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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Role of Open Space Legibility on Creating Social Interactions in Residential Complexes (Case Study: Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan)




 In the present study, the effect of Legibility of Open Spaces in Residential Complexes on Social Interactions of residents is examined. In fact, the study seeks to answer this question: "What relationship are established between the physical dimensions of the Legibility and Social Interactions in the Open Space of the Residential Complexes and how this happens, and also what components and to what extent are effective in this regard? " It is assumed that the Legibility of spaces between buildings, as the physical quality of the human-made environment, has a significant relationship with Social Interactions in the residential space to turn into a capability for creating dynamic, vigorous, and vibrant Residential Complexes. Regarding this, descriptive-analytic research was selected to examine the role of Legibility in Social Interactions using indices derived from theoretical foundations. The data collection system in the social domain is through questionnaire. The population was the residents (2700 people) of Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan and 210 questionnaires were distributed amongst them. Of the distributed questionnaires, 81 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis after refining and deleting the defective questionnaires. Statistical analysis of these questionnaires was done in SPSS and using variance analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise linear regression. The hypothesis testing showed a significant relationship between the components of social interaction-types of mutual interaction, interaction with the site and the type of relationship in the Residential Complex. This significance is observed among the most of the components of spatial Legibility as well. Concerning the research question of the impact of spatial Legibility on Social Interactions, the results showed that the components 1) individuation of path, node, edge, sign and landmarks, 2) the definition of spatial units, 3) the opportunity of reviewing the spatial comprehensiveness, 4) barriers and visual disturbances, 5) architecture components emphasizing routing, have the greatest role in social interaction. On the other hand, geometry and accessibility components, clear composition of structure and configuration have little effect on the formation of Social Interactions of this Residential Complex. Moreover, the results showed that the three-dimensional components of architecture (e. g. the prominence of indices such as a statue and fountain and the prominence of the views such as that of the mountains) have a more significant role in formation of Social Interactions in the Open Space of the Residential Complex compared to bi-dimensional component of architecture (such as the geometry of the environment). However, spatial Legibility in Open Space of Saeedieh Residential Complex has a relatively moderate effect on promoting interactions and Social Sustainability in this complex.


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    APA: Copy

    MOTALEBI, GHASEM, zarghami, Esmaiil, & SAADATI VAGHAR, POORIA. (2019). The Role of Open Space Legibility on Creating Social Interactions in Residential Complexes (Case Study: Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan). IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, 9(16 ), 139-156. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/250920/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MOTALEBI GHASEM, zarghami Esmaiil, SAADATI VAGHAR POORIA. The Role of Open Space Legibility on Creating Social Interactions in Residential Complexes (Case Study: Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan). IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM[Internet]. 2019;9(16 ):139-156. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/250920/en

    IEEE: Copy

    GHASEM MOTALEBI, Esmaiil zarghami, and POORIA SAADATI VAGHAR, “The Role of Open Space Legibility on Creating Social Interactions in Residential Complexes (Case Study: Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan),” IRANIAN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM, vol. 9, no. 16 , pp. 139–156, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/250920/en

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