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Comparison of spatial structure of historical contexts and new neighborhood development in order to find a suitable and desirable pattern for developing new context, is one of the significant issues of urban designers and planners that helps them to restore a positive pattern for development, and to prevent the formation of negative patterns of neighborhood development. In this regard, this paper studies the spatial structure of two historical contexts in Gorgan city andcompares them by using space syntax technique and its approach in physical structure and specially its street network. The results of this study, based on the space modeling indicators, shows that in the context of the Farhangian Town, the control, association and connection indicies on average are higher compared to the historical context, but is lower in the depth index. Therefore, it is clear that the historical context which has an organic structure, has a high internalization. Finally, the research findings can be used to design new urban developments.

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Today, providing housing as one of the most basic biological needs is of particular importance in social and economic development programs of societies. Providing housing, in particular suitable housing, in terms of providing comfort and well-being of humans, plays an important role in the lives of the people of the community. Following the increasing growth of urbanization caused by population growth and rural migration, and in the context of limited land resources and the lack of horizontal growth of cities, verticle development, called "high-rise", was considered. The development of this phenomenon without proper planning and lack of attention to issues such as texture and cultural factors in the interactive interiors of the habitat leads to the appearance of behaviors from the inhabitants, which disrupts and destroys the culture of residence. In this research, with the aim of reducing the effects of highrise on the lives of residents, especially residents of Shiraz, and with regard to the local concept of culture through the increase of residential culture, first, the most important components affecting the cultureof residence are identified by using library studies method and by reviewing literature. Then, using Delphi method, snowball sampling method was used. Furthermore, in order to find out the difference between the status quo and the expected situation, a 41-question questionnaire with a sample size of 110selected experts all familiar with the habitat culture in Shiraz was used to analyzethe components, and the factors related to physical need, safety and peace, social interaction, social identity, discipline and self-flourishing were analyzed. A better understanding of this difference was evident in the dispersion gap. Finally, by providing solutions to coordinate high-ranking officials with the specific culture of the city of Shiraz, the living conditions can be improved and an environment rich in vitality and tranquility can be provided.

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Urban public spaces, as an inclusive realm, are the spacefor the presence of all users. Despite this, several groups like women due to physical and social factors, are marginalized in this space. Therefore, this article intends to explore the issue of gendered space and define the different aspects of these spaces in the neighborhood scale. The hypothesis of this research has its root in the existence of a meaningful relation between structural and non-structural aspects of urban space and gendered space, which differs within various cultures. Analyzing the theories of gendered space shows that these kinds of spaces are made as the results of gendered activity and representation of space function. And these two criteria lead to the gendered space occupation, gendered time occupation, and gendered function-behavior occupation. In this article structural semiotics and post-structural semiotics were used to examine the different aspects of gendered space. A traditional neighborhood in Tehran – Imamzadeh Ali Akbar in Chizar neighborhood-was chosen as the case study of this research in order to investigate the representation of space and gender relation. Through semiotic method, the signifiers, the signified, and different codes were extracted through analyzing the analyze unit – which was the narrations of 30 women of the neighborhood space. The results of the analysis shows that the space within the house and its private territory is a secure feminine space, and the outside space is a masculine space. In other words, physical codes, besides functional codes (gendered activity) are in direct relation to the socio-cultural codes (representation of space function) and create nonappropriated spaces for women. Therefore, the markedness of space indicates various territories for presence and activity of women and men in urban spaces. This means that women’ s attitude towards their identity (from an individual, family, and social aspect) is due to the gendered space, and the dominated ideology and myth-making of a Traditional Woman.

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Evaluative image is the result of development in lynch’ s mental image concept, that has added "meaning" indicator to the two 'identity' and 'structure' components and therefore considers emotional aspects. The present research considers citizens evaluative image indicator of Quran Gate in shiraz area that contains a wide region of historical, natural, memorable and social features. This research is carried out by qualitative and case study. Citizens' evaluation of colored aerial photos of the area with regards to "likable" and "un-likable" areas was drawn by themselves. Also, a semi-structured and deep interview was carried out with each of them. Overall 53 citizens were randomly selected by considering the amount of familiarity with the area. The results were evaluated and analyzed by content analysis and critical deductive approach. The composite maps of graphic responses and content analysis of interviews show that "Hafez tomb" and "Jahan Nama garden" and "Quran gate and the area surrounding it" were respectively the likable places. The expressed indicators in interviews are respectively classifiable to "emotional reactions", "natural elements", "historical elements", "memorable", "appropriate urban management" and "social" factors. Unlikable areas in the final map are limited to "physical edges on urban street" and "Haftanan residential context". The content analysis of interviews shows that "weak urban management", "social issues", "mentality and bad memories" and "negative emotional reactions" are some of the reasons referred to about unlikable areas. Historical and natural elements didn't have any effect on preference and choosing unlikable places. Finally, suggestions and solutions are provided from two dimensions: 1) design and 2) physical and functional.

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SADEGHI ALIREZA | Mousavi Sarvine Baghi Elahe Sadat | KHODAEE ZAHRA

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Beauty stems from the nature of human existence and social life and therefore it is necessary for the welfare and progress of individuals and social life. Landscape aesthetic values of urban street spaces are different from the other values of the physical elements. Buildings and urban facades are considered as Environmental factors that affect the improvement of aesthetics and visual qualities in urban areas. In recent years, due to accelerated construction, this subject has been neglected. This has led to the creation of a uniform appearance in cities with no diversity and vitality in cities and consequently has increased the stress and turmoil of city residents. With the emergence of urban design, attention to the quality of people's lives has expanded, and the need for urban design process as a powerful tool for improving the quality of life has been taken into consideration. Urban design is an important aspect in this problem and the introduction of the standards and principles of aesthetics, has led to the creation of environmental quality in urban spaces. With this said, the main purpose of this paper is to find a urban design process which leads to Iranian-Islamic facades. The main question in this paper is, "what are the most important elements in the design process of urban facades? ". In order to answer these questions, it is assumed that these urban facades have emerged as a result of neglection and disregard towards urban design criteria. Therefore it is required to revise this process in order to recover fundamental issues that affect the facade design of public spaces. This paper uses library studies and descriptive-anaytical method. In this paper, the design process of urban facades in public spaces of the citu of Tehran (Kargar Street, Emam Street, Imam Khomeini Square, and Rah-Ahan Square) have been analyzed. Using this, a set of structures and principles are reached which can be utilized in the improvement of visual and aesthetic quality of urban facades in Iranian cities. Understanding, studying and analyzing the features of the place, preparing and providing urban design techniques, preparing policies and analyzing them are the main steps of this urban design process.

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Place attachment is at a higher level compared to sense of place. It results in the higher quality places and which people consider themselves part of and show respect to. Place attachment is the outcome of three factors: Individuals, Others and Environment. This sense includes the individual's perception of the environment, social variables such as symbols, signs and building body. It has different levels which are “ Satisfaction” , “ Preference” , “ Recognition” , “ Symbolism” , “ Attachment” , “ Interest” , and “ Commitment” . Jameh mosque of Isfahan is chosen as a specific case for studying place attachment in religious-historical buildings. This mosque is a masterpiece in Iran`s architecture. It has changed in the different eras but people still use it as a suitable place for worship. The methodology in this research is descriptive survey and different factors of place attachment are studied by using a questionnaire. The results show that Symbolism ranks first and Recognition has the lowest rank amongst the factors. Also, Preference is not an effective factor but a significant different can be observed regarding this factor amongst men and women's answer. Symbolism is realized as the most important factor among the educated and professional class.

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According to studies, Successful design of informal spaces (transitional spaces)in terms of environmental qualities is of great importance, both in voluntary and in social activities of users in school. The absence of essential qualities, leads to disrupted patterns of behavior. Hence, effective factors in the formation and the correct function of behavioral settings should be investigated to organize, plan and design learning environments. In this paper, we evaluate the role of environmental quality assessment components in transitional spaces in interactivity and eagerness to engage in activity. First, we have identified the environmental factors affecting the quality of behavioral environments and the reason for involving the concepts of behavioral-setting and place affordance in transitional spaces. Also, the formation of the hypothesis test conceptual model in accordance with David Canter theory of place is explained. To validate this conceptual model, the physical context of transitional spaces in elementary schools of the North East of Tehran are considered. This design of this research is based on correlation relationships and the investigation process is based on the combination of the quantitative and qualitative methods. Questionnaire, informal interviews and observations were used to collect data for hypothesis test and then analyzing with SPSS software. The results approve the clear relationship between environmental quality assessment components and promoting children's interactive behavior in learning environments. In conclusion, by establishing a balance between physical, functional andconceptual components of place, the environmental quality of the interactive place-behavior system in transitional spaces of learning environments can be improved.

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Following this awareness of users’ lost role after modern movement, some alternative proposals for architectural studio developed in recent decades to embrace real user have been systematically reviewed in order to prepare a basis for planning a more effective approach in training architectural students. In this research, these are put in four categories: Idealistic Approach, Professional Approach, Participatory Approach and Specialist Research Approach. Then, a graduation studio program is introduced that has been designed under the forth mentioned type of new approaches. This studio method has been proposed to approach subjectivity of user and designer based on practical research about the ideal environment. This method was executed in the rural environment of Ilam and its results are presented here. In this method visual subjectivity expectations (identity) have been studied, but also all the people life details have been investigated in a regular structure. To have a systematic process for the project, a tri-fold model (developed by the authors) has been used to explore factors of subjectivity. It includes three axis (experience time, personal experience, experiencing) for exploring identity factors. In this research, 32 details have been investigated in three different conditions: First, physical absolute factors; second, the factors formed between the body and the social-behavioral facts; third, social-behavioral absolute factors. For each of the conditions, examples of projects done by graduate students of architecture have been shown. Finally, some housing designs by student based on identity factors have been presented.

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In the present study, the effect of legibility of open spaces in residential complexes on social interactions of residents is examined. In fact, the study seeks to answer this question: "What relationship are established between the physical dimensions of the legibility and social interactions in the open space of the residential complexes and how this happens, and also what components and to what extent are effective in this regard? " It is assumed that the legibility of spaces between buildings, as the physical quality of the human-made environment, has a significant relationship with social interactions in the residential space to turn into a capability for creating dynamic, vigorous, and vibrant residential complexes. Regarding this, descriptive-analytic research was selected to examine the role of legibility in social interactions using indices derived from theoretical foundations. The data collection system in the social domain is through questionnaire. The population was the residents (2700 people) of Saeedieh Residential Complex, Hamedan and 210 questionnaires were distributed amongst them. Of the distributed questionnaires, 81 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis after refining and deleting the defective questionnaires. Statistical analysis of these questionnaires was done in SPSS and using variance analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise linear regression. The hypothesis testing showed a significant relationship between the components of social interaction-types of mutual interaction, interaction with the site and the type of relationship in the residential complex. This significance is observed among the most of the components of spatial legibility as well. Concerning the research question of the impact of spatial legibility on social interactions, the results showed that the components 1) individuation of path, node, edge, sign and landmarks, 2) the definition of spatial units, 3) the opportunity of reviewing the spatial comprehensiveness, 4) barriers and visual disturbances, 5) architecture components emphasizing routing, have the greatest role in social interaction. On the other hand, geometry and accessibility components, clear composition of structure and configuration have little effect on the formation of social interactions of this residential complex. Moreover, the results showed that the three-dimensional components of architecture (e. g. the prominence of indices such as a statue and fountain and the prominence of the views such as that of the mountains) have a more significant role in formation of social interactions in the open space of the residential complex compared to bi-dimensional component of architecture (such as the geometry of the environment). However, spatial legibility in open space of Saeedieh Residential Complex has a relatively moderate effect on promoting interactions and social sustainability in this complex.

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Optimization of form and structure have always been challenging for civil engineers and architects. In this regard, most natural (biological) materials of which mechanical properties are often outstand, are inspiring. One of these materials is the bone. The structure of the bone is like a helix. In this article, the helix structure of the bone is analyzed to understand the mechanism of carrying its imposed load. According to the analyzes, in order to optimize structure of a truss column, this structure by different degrees of orientation is designed. After this, the structures are analyzed by modeling these structures in SAP2000 software. According to the movement of the structure, the study concludes that in some degrees of orientation the helix column is more optimized than conventional columns. In other words, the weight of the helix column is less than conventional columns and therefore needs less material and is optimized from an economic perspective.

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Arab bazaar of Ahvaz city is located in the vicinity of the downtown bazaar and on the sidelines of Karun River. The bazaar's physical structure is formed by the shops and commercial units around an axis. The bazaar users are mostly Arabs and their behavior relate to the patterns in this bazaar. These behavior patterns are extracted from the Arab bazaar in Ahvaz city. These patterns are not correspondent with the physical structure of the bazaar and therefore lead to irregularity and disturbances in this bazaar. Most of these disturbances are because of changes in the bazaar's physical structure. This change in the primary structure has expanded to the internal boundaries of bazaar and is formed based on the informal structure inside of the formal structure. The informal structure is very different from the formal structure. Hence, the main question is, how the user's behavior patterns can be synonymous with the physical structure? To answer this question, the Arab bazaar's physical structure and business behavior of the users were considered with systematic approach, and each were examined in 3 levels of the bazaar. The bazaar's physical structure was examined with a survey and descriptive methods. Also, user's behavior was studied with performance zone model and ethnographic method. The observation and recording of behavior was done based on the relationships between the two roles of "buyer" and "seller". With this, current behavior pattern were extracted. The patterns of these behaviors were classified in three categories: the relationship between the buyer and the buyer, the buyer with the seller and the seller with seller. Each of these behavioral patterns lead to changes in the physical structure of the market and has formed an informal structure. The design guides are in 3 levels, based on the findings regarding the traits creating the informal structure and its impact on market structure. First, the behaviors' forms and their patterns are examined for testing of the design guideline. Then their impact is checked on the physical structure. Finally, rules, norms, measures in design guideline are tested for assessing proportionalte physical structure with regards to behavioral patterns. The design guidelines can be used as a controller in the design process and control outputs of the design process based on behavioral patterns.

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Handicraft selling is an inseparable part of the tourism industry and is considered an invisible part of exports, showing the tangible cultural features of the country to tourists. The packaging, as the outermost layer of handicraft, is a crucial factor of the product's quality. The packaging should have cultural aspects, be relevant to its content and also have a high quality. Since the packaging is a tool used to introduce the products in a correct manner, and also plays to stimulate the consumers, it is an important factor in the economic growth of tourism. As a result, the packaging should have appropriate information and visual quality in order to encourage the consumer to buy it. In this research, different parts of visual qualities and informative aspects of handicrafts industry packaging has been investigated. The aim of this work is to determine the most important features of the packaging for tourists in Isfahan. Also, we are after determining weaknesses and strengths of packaging design. The questionnaire method is used for this and they are handed out to tourists to used to obtain information. Statistical analysis is carried out by (SPSS) and (SmartPLS) software. The results show tourists only considered the color and size of packaging as having average acceptability. Other visual aspects such as innovation, shape, design and all informative features did not satisfy their expectations. The results demonstrates the relative priority of the visual aspects to informative features. The other important parameters in order are are graphic design, packaging type, size, color, innovation and shape. Furthermore, using international language, the font size and type, and providing appropriate information based on the type of the product are the other expectations.

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Urban planning of the 20th century is replete with theories and techniques that are associated with ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions of positivism; in fact, the urban planning before the last years of the 1970’ s is the heritage of the dominant positivist and modernist rationality. In 1960s and 1970s the structuralism’ s influence on planning theory decreased the dominance of modernism, and this transformation gradually resulted in a paradigm shift and the prevalence of Post-structuralism and postmodernism in the theory and practice of urban planning. This paper aims to explain the theoreticalroots and the principles of post-structuralism in urban planning. The method of this research is the systematic review of the literature, done by reviewing over 130 related works in fields such as philosophy, physics, geography, etc. We explore the qualities and assumptions of positivism and structuralism in urban planning and explain their affinity for the absolute space and linear time, and for naturalist tradition; as opposed to relational time-space in interpretive tradition. Thispaperproceeds to explore the development of post-structuralism, and its rootedness in process philosophy and process metaphysics. The findings of this research show that the "ontology of becoming" is the primarytheoretical root of post-structuralism in urban planning. We define and explain the five critical principles of post-structuralism in urban planning which include the relational time-space, the complexity of urban and spatial elements, the multiplicity of urban problems (integration of immanent and transcendent planes), pluralism and agonistic planning (agonizing over consensus).

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