bus route is efficient when it has the highest demands with the lowest use of resources. The bus system of Mashhad plays a prominent role in transporting people. This system is daily used by about 1. 5 million passengers. Among these routes, there are some routes which overlap each other or with the first line of LRT. This overlap may affect routes’ performance and efficiency because they are giving services to the same parts of the city and consequently they may cause the reduction of passengers of other routes what can give rise to the low efficiency of them. The low efficiency of a bus route reduces the economic returns for national or private investors as well as increase the demand for using private cars which not only affect traffic but also make the pollution even worse. Therefore, current research through a comprehensive view aims to study the efficiency and performance of eleven routes of the bus system in Mashhad which are located on the VekilAbad-Qadir axis. Hence, the question which this study is looking for to answer is: How efficient are the bus routes in the VekilAbad-Qadir axis and what factors do affect their efficiency or inefficiency? To evaluate the efficiency of bus routes, a comprehensive view is considered to encompass the benefit of the system administrator, passenger and community. Therefore it is tried to avoid just considering economic factors. Eleven routes with the most amount of overlapping with each other and LRT which are located in the VekilAbad-Qadir axis are studied here, and their data belongs to 2012, 2013 and the first nine months of 2014. For evaluating the efficiency of so-called routes, two primary methods have been used. First, the efficiency of routes has been evaluated based on a system administrator’ s look through envelopment analysis data. This method tends to have the most amount of output in exchange for the least amount of input. Then, the efficiency of routes has been evaluated through a multi-criteria decision-making method. Therefore, at first some criteria and indicators were extracted through literature, then through an Entropy analysis the criteria and indicator were weighted, and in the end, the efficiency and performance of the route were studied through a Topsis analysis. Findings of DEA analysis indicate that line 10, 38. 1 and 94 are considered as the most efficient bus routes. This is while some routes like 71. 1 have experienced an increase in their efficiency and some routes like 18. 1 have faced with a fall in their efficiency. Therefore changes in performance indicators which are usually made by those who are in authority can be considered as a double-edged sword. Findings of the comprehensive view support previous findings and suggest that a bus route can be efficient in case of economic and comprehensive view as well. Results indicate that there is a direct relationship between the performance and efficiency of bus routes and the number of passengers who use the bus as a mode of public transportation. It means that inappropriate performance of bus routes can lead to the increase of private cars usage. The relation between the economic efficiency and overall performance can help authorities to improve the performance of bus routes with regarding the agency revenues and acting more sustainable and comprehensive in some projects like developing a new route or merging them.

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The rapid growth of the population and, consequently, the rapid expansion of cities are one of the most important issues in today’ s urban planning. Physical expansion and social inconsistency are two evident phenomena in forming many western cities in Iran. The former can be a result of natural population growth, rural-urban migration, population and activity centralism, and generally housing. However, the latter is a byproduct of urban socio-ecologic conditions or the geographic location. The consequences of the aforesaid phenomena are some issues such as overriding farmland and outskirt gardens, destroying natural urban landscape, and, above all, neglecting inner-city areas and consequently urban deterioration. Many designers and administrators of urban land use optimization impact on the development of interior as a possible solution to the dispersion, by increasing the density and rehabilitation of impoverished and disadvantaged neighborhoods. Inland development or development in the existing urban areas with relatively high population density and construction prevents excessive dispersion, while low development on the margins, creates demand for construction on agricultural and forestry lands. The theory of internal development is one of the three theories of urban development, along with the theory of continuous urban development (creating settlements connected with the city and within the legal boundaries of the city), and the theory of discrete or explicit urban development (creating new cities with distance from the mother city). In this type of development, the old, worn out and inefficient urban texture is restored, refurbished and renovated. Bare and abandoned urban areas are being used and modified, dismantled and disproportionately used by urban areas such as prisons, military barracks, factories and disturbing industries within the city. The level of passages and access networks, the level of green space and ultimately, all elements in the city are closer to urban standards. But what should be considered is that internal development does not focus solely on physical problems and tries to analyze all social, economic, housing, etc. Since this type of development is not carried out outside of the city without any connection with urban texture, the appropriateness and harmony of this type of development with the adjacent texture is achieved, which should be observed in each program and design of this kind. The city of Boroujerd, like many other cities in the country, was a target destination for villagers after the land reform, which resulted in an abnormal and, of course, disastrous development of the city, so that many of the orchards around the city were destroyed and later built. This trend is now continuing to be less intense, which caused itself to disperse over the city over time, as a result of rising city and municipality costs and the poor quality of service. The city of Boroujerd, like many other cities in the country, has been dispersed. Construction developments were used in all spaces which helped the city to be developed internally. One part of the city that has internal development capabilities is the worn out texture of Boroujerd city center. This paper aims to analyze the worn-out texture of downtown Boroujerd, in terms of its potential internal development. Urban socioeconomic context should be analyzed to examine development potentials from inside. This library-field research paper is evaluation-analysis based with quantitative-qualitative data. To assess the spatial capacity, the Analytical Hierarchy Process was used while to assess the environment using the Delphi Method, the environmental, socioeconomic, and physical aspects were evaluated and analyzed. The findings show that the downtown areas are capable of being developed internally given the vacant and disused lots and critical industries on one hand and the availability of environmental and socioeconomic conditions as well as worn-out texture on the other hand. It would be possible to ease housing density and, as a result, the population density internally in neighborhoods which help them to make use of the mentioned spaces. Thus, it is possible to make the best and most efficient use of the urban spaces in Boroujerd using the freed land and the current infrastructure. Therefore, with the design and implementation of internal development, we will be able to abandoned spaces, ruined and abandoned buildings and vacant land. Creation of the necessary uses and moving disturbing industries out of the city, in addition will create the necessary uses and meeting the needs of the people. The section improves access, and avoids social problems and abnormalities, and places while the overall context of the text in good condition.

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Marzban Fahimeh | RAFIEIAN MOJTABA | Seyedol Hosseini Seyyed Moslem



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Planning for urban density is one of the most important problems in contemporary urban planning at both national and universal level. Urbanized world-that is changing permanently-needs an optimum extent of urban density which can consider both quantitative (efficient use of land and urban infrastructures, reducing energy consumption, etc. ) and qualitative requirements (such as providing desirable neighborhood, vitality, mobility, etc. ) of urban planning. On the one hand, fundamental role of building density as an appropriate instrument for substantiation of urban policies, in order to achieve urban sustainable development and on the other hand, slight success in urban plans in the field of building density due to lack of sufficient scientific basis researches to determine the density and the dominant view of economic to urban density in the Iranian urban policies, makes the building density distribution necessary. Principles and criteria for sustainable development should include all the factors influencing the density and dimensions of time, space and scale. In order to achieve this goal, this research seeks to identify the indicators affecting the distribution of building density in various social, economic and environmental dimensions, as well as the type and relationship between these indicators and, finally, how the distribution of building density is. This paper in addition to prospecting indexes which affect the density distribution of construction, consider type and relationship among these indexes and finally, it will follow building density distribution in zones 9 and 11 in Mashhad using GIS. Survey method is based on integrated analysis which is appropriate to the research objectives. In statistical analysis (non-spatial), multiple regression was used to test the correlation between independent and dependent variables. Hierarchical Analytic Method (AHP) was applied to determine the weight of criteria and sub-criteria. In spatial analysis, Index Overlay and Geographic Information System Spatial Analysis (GIS) tools were used. Finally after the statistical and spatial analysis, the results confirm the significant relationship among indicators of economic, social, demographic, physical space, functional, environmental, as the independent variables and building density as the dependent variable. The variables of correlation with building density in the study area are: residential land price, total residential density, population growth rate in the period under study, area of parts, quality of building, materials used in the household ( Skeletons and facades), old buildings, the existence of an erosive texture, the density of residential units per unit area, the location of facilities such as microwave radio stations and high power lines, access to commercial services in the neighborhood and district scale, and administrative services. The functional scale of the area and the city as well as the amount of access to the urban train stations, distance from traffic nodes, vulnerability to flood, earthquake, subsidence, landslide and fluidity, sewage network coverage, wastewater treatment and groundwater contamination are other factors. In the context of the effect of various factors on the distribution of building density, the economic index has the highest coefficient of importance for the integration of indicators. Then, environmental indicators, functional indicators, spatial indices, and social indicators have the most impact on the distribution of construction density Have studied in the field. The results of the proposed building density show that more than 45. 12 percent of the study area is included maximum density of building and 35. 21 percent of this area with a building density of the medium and 19. 68 percent of it with a building density of the minimum. Maximum building density is focused in the center of study area and minimum building density is concentrated in south and southwest of study area. The southwest of the basin is due to low indicators of the quality of the texture stability (quality and history of the building, materials used in the building, the existence of an extinct texture and the aggregation of residential components) and, consequently, the low cost of residential land with minimal construction density. Also, in the southern part of the field, the main reason for the establishment of minimum construction density is the distance from services on different functional scale.

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Development evolution with control and management framework is a major reason for residential crises at downtowns which results in gradual discharge and increase in its deterioration. The studied area of this research is an important part of the central texture of Mashhad; which is faced with same phenomena. Existence of Imam Reza’ s Holy Shrine and his high number of pilgrims and tourists increased the importance for investigating and removing problems of this area. This research tends to investigate potential threats and causes of the loss of the quality of residential areas as well as searching for solutions for modernizing and restoring the concept of “ residence” in these textures with the goal of establishing sustainability. This research primarily concentrates on the following questions: What are the main threatening factors for the studied old texture at downtown of Mashhad? What is going to happen on these old textures in the future? What is the approach of modernization plans of the studied old textures with a perspective of promoting residential quality and increasing their satisfaction? What are definitions and indices used to present a clear definition from different dimensions of “ the quality of residential urban environment” at the studied old texture? This is a descriptive analytical research which is established on scientific method with stages. Related theoretical fundamentals and literature analysis and analysis of current conditions were performed for determining indices and criteria of the quality of urban environments for having sustainable residence. Research conceptual model is one of the major achievements of this stage which is based on the origin of the subject or general concept of this research i. e. “ promoting the quality of residential environment at old textures of the city of Mashhad” . Data collection techniques partly included field study of the studied area; analysis and processing of which was performed using GIS software. For ranking and analyzing criteria and indices, we applied hierarchical analytic method and Expert Choice Software. Using quantitative data collected from 120 questionnaires for control groups (urban experts, citizens, pilgrims, and tourists) this paper evaluated current status of the dimensions and constructive indices of the quality of urban residential environment. Using AHP software, the importance of the most important dimension among eight dimensions of the quality of urban residential environments was determined for old structures located at downtown of Mashhad; and effective loads were tested and evaluated. Findings of this research are presented in two parts: model test and hypothesis test. This paper emphasizes on the content that satisfaction of the residents of the studied area affects on sustainability of population and security of the area. Despite deterioration and decrease in efficiency of the texture, residence is still going on but in danger. It sounds that “ increase in satisfaction of residents through promoting the quality of residential urban environment (sustainable neighborhood) is applicable; therefore, regeneration of old texture of the studied area is applicable subject to the approach for promoting the quality of residential urban environment and local sustainable development” . It is to be noted that environmental quality criteria, including experimental-perceptual, population-social-economic, ecological, in four main dimensions and based on functional priority have significant effect on amount of sustainability in residential tissue. The aforesaid dimensions are in improper status, average and threatened. In continue, most important dimensions in construction of the quality of urban residential environments of the studied area are operational. The Analytic Hierarchy Process results indicated that multiple land use criteria and a balance between jobs and housing in functional dimension, durability coefficient and controllable expenses of housing in social-population-economic dimension, the absence of pollutants in ecological dimension, and two other criteria, named citizen satisfaction and environmental security in perceptual-experimental dimension are the most prominent criteria affecting the quality of the aforementioned districts. These factors yielded the most important results in binary assessment among variables. 0. 03 of analysis inconsistency rate is a sign of accurate judgment among criteria and indexes. By making alterations to the rest of neighborhood tissues of the district in city center, the suggested criteria and indexes of this study can be employed.

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This article is a part of research conducted to develop criteria and site selection techniques for creating urban spaces, appropriate for holding festivals, carnivals and outdoor performances. The significance of such a research is an attempt to bridge the existing gap between urban planning literature, particularly site selection of urban spaces, and experiences related to outdoor events and performances. After unsuccessful experience of Modernist, urban planning in the mid-decades of 20th century, scholars have emphasized how crucial it is to create and enhance lively, diverse and flexible urban spaces to achieve vital qualities such as livability, sense of belonging, collective memories and identity in our cities. In this article, different forms and functions of festivals, carnivals and outdoor performances are reviewed, and the interaction between them and urban spaces and site selection process were assessed. In addition, to mitigate the lack of enough related resources in Iran, certain interviews were conducted with Iranian academics, expert in the fields of urban planning, music and dramatic arts. Festival is a word which has a happy connotation but in reality, it could be used for either joyful or gloomy occasions. Today, such events take the shape of a celebration which are quite popular and mostly have religious and ceremonial roots. In Iran, such events include Nowruz celebrations which takes place every year at the beginning of Spring. Other such celebration, which corresponds with the victory of Islamic revolution in Iran, includes not only gathering of people in streets of most cities, but also formal events such as the Fajr Film and Theater Festival in Tehran similar to Oscar Academy Awards in the US or the Cannes Film Festivals in France. Performance Art, which is a combination of visual and everyday culture and folklore, includes outdoor performance and street theater as well as processional performances in Iranian cities. The mourning, weeping and lamentation ceremonies of Ashura, which takes place every year on the day of martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, is a mournful event but could be considered as a processional performance. In all, elevating the spirit of collectiveness and the sense of belonging could be a major goal of such events. Regarding to research methodology, the data gathered from the interviews on the three main concepts, i. e. Festivals, Carnivals and Outdoor Performance Arts, were analyzed using the “ Framework Analysis” method. In regards to the “ Framework Analysis” method used here, we have coded the responses from the respondents not only based on the contents of their answers but also with a focus on the themes which exist in the text of responses. The reason for this is that the respondents may respond to a question but may also deal with or refer to other issues not related directly to the question at hand or may answer a particular question while answering another question. Overall, the result of such method is a qualitative analysis which, together with the theoretical review of urban planning texts, led us to the local criteria for site selection of the needed spaces. Eventually, all the findings of research studies have been analyzed on the basis of qualitative and deductive reasoning methods, and then the theoretical framework of this thesis was developed as a prescriptive theory, in which the “ square” is pinpointed as the appropriate type of urban space, consistent with the goals of this research. For festivals, our respondents consider it as an opportunity for attracting tourists while increasing the quality of urban spaces through colorful and happy spaces. For this, using the time of the year which the weather is considered best such as in spring is important. The shape of the space could be either focal or linear but it needs to be in previously designated areas, secure, and with easy access through public transportation. Those urban spaces which are considered as having collective memory for the urban dwellers have priority over other spaces. For outdoor performances, street theater is seen by the respondents as a way of elevating the culture of participation among city dwellers. The urban space for such event needs to have circular shape in order to create the focal point needed for the gatherings. Other than this, street circus is also considered as the outdoor performance in Iranian cities. On the other hand, processions or caravan type of performance, being a means of attracting tourists, should take place preferably in holidays when the street traffic is less. The urban spaces needed for such events are linear but they need to have a sufficient width to hold by passers and viewers who stand to the sides of the procession. Also, three categories of criteria, i. e. “ limitative criteria” (with Boolean logic), “ preference criteria” (with Fuzzy logic) and “ applicative criteria” are developed as the necessary criteria of site selecting such urban spaces. In this paper, the dimensions of focal urban spaces are presented.

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